Wednesday 10 January 2024

This Week Another Trip To T Stands for Tuesday and WOYWW!? #762!

 The week is never long enough. So many things I wanted to do, and didn't, and just as many things I didn't want to do, and did!  Above is my kitchen crafty space. Below is the normal very boring breakfast  plus a cup of tea, and a boiled egg. The egg cup, features the Five little pigs, 'Off to maket, and wee wee wee-ing all the way home'. Second dentist visit this afternoon so, thought I'd better stock up with extra breakfast...and there's extra Nutella in that warm brioche! Today I'm hoping to join in with T Stands for Tuesday and WOYWW!? 

 Slept on John's side of the bed last night and actually got four hours sleep instead of two! Hmmm!? I always wake up about half an hour before I go to bed, turned on my phone see see that Ceri The Crafter was decorating those pod laundry capsules boxes I was covering last week (and still am). He'd combinned it with a GellPrint colour challenge over on Makers of mixed Media I was so excited to see what he'd  come up with! He made the lid and the bottom of the box into storage to hold lables, tags, small journal cards etc and then covered it/them with his finished Gell Print papers. Fabulous! 

So, the first thing I did, @ 5' o clock this morning was to add my Gelli what'sit thingies to my collection of boxes and sort out some papers and paints and have a go! More on that when I've done it!

This arrived yesterday...(Tuesday) Never had a bin before, this'll be the first of many me thinks. And then, this was put up on much better than that skinny little shelf that was there before. Just need to fill in those tiny little holes!

On another part of my crafty space, these scraps were left over from covering that box last week, so I made tags...because, I can and I don't have to think, just do! (I made loads and have already used most of them)

At the back of my pile of boxes are some magazing papers I've cut out ready for making a glue book. I think I might add a little red telephone to that elephant.
 Then seeing sil was away...I helped Karen (one of her long time customers) to walk three of her four dogs yesterday too. She used to have six!


From the plane, Debs sent this, to make us all jealous...

And later...this lovely beach. It was trying to snow here!!

 Also these arrived yeserday! Craft Stash had a sale! (basically half price) And these found their way into my basket! Well, that's it from me for a little while...will try load this weeks freebie asap! Pop over to Stamping Ground and T Stands for Tuesday to see loads of craftness from all over the globe!  **Was just about to post this and guess what???  It had loaded on the wrong blog! It can only happened to me!! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. You do have a lot going on! I like the laundry box you transformed, that looks great and will be very useful. We have a garden waste bin and it’s handy, we also have a weekly food waste collection which I find is great. Hope your SiL has a marvellous holiday, I’m not jealous of those pics at all, no sirree……!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  2. You look to have been very busy this the tags. Good luck at the dentist this afternoon.
    Annie x #9

  3. I'm glad I took one more T day look before calling it done for the week Spyder. You've been busy. But busy is good. I hope 2024 is starting off well for you. Happy belated New year. And happy belated T day too. hugs-Erika

  4. I never seem to find things that I want in the sales, they are usually in the sold out section! My husband threw away my one and only laundry box on the grounds that if I had used it yet, I wasn’t going to 🙈. Possibly some truth there. I never seem to be able to do everything on my list! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  5. You are super busy! Looking forward to seeing your completed repurposing projects!

    I love your new shelf! It is perfect for your fireplace!
    Chana Malkah

  6. You are a very busy little Spyder! I watched the YT video, I loved how he used the gelli prints, and that circles foam stamp that you can take apart! Wow. Tried to order one but their website is faulty. I love covering boxes, so this was a great post! Have a lovely week, Lindart #20

  7. I certainly understand your theory about the length of the week. I think two dogs are enough but six! There have been too many sales recently, very tempting Lol! Wishing you a very happy WOYWW. Hugs, Angela x11x

  8. WOw you have been busy Lyn. Hope you manage to fit in more sleep than that though. Quick visit after work! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  9. you've had a very busy week! I have 3 wheelie bins here plus a food caddy bin and a box for glass/plastics..... Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  10. Lovely breakfast! Nutella...can't have it in the house, it just shouts at me from the cupboard until I've eaten it! Yum! Hope the dentist thing was alright...and that you can eat properly. If you can't, just suck the Nutella off a spoon! I love the idea of the laundry pod boxes being used for tags...I've done a thing where I discovered I had tags in more than one place, so I corralled them together and oh buy, I've got hundreds!! I think you need to spend more nights on John's side, even four hours isn't really enough you poor thing.

  11. Wow so much going on in this post! Nearly succumbed to PS boxes but really am trying to cut down (v little success so far). Sorry that you are not sleeping well, a fellow sufferer but feel much better when I can get 6/7 hours under my belt. I love your little shelf - exactly what I am going to do in my living room when I redecorate this year. Well, hopefully this year.....If only weeks were 10 days long.... Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #10

  12. Ooh! Lovely pile of boxes! That was a busy week! Hope you can start to get more sleep. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  13. Busy and fun crafty week. I enjoyed the video the Ceri covering the laundry pod boxes. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day


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