Friday 1 March 2024

Wednesday's Freebie on a Friday!

 Morning! Here's this weeks Freebie. It's called 'More Houses on the Hill' Because I've got houses on the brain this week, cos 'they've' started ripping out all the trees and hedges, ready to build over a 150 house in the field. (One of my ponies lived here once and there's often deer in it) In all, our little village has plans for over 350 new homes to be built in green fields, even when no body wants them, it's still going through.  On the plans they've left the trees and hedges there.

  Right. Moan over. Back to the freebie. It wasn't easy to colour it on the laptop, because of all those little bricks!! It'll be easier with your pens. Honest!

 Go HERE to down load it. I haven't added the colour one yet, as I had to sneakily go in and add some extra black bits to stop the colours bleeding into each other. At one point I had a pink sky and red grass! A comment would be lovely!! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Thanks Lyn.
    This one is going to be a fun one to colour.

  2. Thank you Suze. Not my norman cartoon smiley faced I might change it...have a great week.

  3. I missed this one! Love your houses, all those tiny details must have taken you ages! It’s awful to see green areas filled with housing, but it’s worse when there is no infrastructure to support them. They built a thousand houses in our doctors catchment area, now we can’t get an appointment!


Thank you so much for your comments! They make my day!!
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