Wednesday 3 July 2024

Whats On Your Worktop Wednesday!#787

      Hello Wednesday People! It's time to play Whats on your worktop Wednesday! Was I here last week? I can't remember,  as I was away. Back home now, but still sorting everything out and making a mess in the proseeds....(proseeds?? Funny word. I wonder if they'll grow if you plant them...) Oh! I mean, process! (sorry, I'm dyslexic, ) Over the last weekend the van stopped as I was picking up Lola! Luckily her owner got Lola and me home so I could use my car, only for the car to do the same thing EEEK! Anyway RAC called. Van needed a new battery. All sorted!

  This week my desk is everywhere~and I mean everywhere! But mainly in the kitchen, including the floor, easier for multiple clean ups!!

     My fingers are black with paint, glue and ink, because I'm doing Ceri The Crafter's #Gelypostcardplay for the whole of July...will I do it? Will I make 31 geliprinted postcards??? Will I heck! Who know!? We'll just have to wait and see! Above, I was using two large sheets of some kind of really nice strong tissue paper, which came with an Amazon package. I'm going to stamp on it later... not sure what it will do, as I have no idea what I'm doing...just having fun!

Here's some of Mondays and yesterday 'pulls' I'm just using what I can find to make patterns and odd shapes.

Just enough room to get to the cookie jar and the kettle! I've finished day 3 on #GelyPostCardPlay, so will  (have\posed that above) post that later, now to start card number 4... or even 5! Well, at least I had something to show this week! Join in WOYWW Over at sarahscraftshed and join in with Ceri's Geli print fun Challence by Googling #GelyPostCardPlay... More things to come today I hope! Must get cracking! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. What a glorious, fun & colourful mess! Looking forward to seeing what you create with all your wonderful pulls. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #8,

  2. One day I will use my Gelli plate ! No drying space on the floor though ... glad you got the van battery sorted. Happy woyww Helen #2

  3. That's what crafting is all about - having fun!
    I made some Dinkles (like Brushos) backgrounds the other day. Hands and nails not recovered as yet (still green) but boy oh boy I had fun. Now I can't use the for the purpose so hey ho - I had fun!
    Hugs, Neet 12 xx
    ps love Lola, sorry about the van

  4. Cars always know the most difficult time to break down but at least it's fixed now. I love using the Gel plate but don't get it out very often as once I start playing I don't know when to stop and end up with paper everywhere Lol! Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

  5. Oh, how much fun are you having! Lots!! I love gel printing and the results can be used in so many neat ways. I'm still sorting out my last batch! Oh, the cars...that must have been so frustrating! Lola is very cute...Have a wonderful week, Lindart #14

  6. Some fabulous gelli pulls there Lyn so very much worth the mess. Glad you got the van sorted - they are a pain when they go wrong aren't they. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  7. Wonderful colourful crafting! Best of luck with the challenge, I think I will just check it out😊
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  8. Wonderful colourful crafting! Best of luck with the challenge, I think I will just check it out😊
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  9. OMG What a glorious colourful array on your desk. And a cute doggo to boot. I am (of course) now a bit cat obsessed due to Poppy, but once I was a total dog-person. Looking forward to some pst card shares. I so wish he had done it in Aug, when my month is clear rather than July. I might just do that on my own!
    Late AGAIN - the day got away from me
    Mary Anne (3)


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