Saturday 6 July 2024

Ceri's GelyPostCardPlayChallenge #6

 Yay! I'm still doing Ceri the Crafters #GelyPostCardPlay Challenge. I wanted to do 'The Prisoner' for number 6. I am not a number, I am a free man...Who is Number One? I am number two. You are Number 6...etc!  A 1966-68 TV series filmed in Portmeirion, Wales. The coloured houses at the bottom are meant to portray 'The Village'. The circles are supposed to look a bit like those bubbles that chased Patrick McGoohan across the beach if he tried to get away. I stamped some numbers on the card, but they went a bit smudgy, so added some silver sticker numbers too. The badge I've had for years and was quite pleased when it suddenly turned up, so I could use it! All the papers I've used are what I've geli-printed 'specially for this challenge (I didn't really have any before!) Have visited The 'Village', a couple of times, many years ago. Well worth a visit.

So, that's my card number 6 for the #GelyPostcardPlay challenge. It looked so much better in my head! but as least I'm getting quicker at making them. Still create the same mess though! That's it for today! Scroll down to see my other postcards in the challenge and of course, this weeks Freebie! If no one downloads it, 'they' will take it down. If that happens, just email me! Thank you for stopping by!

Friday 5 July 2024

This is #GelyPostCardPlay #5 The One with The Pink Tissue

 I don't believe it! Five days of making #GelyPostcardPlay!! The fact the sink's full of dishes, the washing machine needs empting and the lawn and hedges need cutting, won't get a mention... the floor's a bit dodgy though... This is #5, it started off as two pinky geliprints ripped in half, with the wavy half stuck over the line/rings  one. I added bits of other things, but didn't like them. I was also still trying to use a spring time tissue over a variety of different painted postcards, but they all looked rubbish! I did try my best to revamp'll be number seven if I use it...the others got binned! I learnt the lesson to use light colour under tissue, so, with the pink not working for me as it was, I chose this humming bird tissue to cover it... and very gentle placed it over the pink card....

 It's a bit wrinkly, but soooo much better than the spring flowers card I binned and the spring flowers card I'm calling #7-if I use it! I added extra tissue butterflies and some more words, so haven't added any other words this time. I lined it all the way round with some tiny patterned silver stickers, and painted, very carefully with cosmic shimmer onto the butterflies wings.

 That's number 5 done! I have a busy weekend ahead, actually, I'm very busy right up until Tuesday Afternoon, so I hope I don't get too far behind with this #GelyPostCardPlay. Guess I'd better go and do the washing up now! Thank you for stopping by.

This Weeks Wednesday Freebie...On a Friday!

 I didn't think I'd have time to do a freebie this week, but... welllllllll here I am two' o clock in the morning with these Spotty Toadstools. Haven't done Toadstools in ages, so  I hope you like them! GO HERE to download and don't forget to comment! I've also done a coloured one on the laptop. GO HERE to download that too.The  Coloured one will be a little bit different, cos I put the watermark over it and forgot to save I had to colour it again. Coming up later should be #GelypostCardPlay 5. Thank you for stopping by! 

   #Gelypostcardplay1 #Gelypostcardplay2  #Gelypostcardplay3 #Gelypostcardplay4

Thursday 4 July 2024

GelyPostCardPlay #4-Challenge along with Ceri

   Morning Crafty Peoples. I'm here again with #4 of CeritheCrafter's July challenge #GelyPostCardPlay. As I type this, I have no idea what the postcard will look like! I'm thinking of a night sky! I have a bluey print and a black print... Well, I'd better go  make it!!

And! Hours later... here it is. The black was too dark, so I cut the 'ground' out of that, one of the blues was a bit too wishy-washy, so I cut the fox and the rabbit out of that. Then the second pull on the black made that sort of speckled effect, so I used that and added more white dots. I wanted to add a moon. I found the die set, but the moon was missing-then I realised there wasn't really enough room, and it would've been too big anyway. So, forget the moon! I stamped the number 4 onto another scrap of geli paper and then added 'moon beam circles' with some  shimmer paint through a stencil. The plastic purple dotty thing  under the card in the second picture, was from the £1 shop... I use it to add textured dots, it's really a cat or dog licking plate. So that's #gelipostcardplay number 4 done!  On to number 5!  Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 3 July 2024

GelyPostCardPlay #3

 I don't actually believe it...I've made it to number 3.... Here's my latest #GelyPostCardPlay, joining in with Ceri's challenge!  Now, someone tell me!??? What's the difference from a ICAD and a Post Card!? Maybe I could join in with a ICAD challenge too!

This is one of my messy work tops...there's at least three more!

I wanted to add a clock or watch stamp, but couldn't find one  I liked... so used this compass instead... I think it still...'works'! I've used lots of different paint, bubble wrap, cardboad stripes, a white and black pen, and diecuts and a sticker #3. The words were typed on my laptop. Also  join in with the fun at #pmartistsstudio.  That's it for now. Here's Cerithecrafters number 3. Thank you for stopping by!

Whats On Your Worktop Wednesday!#787

      Hello Wednesday People! It's time to play Whats on your worktop Wednesday! Was I here last week? I can't remember,  as I was away. Back home now, but still sorting everything out and making a mess in the proseeds....(proseeds?? Funny word. I wonder if they'll grow if you plant them...) Oh! I mean, process! (sorry, I'm dyslexic, ) Over the last weekend the van stopped as I was picking up Lola! Luckily her owner got Lola and me home so I could use my car, only for the car to do the same thing EEEK! Anyway RAC called. Van needed a new battery. All sorted!

  This week my desk is everywhere~and I mean everywhere! But mainly in the kitchen, including the floor, easier for multiple clean ups!!

     My fingers are black with paint, glue and ink, because I'm doing Ceri The Crafter's #Gelypostcardplay for the whole of July...will I do it? Will I make 31 geliprinted postcards??? Will I heck! Who know!? We'll just have to wait and see! Above, I was using two large sheets of some kind of really nice strong tissue paper, which came with an Amazon package. I'm going to stamp on it later... not sure what it will do, as I have no idea what I'm doing...just having fun!

Here's some of Mondays and yesterday 'pulls' I'm just using what I can find to make patterns and odd shapes.

Just enough room to get to the cookie jar and the kettle! I've finished day 3 on #GelyPostCardPlay, so will  (have\posed that above) post that later, now to start card number 4... or even 5! Well, at least I had something to show this week! Join in WOYWW Over at sarahscraftshed and join in with Ceri's Geli print fun Challence by Googling #GelyPostCardPlay... More things to come today I hope! Must get cracking! Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 2 July 2024

GelyPostCardPlay No 2

  Morning, (afternoon and evening! ) It's Ceri The Crafters, #GelyPostCardplay number Two!!  I've never done anything like this before, and because I'm very new to Gely printing, I don't really have all the stuff, so I'm covering my post cards (6x4 bits of card) with anything I can fine, including shop till recepts! (See last Week) and loads of paint then using whatever I can find to make patterns etc. 

This one I just used different shades of green, including a metallic one and then used some raffia, squiggled across the gely plate, so when I pulled the sheet off it looked a bit like roads...I then just diecut everything else out of all the other bits of gelyplate painty sheets I'd made over the weekend. The wording I did on my laptop. It's not too bad! I hate the Deadend sign...I shoulda made that smaller ...well, so far so good...That's number 2 done. That's now to start number three... thank you for stopping by!

Its time For T Stands For Tuesday!


Sorry, I nearly missed T for Tuesday! I've been very busy doing, stuff, and as you can see, I'm crafting in the kitchen again!  Can't put it away as it's (hopefully) a whole months worth of making #GelyPostcardsPlay, for Ceri The Crafters challenge!  Last week, I don't think I was here, as I was house/dog, sitting but I did take a picture of my Icecream soda, and treble chocolate cookie. I had to have some, as the icecream was beginning to melt! 
They've got a really posh kettle with toaster to match!
I also had to pop into their neighbours house to feed their cat. She was very friendly, and  her name was Maud. Could've done with a brush though! Think I may have told you that.

It was really hot last week, I did nip home to water my flowers
 all along the week I'm adding more pots...

to the front of the house...and...
not forgetting the Lillies...and...

...did I show you my latest Dog and Bone Teapot and cup? Well, I have now! Hope you've all had a great T for Tuesday. Catch up with you all later! Thank you for stopping by!

Monday 1 July 2024

Gelypostcard -july Challence with Ceri The Crafter. Number 1 Postcard

 Hahha...I can hear you, you'll never do it Lyn, well I know, but the fact is, I want to. So, what am I on about?  Ceri The Crafter is doing a Post Card a day for the whole of July...using GelPlate/s. 


Go ahead and Google, #Gelypostcardplay and you should find loads of video's, as there's loads of people taking part. The link above has links to other Youtubers. So, yes... I've spent all day making a lovely painty mess! Most people took about five mimutes to do theirs!

I had that problem, with the paper sticking to the paint again, so have decided it works better with the lighter weight copy paper 80gsm and not the heavier weight I use to print my backing papers on. 

 I had paint, everywhere, even the floor had a dose of it! Yep, I dropped the bubblewrap on the floor and then trod on it. But in the end I managed to do, postcard number #1 (only another 30 to go...!)

I used some different shades of pink and red in metallic, dyna, and transparent acrylic, added patterns using stencils, which you can't really see. I covered some tissue paper that had some gold printed dragonflies on it, so that's where the idea came to use more dragonsflies. (Also covered the card with decopatch) I stamped the images on more of the geliplate painted sheets. One of them was embossed with gold and heatset. I also added a bit of random stamping with paint and vintage photo. Used a specimen diecut, also cut from more of the geliprinted paper, but this time I used some washi tape for the inside image, Then fixed that on with a 3D foam square. Finished off with a few labels and of course, the number One.  Phew! Even if I don't do anymore, I have a load of very colourful geliprinted papers that I didn't have before! Thank you for stopping by!


T Stands for Tuesday

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