Wednesday, 9 March 2022

What's On Your WorkTop #666!?

It's WOYWW 666! Something wicked this way comes!! And here it is... My worktop...No, I'm not showing you the floor! Yesterday I spent most of the day house sitting the mad terrier dogs....'ll be cats!  Woke up really early this morning, about half an hour after going to bed with a head cold. Mustn't grumble.  If that's all I have to worry about, I'm pretty lucky! Today my WOYWW desktop... is a bit like the last couple of weeks and looks like my scrabbled brain! I drew the freebie yesterday while sitting with the dogs. This is the pencil stage and smaller than usual.  I'll try and redraw it later. Sorry about some of the pictures, they look a bit like I feel, all blurry and out of focus. My old camera really is on it's last legs! So! Quick change to my phone!! (Can you spot the difference?)
Front of the bench...
Side of the bench....
The other side of the bench...

 Jack, one of the Mad Terriers!

And Boudie, short for Boudica, having a snooze. That's it from me! Hope you have a great week crafting, and once again I hope to do more next week! It's my birthday week and I was thinking of having a challenge like I used to do, years back. Still undecided though. Anyway!! Pop over to Stamping Ground and join in with WOYWW!?! Thank you for stopping by... Stay Safe!


  1. Jack looks very affronted that you’ve called him mad! He’s got a look like Butter wouldn’t melt, lol! I bet they keep you on your toes, hopefully the cats will be a bit quieter. That’s a pile of stuff on your desk to be sure, do you know where everything is?!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  2. When house sitting cats I take it you go to their house? The dogs come to yours? Or not?
    My goodness that is a busy desk you have - back, front and sideways!
    Happy birthday for Saturday.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  3. You can see a difference, Hooe you can sort a new camera before long .Jack does look cute . Helen #1

  4. WoW ! Lots going on there. The dogs look cute. Sorry to hear about that darn cold - I hope it buggers off soon. Maybe plenty of Hot Toddies ??? :-D :-D xxx

  5. These pooches look very well behaved!. Your desk always ooks interesting. Elaine

  6. Hellooo to you and your two terriers Jack and Boudie ... how gorgeous they are💕🐶💕 I feel for your brain having a scrabbled brain tooo right now 🤯 Such beautiful drawing ... swoooon 💕😍💕😍💕 pssst I love your desk, full of yummy goodness it is!! Photos all look fab ⭐ Sending yoooou bitthday wishes for your special day 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️🥳💕🧡💛💕⭐have a good week,lots of love and hugs Tracy #21 xxx

  7. Boudie and Jack - so CUTE! We have a couple of these in our neighborhood, they walk by our house everyday! Your desk looks very busy, I hope you can banish your cold soon! Lindart #22

  8. Your desk looks very busy and interesting, and I love the pictures of Jack and Boudie - what a sweet little face Jack has.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #14

  9. Loving the dogs - they look so cute! The desk is busy as ever and I love your drawing. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#17)

  10. Love the dogs, Jack looks as if he is saying he is good really! That’s a busy looking desk. Hope you recover soon from your head cold. Happy WOYWW.Angela #5

  11. I am loving your desk and your friends too, hope the cats behave. My friend has two of those Rag doll ones and they are crazy and much more lively than my two schnauzers. I know I'm late but want to try and get round before bed. Wishing you a very happy woyww and sending hugs, Angela x15x

  12. Cute dogs! Love your work bench. I see you ae quite busy drawing. Love what you have done. Have a wonderful day. I hope you feel better soon. Edwina Brown

  13. You gotta love those doggies. My whole room looks like your area! Happy WOYWW! #23

  14. Jack and Boudie look so cute, not mad at all!! I gave up on my camera ages ago, easier just to have one thing to carry and phones are so good now. I'm just a snapper anyway!! Hope the cold goes soon, have a good week, Cindy #20

  15. Your pups are quite adorable, and ylour desk? Well, a bit like mine! We are a perfect pair, I think. Working amidst the chaos is our natural habitat LOL!
    Criminally late for WOYWW this week :(
    Mary Anne (2)

  16. WOW lots going on on your bench, camera is flagging it would seem, phones are amazing these days. I think you might have got the wrong idea about my son. He's moved 2 hours away from us with friends he met at uni. He graduated in 2020 and has been working from home/home but is now in a rented house with 2 friends in Cambridge and we live in Surrey! As for the COVID I thought mine was just a cold until the day 10 test came back positive, I was quite shocked but it had knocked me for six. Anyway hope you are feeling better now. BJ#8

  17. I am always pleased that my photos don't show the floor!
    I am very late commenting but hope to get around everyone now...
    See you tomorrow!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #13


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