Friday 26 July 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay, #Cerithecrafter, card number 26-Raining Cats and Dogs...

Yay! Thank Crunchy, it's Friday... even tho' every day feels the same to me! One long tunnel of light and dark, light and dark but it's nice to know I've reached the end of the week in one piece! Luckily yesterdays 'Sporting Advent', was rained off, which was a good thing really, I couldn't imagine the occupants of the care home, running the egg and spoon race or the three legged race while trying to manhandle their walking or zimmer frames! (Still, we had a really lovely lunch and Lola got loads of cuddles and tip bits)


 Here's my next card, number 26 in #Gelypostcardplay, hosted by #cerithecrafter. Of course this isn't the card I planned to do, but never mind, this one's here now, and it's slowly starting to grow on me. (What? Like a wort?) It was the blue post card, with spots and dashes and droplets and rings decorating it,  that made me change my mind. I immediately thought....rain. I knew where an umbrella die-cut was, which was a good start, then I stenciled some more 'rain drops' in a purple metallic paint... (Purple rain?) ummm, I think I've put them upside down! So, then I die-cutted a few more larger ones and added them too. My Stamperia rub-on sheet, left over from yesterday, was suddenly found to be stuck to my foot! So they were ruined...well...I still used them! 


  The writing on one of the rub-ons mentions a black cat sooooo....I come up with the idea of raining cats and dogs. The brightly coloured sticker cats I've  had, forever, too cute to use, I've even got a rubber stamp of one of the same cats, so that was it, I knew I had some party dogs I could cut out, and as you can see, only three turned up, coz you know dogs, if it's raining they'd rather stay in and party than go out, unless of course, it stops raining and there's mud... (ask me how I know!)

Well that's about it! I typed out the words, die-cut the number on black card and coloured it with the same purple metallic paint. No: 26 for #gelypostcardplay, done! See you tomorrow for number 27! Thank you for stopping by.

Always Freebies for you! Spyder's mess

You might be able to play with this. It's just what was a Geliprint that got bombarded with all sorts, including, stenciling and a lot of stamping, (practising you see) I thought I'd add this here as I know I'm going to be very late with this weeks normal freebie. I've just callled it, Spyder's Mess, coz my home at the moment is a mess!!! 

They're both the same, the second one I fiddled with on my laptop. Just click and save. Cut down to size they should make good backgrounds for ATCs. Just click and save. A comment would be lovely! Thanks for popping by.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Gelypostcardplay-25-We're All Mad Here...

Evening Crafty People! I'm late, I'm late!~For a very important date! Yes, you've guessed it! Alice in Wonderland! Today's been so busy I feel like I really have fallen down a rabbit hole! I'm here again with postcard No: 25 of

Wednesday 24 July 2024

#GelyPostcardPlay,Card Number 24-Snakes and ladders


 Hello crafty people. I'm a bit late again...went to the beach this afternoon instead of doing this card! So here it is, Card number 24 for Cerithecrafter's July challenge #GelyPostcardPlay, I got the idea, while going through some of the 'What's On Your Worktop Wednesday blogs.' first thing this morning, I spied a ICAD... I have no idea what the difference is, they look about the same size, my brain was away with the fairies, and I couldn't come up with anything else that I 'thought' I could do quick... so, Snakes and Ladders it is!

I started off with a dark blueish swirly/stencily patterny card, then cut up about a dozen little squares from lots of different geli-plate pulls, edged them in black, found my Sizzix 'little Sizzles' adhesive assorted colour strips, and die cut loads of numbers. The snake was a freebie download years ago, from Dustin Pike and the ladders were also a magazine 'Handyman' download from the retired PaperCraft Inspirations from about 2010! I keep everything!

I'm going to back this card onto a stronger card as it's a bit bendy...and still quite glue-y, then maybe go over it with some Decopatch. I'm really liking that better than Mod Podge, even though I still want to call that plodge modge.

That's it for today! Go and have a look on YouTube, for the #GelyPostcardPlay challenge. There's some amazing makes full of inspiration! I will be late tomorrow as I'm going off to a sports do and taking little Lola with me...I'll take the doggy pushchair to save her little legs! Thank you for stopping by!

So? Whats On Your Work Top This Wednesday!? #790

 Happy WOYWW peoples! It's another Wednesday trip around the Blogland world visiting other crafty people. Pop over to sarahs craft shed  to find out more. I'm still spread everywhere, mostly in the kitchen, although, I can now see a small space in my craft room...but that's not usable for Gelliprinting! No room to roll that roller up and down and sideways! I'm still playing Ceri The Crafter's July Challenge #gelypostcardplay, and am in the middle of doing No 24...Ummm, still deciding on the colour of the card! So not really starting at all!

These are the cards I have left to decorate, to chose from....I really think I should do some more, these look a bit..blurrrrrph, want something a bit more, zingy!! Short post today! Busy busy busy!!! Pop over to Sarahs craft shed! and join in the fun! By for now!

Tuesday 23 July 2024

#Gelypostcardplay number 23 number

**I have an update, I can never stop fiddling, to Number 23, listed below. Above is the new picture with the flower coloured in with a red Promarker and a green Posca pen on the stem. I think it looks better but then I guess I'm bias. Below is how it used to look...and, I've got that black chip off of Kevin's shoulder too!


  Evening crafty people. I'm a bit late but I have mowed the lawn and trimmed the hedge today and just in time for the garden bin man! Here's my, umm-er?? 23rd Postcard for Cerithecrafter's July challenge #GelyPostcardPlay, Number 23... I'm not sure what I was thinking! Still, I think it turned out nice in the end...(it stopped raining anyway!)

I started off with an orange, swirly, stenciled card...Then stuck a large No: 2 and a small No: 3 in the top right hand corner...mmm?? Then for some reason I covered that corner again, with a napkin tissue, which had a masked-out hand made flower on it after I'd pressed it on my Geliplate. It was mostly stained, black and grey and ripped...and the leaves looked like a big black arrow, which you can't really see now, because I covered the bottom of it with Kevin, the R.a.c. man. I've been sent a few leaflets since the Van stopped with a completely dead battery a few weeks back. Kevin's got his thump up, so I made it look like he was holding the flower...Then I started looking for another number 23 and couldn't make up my mind which one to use...

So I used them all...For some reason there'd been a small pumpkin on the hall table for about a week... Oohh, thinks me. That's  Orange; so, hoping Kevin would forgive me for chopping his legs off... I stuck the pumpkin over his lower half. Then  I found the word 'Happy'. Why stick that on? I have no idea. Seconds later I said to myself, I don't like it, so wrote that on  the card...Then I really didn't like it! Gotta cover that up, I thought! and then, the song, 'Oh happy Day' came into my head. So I typed that out, along with 'I picked this for you' and fixed them in place. Doodled more scribbly bits with my new Posco pens including the music notes. Coated it all in Decopach, edged it all in black and Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, and we won't mention, second cousin Cyril, not on a Tuesday anyway.

So there we have it. Postcard No 23, for #cerithecrafter's #gelypostcardplay, done! Thank you to Ceri for creating this challenge, it's been really fun! Only a few more cards to go! And thank you for stopping by!! See you tomorrow! (Will there be a freebie Lyn???....Oh. Yes I think so!! But maybe not... ) who said that?

It's a late cuppa for T on Tuesday!!

 Oops! It's Tuesday and Time for Tea over at Elizabeth and Bleubeard's Alteredbooklover. Well, as you can see, same ol' same or breakfast, including of course a small pot of tea (a cold mug of tea) Elderberry and lemonaid tea cold drink, warmed chocolate chipped bun, boiled egg, with froggy just peeking over my mixed cereal with fruit. In the background crafting is still  going on. To the side an old magazing that I'm havesting pictures out of.  

Now dinner was a bit different... A toasted Naan bread,  serve up with a Thai red Chicken curry and Jamine rice. I don't usually dump it on the place, but the saucepan was hot! I normailly make a circle of rice, which is what you;re meant to do to stop all the curry flowing over the edge of your plate! Honest, it tastes so much nicer than it looks! Today I managed to trim the hedge and cut both the front and back lawns. They're only little, but I'm still giving myself 5 stars for that. Pop over to Elizabeths to see what's going on over the pond! It's somebody's birthday! Off now to finish today's #gelyplaypostcard! coming up next!!!  Thank you for stopping by!

Monday 22 July 2024

#gelypostcardplay , Number catch 22 Back again with another post card

Here's another postcard for CeriTheCrafter's July challenge, #Gelypostcardplay. This is number 22, which I've called Catch 22 and yes, I did fussy-cut 22 little fishies out from a geli-paint pull, which had a few  stencils added, including little teardrops or rain drops or drips, which, to my very small brain could all become something else!

So out came my new Posco pens, and I turned those little 'drip's into fish. I had a bit of luck with the sunset, even though it was in blue, as the edge under the sun where the roller caught it, looked like a distance sea scope. So I had to use it. There was going to be a small light house too, but I thought better of it.

The actually sea is strips of scrap card, smudged with ink and die-cut using some long cloud dies, turned the other way up, so to look like waves. They are only stuck down at the bottom, to give room to poke the little teardrop fish into. The crab was also stamped onto a geli-paint sheet, as too, the sign he holds and the 'sand' at the bottom. 

There's also a tissue seahorse. He's sort of yellowy, with bits of red but he's soooo thin, he's blended in with the seaweed! Then last, but not least and in my view, is the Pièce de Résistance. The red onion net! That's stretched all the way around trapping all 22 fish; then backed onto another postcard. Job done! Tomorrow look out for number 23. I haven't a clue what I'm going to do for that! Thank you for stopping by! I think I might enter some ...



 The term gained currency as the title of a 1961 war novel by Joseph Heller, who actually wanted to called the novel, Catch 18. He referred to an Air Force rule whereby a pilot continuing to fly combat missions without asking for relief is regarded as insane, but is considered sane enough to continue flying if he does make such a request. Hence, Catch 22.

P.S. nothing to do with fish! 


T Stands for Tuesday

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