Tuesday 2 July 2024

Its time For T Stands For Tuesday!


Sorry, I nearly missed T for Tuesday! I've been very busy doing, stuff, and as you can see, I'm crafting in the kitchen again!  Can't put it away as it's (hopefully) a whole months worth of making #GelyPostcardsPlay, for Ceri The Crafters challenge!  Last week, I don't think I was here, as I was house/dog, sitting but I did take a picture of my Icecream soda, and treble chocolate cookie. I had to have some, as the icecream was beginning to melt! 
They've got a really posh kettle with toaster to match!
I also had to pop into their neighbours house to feed their cat. She was very friendly, and  her name was Maud. Could've done with a brush though! Think I may have told you that.

It was really hot last week, I did nip home to water my flowers
 all along the walls...next week I'm adding more pots...

to the front of the house...and...
not forgetting the Lillies...and...

...did I show you my latest Dog and Bone Teapot and cup? Well, I have now! Hope you've all had a great T for Tuesday. Catch up with you all later! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Seems I'm even later than you, Lyn. At least this week I checked!!

    I'm not a fan of the gel plate, but I would love to see what you create, as it might get me excited to use mine.

    Your breakfast looks quite good and it appears you have two drinks to share there.

    I am impressed with your amazing wall of plants. I love how everything is arranged so beautifully. I hope to see what you add to your wall and the rest of your garden.

    Maud definitely needs a good brushing, but she is a pretty cat.

    That's another great teacup and teapot for one. And another drink you shared, too.

    Thanks for catching us up on what is going on in your world right now and for the various drinks you shared with us for T this week, dear Lyn.

  2. Thank you Elizabeth! I will get round to everyone asap! I'm burning the candle, as they say, at both ends...something I often did when blogging every day years back, but not so easy now...falling asleep on my laptop, is not fun...it makes a very noisy beeeeep beeeep!! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. You've been busy. Your flowers are gorgeous and your puppy cup and teapot very cute. They'd be cuter with cats 😺😉Happy T Day

  4. Oh those flowers are gorgeous! They have also reminded me that I must get my act together and buy some flowers for my patio pots. I have been away traveling for more than a month and in May before I left it was still quite cold (and there was nobody to water them in my absence).
    Happy T-Day,

  5. I am even later! LOL That is an adorable Dog and Bone Teapot and cup. It does sound like you have been busy. Even though it is late, I thought I would stop by, because I hadn't joined the t-party for over a month. I had to see what everyone was doing! Hugs.


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T Stands for Tuesday

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