Hello T
Stands for Tuesday! I started off quite well last week and posted more than
I've posted in ages...but then, well??? I got into a tidy mode...which
means...making a chaotic mess everywhere, while I try to find
'homes' for everything and decided whether to chuck, sell, give away, donate, store
or keep. (Although I've been doing this for the past 18 months, I'll blame Ceri
The Crafter and his 'Death Cleaning' talk but he does have a point and I can
remember my mum and mum in-law doing just that. So, I've been stepping
over things all week (don't put the hoover away yet, you're going to need it again
in a minute... and then treading on the plug, ouch!) and hardly crafting at
all, except, with bits. What do I mean by bits?? It means, in
my case, finding a bit of paper and then needing to or wanting to stick
it to another bit of paper... or finding a tiny bit of scrap and
adding it to my mini journals... or tags...or whatever falls off the shelf!
(sometimes even the shelf!) This was a paper snack bag... there is a video of me waffling...but I haven't worked out how to get that on here....yet.(lucky you!)

So. I'm joining in with T
stands for Tuesday, to try and put some sanity back into my life...and, as
you can see, I've 'staged' my boring breakfast this morning, seen above and
below. Cold cup of tea...no sugar (Yuk!) Then there's Porridge with no sugar
but I added my fruit whizz-up instead... not bad. Had the idea from a
chap who started talking to me in Tesco's that he always puts cranberry juice
on his cereal instead of milk... (I still use milk)

The half empty bottle of wine in the
background I found in the garage. I made a Cottage pie in the week and added it
to the gravy on the third day left-overs. (If he made anything with beef, John
would usually add red wine or white wine with chicken) and?? yes, very yummy.
Seeing I made enough for four meals...On the second day I added curry, just to
give it different taste...and then I found the wine...
Then, as you can see, I had two boiled eggs
with toasted seed bread soldiers and sat them on those cute little
eggcups again... and as for the warm chocolate chipped bun...yes, it has extra
Nutella in it...
Someone asked a while back, what goes
in my fruit wizz.... basically, whatever fruit I have. Grapes, Bananas.
Blackberries, Raspberries Blueberries, sometimes an apple or a bit of water melon,
or kiwi, or orange including those little oranges and always water..
Sorry about the lighting....I have some bulbs
gone in the kitchen.. and I can't reach to change them...unless I get the big steps from the
garden... and talking about bulbs and the garden- daffodils are beginning to
show! Spring is on her way!
bargin of the week I think must be this little trolly I bought from
Adli. It's smaller than my others but well worth £12.99 (the putting it
together was umm...fun, not. A lot of swearing went on!)
Last but not least...it's waaay past coffee time, closer to afternoon tea time, so I've just stopped for a cuppa and some dark chocolate Hobnobs!Don't forget to pop over to AlteredBookLover and join in. It's 'spicey' again this week! Thank you for stopping by!