Wednesday 21 February 2024

What's On Your Worktop this week?? #768 Lunch bag tags


 Good Morning WOYWWers! It's Wednesday, so here's what's on my worktop this week. Nip over to Stamping Ground and join in!  Yes, I'm in my craftroom doing a bit of 'bit sticking'

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm still tidying up... I don't think I'll ever get everything in my craftroom in its own home, but I can but try. I was looking for raffia earlier, behind the door in a bag. wasn't there...It has a new home. Where!? So I get bored and find a 'bit' of paper that's too 'nice' to throw out and usually, if it's small, I find a space in one of my mini journals to stick it. Yesterday I found a brown snack bag, one of many, gifted to me by a fellow woywwer many years ago and...yes, some bits and spent an hour (or two) playing with them.
I also tried out that new clamp thingy on my phone and wasn't sure it was filming... it's not edited, out of shot at times and just me waffling to me, myself and I.
(John would out his head round the door and ask if I was talking to him or Mr Jinx the cat. Well, seeing they're both in Heaven I think I must've been talking to myself forever!)The day will come when the men in white coats will be knocking at the door.
I have two bargains of the I showed yesterday, a little trolly, bought from Aldi for £12.99. (comes in black or white) Slightly smaller than my others but still very useful and seen here hosting books I found for 'cutting up' or gluing and a box of crafty ephemera. 

 And, there's more. This zipped journal in pale blue faux leather/suede, never used from a charity shop for £1.50. I'm going to do something to partially cover the front...not sure what yet.

 I've been watching a few YouTube videos that have given me loads of ideas and inspiration... but you'd need to be a millionaire to be able to afford all the crafty stuff they use!

And's a picture of the finished bag with tags... it didn't turn out too bad, seeing I had no plan to make it at all... and the tidying up? ah well, there's always another day... Have a great WOYWW day, Thank you for stopping by!
 Ps a link to Ceri the Crafters Video from last year. It gave me the idea on how to use these bags! 


  1. I always lose things if I put them in safe places, lol! I think your collages are great, there’s been a few shown on the desks today - I really love them but don’t have the knack myself sadly!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx
    PS With the amount I talk to myself in the JanCave, the blokes in white coats will be coming for me too! X

    1. Hi! Thank you. I will get better at filming, it just takes my brain a long time to figger things out! And you did get put into spam again! (But I Found you!) Keep on crafting but keep those men in white coats at bay!

  2. I think we all talk to ourselves.... you've had a good week and the trolley is very useful. Happy woyww Helen #2

  3. LOL! Your blog is always a particular treat. You make me smile and your lovely projects inspire me. I talk to myself ALL the time - drives the Hubster crazy, as we are both home all day, he thinks I am talking to him when I'm not. Between talking to myself and talking to the Cat, I am always babbling.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

    1. Thank you Mary Anne your blog always gives me inspiration too! And babbling to myself keeps me a little bit sain or maybe it doesn't, but I will always chatter away.

  4. The arranging and rearranging seem to take me forever! The blue book was a great find and a good price too. You have got me hooked on Ceri the Crafter. I liked how he did his masterboard with book paper and then made ephemera with it. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

    1. Yes, I've been hooked for about 18 months now. Found him when I was in my really dark place after hubby passed and I was looking for something new to do. Ceri is easy to listen to and gets on with it! and covers loads of different topics. I got my geli-print because of him.

  5. Looks like you've been busy. Love the new trolley and what a great price too. The tag and it's holder turned out so good. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x11x.

    1. So pleased with my new trolly. I have a few now, Its just so easy to wheel them out into the hall, so's to give me more space in the craft room.

  6. There's nothing worse than thinking you know where something is only to find it's been moved or put somewhere safe Lyn. Love that trolley - will have to have a look in Aldi! The bag looks fantastic decorated like that too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  7. Your collages are beautiful. The trolley and the journal were great bargains.
    If I put things away in a safe place, they go into some black hole. It’s why I secure my crochet hooks to my work with a glasses ‘chain’ and a stitch marker.
    Hope your raffia turns up soon.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 16 xx

    1. Yes I agree! I think there is an invisable black hole in my carft room where things disappear! ... I haven't found the raffia yet!

  8. Oh goodness it wasn't the lovely Sian from High In the Sky was it?? I found my lunchbags the other day that she sent me many moons ago to make a mini book with. So many plans, so little time. At least you've used the bags now and to great effect! Lisa-Jane #9

  9. I am absolutely in love with your bag! I so enjoy working with brown paper bags and kraft paper. I used to do a lot of projects but I don't know a lot of people, so they would end up going in the trash when I cleaned my studio.

    I love this idea and I may have to try to make one for myself! Don't buy the crafty stuff! Improvise, your project will be more original that way!

    Again, love your work!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #19

  10. That's just what I do, put stuff away somewhere where I'm not used to it being...and then I end up with the same stuff in more than one place! I think that's why it looks as if I have so much stuff....!! Love what became of the snack bag, you sure have a feel/an eye for collage. Great bargain with the trolley...I've got an IKEA one, overfilled it in a fit of enthusiasm and could hardly move it!

  11. Gorgeous craftiness on your desk, and I love your trolley - just what I would have if I had the floor space. Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #15

  12. Thanks for your visit, 3 am Bailey my cat woke me..hungary and wanted new water. Enjoyed your video, always fun to work with bits. But I NEED to clear away the 3 stacks I've accumulated ! I love Aldi's you'll enjoy your little cart. Glad to hear I'm not the only one looking for things. Geez I think mine is an age thing......and it's usually buried under papers. ! Enjoy a good weekend HERE the temps are in th 50's no winter to speak of bu that darn Mr. Windis to be here later today and I dislike it a LOT.

  13. Oh having a giggle at your comment about my desk being so tidy when I saw yours - ROFL. So got trolley envy now, Don't think I could fit one in my room, is the Aldi one smaller than the Ikea or Hobby Craft ones I wonder. Loads cheaper, never been to Aldi mind you and they will probably have sold out by now anyways. The zipped journal is gorgeous, I so wouldn't wish to cover any of the cover myself, it is beautiful. Super post Hugs BJ#12

    1. Yes, the Aldi troy is smaller that the Ikea and the hobby craft trollies, but still very usefull, although a bit of a bug*** to put together. Yes, I relise that loads of people will HATE me forever for covering up the front of that lovely zipped has daily quotes on the inside pages too, but they do repeat. I may just add a belly band that can come off easily instead.

  14. ooh love that several of us are tidyting our craft rooms at the moment, like you, I wont find where I have put stuff even though I often label the drawers etc! Good couple of recent finds though, well done. thanks for visiting my desk already

  15. Pretty tags! And a great deal on the trolley! Hope you are doing well!

  16. Tidying is over rated (as I'm in the process of doing my own. LOL) I'm alone in this house 21 days at a time. If I don't talk to the animals (2 cats and a dog) who else is going to help me work out my challenges LOL.
    Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #18


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