Wednesday, 30 August 2023

What's On YOUR Worktop this Wednesday?!#743


  It's that time again...Wednesday, I missed last weeks WOYWW!? Pop over to Stamping Ground  and find out what others are up to-as I think I may be late for this weeks too! 

I'm still crafting out in the kitchen, but, on the good side, I'm back in my bedroom, apart from last weekend when Loki came to stay and he claimed the 'Red bedRoom' as his room years ago!  So I was back in there for one night...

It was  waaaay too early to get up, so we had a bit of a lie-in... but was still out by half six... (No wonder I'm worn out!)

 Now, back in the kitchen... I'd been quite busy. Last week I started, but still haven't finished this fold out 'pocket booklet' using Snome Time 2 12x12 papers. I bought the bumper pack from Craftstash as I had the first one from a couple of years ago, so thought I'd do a bit of a mix and match thingy. But it's soooo hard to cut into those all too cute papers. (I did get it a bit cheaper with the VIP 10% discount) I need to see if there's any YouTube tutorials, as I never know what to do with those pages that are divided up into strips of repeated pictures. Here's the 6x6 pack, I also got a stamp set, some 3D decoupage thingies, some artifical fairy lights, snowflakes and chipboard ephemera, which are quite cute.

That's not all. I bought some Stameria papers after visting The Craft Shop in Lyndhurst. They didn't have what I wanted but they did have 'Magic Forest'  papers (also found here, a tiny bit cheaper but there's probably postage to add) So after following a few different people's YouTube videos I stopped on  Julie's 'Camelia Crafts Designs' and she had a link to the paper pad I wanted, cheaper than Craft Stash!(so it pays to shop around, although, again, there maybe postage to add) I followed Julia's 'One Sheet Folio with Note Book' ~ very crazy and completely mad (in a nice way) at times, tutorial, got it wrong! (Don't I always! I have told you, I have a Brain called Brian haven't I?? Three strawberries short of a punnet)

 😊Anyway! I got there in the end, it was really very easy, and so far, I've started making four folios- so I need more stuff!

 Here's the front covers of two of the folios... Because of the way you have to fold the papers, some of the pages are upside down, this is where I have used the stamps (from my stash) and some of the pictures cut out from the paperpad cover, to hide that.

On this page I've come up with my own idea to cover the upside papers  with a fold down flap covered with a forest poster (closed using velcro dots) so, that, when opened....

The Queen of the Elves is one long strip. To her left is a hidden top pocket and a side pocket.

This is the first filio's front cover...can you spot that the trees are upside down? Still need a bit more covering me thinks! Maybe use a bit of vellum.

This is the first page of folio 2, so I don't really want to cover it up!

And this first page of one of the others is upside down...but I don't think that shows too much. I've added the smaller griffin as a side tuck.

The Stag is hiding another side pocket and to his right is another upside down page. Not sure what I'm going to do on that one yet. I'm making a booklet to go in one of the other folios...and, if there's enough paper left, I'll do a waterfall page like I did when I used Tim Holtz papers  HERE (I've just realised these folios are the same idea, but a bit bigger, as I went wrong on that one too and had to cut it down so it would fold)

And last but not least, my find of the week in a Second Hand charity shop, Tattered Lace Alphabet Die-Cut set, for £1.50. Bargin!  That's it from me...pop over to Stamping Ground and see what everyone else has been up to! Happy WOYWW! Thank you for stopping by!

(ps, this weeks freebie should appear later today, but I really want to get on and do some geli printing!))

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

It's Time For Tea on Tuesday

Well, it was...but I'm a little late again, so I've combined last weeks and this weeks T For Tuesday together. I'll start with last weeks whizzzed up fruit juice. (above) A different colour I hear you say...(I didn't, but I like to pretend you did) This is mango and orange, there might be a bannana in there too, but I can't remember. Very Tasty! As you can see, I very nearly finished it off before taking the picture.


I spent most of last weeks Tuesday and Wednesday helping out with some rabbits! (More about them next week as well as a bit of puppy sitting.)  So, by the time I'd filled my green garden bags... it was suddenly Thursday. And on Friday morning,  Loki came to stay. 


Saturday morning he woke me up! Time to take me out again Lyn!!

 Well, it was just gone we had a little longer in bed, but were out by half past 6.

Then out again, just missing the rain, in the afternoon. So, now...

 Today...(after pushing back some crafty makes...more on that tomorrow) it's Tuesday Morning, and it's breakfast time again...with a toasted cinnamon and rasin bagel, a nutty cerial, and my usual whizzed up fruit drink... Then, suddenly it was luchtime and I soooo fancied white bread...I haven't had white bread in months!  I guess it's a bit boring...but this was a very tasty eggy sandwich.

  and then.... (I'm sooo jeaslous) a picture popped up on my phone of Niamh, (granddaughter holidaying in Cornwall) showing me her fantastic icecream!!! Who can spot the chocolate frog?!

So that was my week....on this T for Tuesday. Hope you're all well! Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

This Weeks Wednesday Freebie CLOSED!!

I never know what to draw and I always seem to leave it till the last minute. Soooo, how's about this one? 'Just for You,Teddy Bear.' A comment would be lovely! Thank you for stopping by.  CLOSED!

Happy What's On Your Worktop Wednesday! #741


Nothing really, I've put the ironing board away but Wow!! It's WOYWW #741!? It'll soon be time to start making swap ATC's again!  It's sunny here. I've been trying to clean the drive, weeds (and some flowers) have been trying to grow, and all the gaps between the bricks hold mossy bits. I have had  couple of goes, but now! I'm equipped! Full length waterproof leggings, wellies, long rainproof coat and googles! I had ago on Monday...and along with everything else, I got covered with clumps of sticky mud. Wish me luck! 

My crafting is a bit hit and miss this week. I keep trying things and they don't seem to work. At last I did get out my geli plates, which I bought, ages ago and followed Ceri The on last post, on one of his challenges he was in.  See my attempt above. (a bit crumpled as I sat on them) I chose near-enough the same colours. I only used my 'scrap paper', so, really didn't do too bad I spoes for my first go. The tissue wipe-ups were probably better!

First go too, at trying to make a 'zine', one tutorial made one making pockets. The other made one that you kept folded out. She numbered all the pages....So did I....but my numbers weren't anywhere where hers were... (So you'd know the front from the back and which way up they were supposed to be)

 Next go was, a journal made from a 12x12. (My last one wasn't too bad.... (a quick look at the waterfall card inside) but this one (Below) is sooooo easy, why do I keep getting the bit where you fold it all up and glue the two halves together to make a side pocket, wrong! Third try? Haven't opened it yet...meanwhile, The lady on Youtube has finished hers and is starting on another one....

Luckily, I didn't use the papers I want to use to make the journal, but some from The Works...(Christmas ones. I bet you guessed) This is the third try...the others are in the bin! 

Then after a long phone call with the bank, which wasn't too bad...and another one with the DVLA...which made me cry and cry (but luckily, they'ren't going to lock me up or fine me) both John's bikes are now SORN.... Anyway...after all that I was really in need of some happy mail...and a quick hopeful, but not expected, look in my mail box and there was a nice little crafty package. (Not going to tell you who from, cos some people will moan at me!)   I've been hunting for years to be able to put my small stamp sets....

....with dies, into neat little pockets, with magnets. I've now bought, quite a few, and these are just perfect.😊

So that's what I was still doing at 3.30 this morning! Now, to start on the bigger ones!! Happy WOYWW!? Have a great to wash the drive.... I wonder if a snorkel will help!? Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

It's Time For T On Tuesday and other Things.

I made it. It's still Tuesday somewhere!  Joining in with alteredbooklover T on Tuedsay...even tho' Elizabeth's post is on Monday!  That's because she's across the pond and is still getting happy mail from all over the world celabrating T For Tuesday's 10th Anniversary, which was quite a few weeks ago! (Snail Mail can be really slow... 'specially if they get stuck up the spout in your watering can....(We've done that bit Lyn!) Have we? Ohooo! Voiceover man, haven't heard you in years! (Let's get on with it then!)

OK! Food! I'm getting really bored with my breakfast, I did have a bacon cheese and tomato toastie the other morning, but forgot to take a picture-thought it would be a bit mean to just photograph the crumbs, so, instead, I decided to show you my lunch/dinner this week instead!  There it is...up there at the top. Chicken cooked with whatever's in the fridge (Onions, garlic, chillies. peppers, mushrooms and sweetcorn (sometimes) a squirt of tomato puree, all wrapped in mixed lettuce leaves and sourcream and wrapped in a corn and wheat tortillas... two is usually enough, followed by a fruity yogurt corner (don't tell the diabetic nurse)  Don't worry, I'll take the cocktail sticks out before I eat it!

I've also been saving seeds... Not sure how long it'll take them to grow as big as their mum... but they will look lovely when they do...and...

I scanned and then printed the mixed-inky thing I did last week...Colours are soooo different because my printer's still...very sick...Then, I actually got my gell plates out and crafted along with Ceri The Crafter. Who was using his lovely piece of art work to make a journal cover...
As you can see... (if you watch Ceri's YouTube vid) I roughy used the same colours...(the papers in the background, gold, yellow, metallic, cream) but of course, I only have  a few stencils, which came 'free' with magazines. Must get me some more! It was fun...I had paint everywhere!  But not as bad as when I got the pressure hose out and washed the drive....I was covered.. the walls were covered...the windows were covered...
(even the bathroom mirror!?!) the fence was covered in dirty muddy stuff.   Then I decided to climb up a ladder to squirt the van's roof with the  pressure hose as it's covered in little dirty grey 'dots' (John always did the roof as I couldn't reach...then I'd do the rest, haha sometimes.) It looked like it was working and the little dark dots slowly came off...and then... so did the paint! The size of an old penny! I ended patching it up by painting over it with white hammerite.

 One last picture...The little cat that's 'moved' in, isn't allowed anywhere other than the kitchen...(Not sure she's house trained)That does sound mean, but  this is what she's done I'm sure, even when Jinx was around...she'd sleep on the kitchen doormat...then charge off out through the cat flap hissing and spitting as soon as she heard anyone. These days she sneaks off and hides!  I found her this morning, under the bed in the spare room.

I've told you she was messy! Is she trying to make a 'nest' with those bits of paper she's ripped up?! That's it! Happy T Day! Thank you for stopping by!

PS I have a question! In one of the pictures above I'm preparing to make a Zine... watched two different lady glued the pages and made pockets, the other, didn't. Once cut and foldeded she opened it up and numbered the pages...(This of course I got wrong, all my numbers were in the wrong squares!) then she added pictures  etc to each square and folded it back up in to a booklet.. no pockets, no glued pages. So what is the right way!?

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Another Always A Freebie.

 Sorry it's a bit late again, but here's this weeks freebie, and this one will be an always freebie so just click the image. I was having a bit of  a moment and fun with Distress Oxides, paint, stencils and ink!  (instead of drawing the real freebie) And this is the result. Not sure what it will print out like as my printer still isn't feeling very well and is printing all the wrong colours! 

 This is what the printer printed out. I used smooth 250gsm paper, then printed another one, which was even paler and stuck them together, then folded, so's to make, at some later date, a cover for something. Feel free to copy this one too.Thank you for stopping by! 

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Happy 8th Birthday Oliver!

Rawrsome Lawn Fawn
 Happy 8th Birthday Oliver!  I 'bought' Ollie a card, just in case I didn't get round to making one. But I did, even though I couldn't find the waterfall die set that I had in my hand two seconds before it disappered, only to reappear after I decided to do a 'waterfall-card- -that-didn't-really-water-fall' if you know what I mean.  It still worked out okay though. This is #RawrsomeLawnFawn. Oliver is right into dinosaurs. The 'bought' card had a pop out T Rex and I bought him a T-Rex T Shirt too. 

 I started off with a black blank card. I also made the background 'sky'  by blending Distress Oxides, adding splatters of white, bronze and metalic acrylic paints, a little squirt of water too. Then I stamped out all the dinosaurs and volcanoes a few times and coloured them with my ProMarkers, and die cut them.

Then added the sentiment, 'Hope your Birthday Is Rawrsome!'

Hiden under the 'waterfall' is a tiny envelope containing some birthday money.
I cheated a bit on the inside as I used the pink and blue freebie papers from a craft magazine. (although my printer had a mind of its own with the true colours!)  I also added a touch of White gel pen and the 8's are black glitter stickers.
Oliver in his T Shirt
That's it for now! Thank you for stopping by! 

A late What's on my Worktop Wednesday! #740

 ...Not a lot on this very late WOYWW!? post, as I'm still working in the kitchen...(show you what I've been up to in the next post or maybe the next) -and on the ironing board in the living room. Which is a little bit bare as I'm actually going to do a bit of ironing later...honest! The iron's there, just out of shot, ready! As you can see, it's some Tim Holtz  goodies. I succumbed late the other night, in the earley hours of the morning, watching youtube on my phone...Everyone has Tim Holtz came up on an Amazon ad (while Tim was on) these two 'idea-ology' I did. They came together the next day...but in two different Amazon envelopes. (keep them for something later) SO? Why are these so dear? Because they are aren't they? The lables, which I've put in a little tin and the note book of words...but I love them and am soooo glad I have them.  

So glad I have some of his Distress Oxides and Inks too. And I have his  idea-ology 12x12 pads. Hubby bought it for me last year. As you can see I've been playing with paint again...and stencils and Distress Oxide and a bit of a water spray and...a touch of Comic Shimmer Mist, along with some bronze and metalic paint, oh....and a bit of stamping. It looks better in real life. My printer is still not printing right, so this comes out a bit dull and missing most of the colours. But I've saved it, so perhaps one day I'll use it to make something...or use this one. That'll teach me not to buy from a different ink place even though they were a bit cheaper and had more ink in them, they haven't lasted very long at all.  John used to fill up my ink from little bottles with little needles, and they lasted for ages and printed beautifully. I've had a go, he never used to let me, 'No! you'll make too much mess!' He was right there! I can't get the little needles into the holes...(it's okay, I know which hole to put the right coloured ink in) unless you're suppose to really push them in...but there's a thought, there's all that ink still out in his 'studio' (old shed) waiting for me to have a play with it! (oho, watch this space!)  I hope the link to Stamping Ground is still working! Happy WOYWW!? .....yes it is!!
Thank you for stopping by!

Can we pretend it's Tuesday? It's Time For Tea!

Yes I know I'm late, just too much uncrafty things going on and in my case, it's not tea on this pretend Tuesday, it's hot chocolate! I'm joining in with Bleubeard and Elizabeths Altered Booklovers T for Tuesday! Family members went for a walk over at Hengistbury Head on Sunday. So I took a few pictures...only my phone was soooo dark I couldn't see what I was taking and when I finaly looked, they were all of me! I'd turned the thingie around so it wasn't taking nice sunny pictures of boats and harbour views, it was taking my ugly! You don't want to see those! Luckily I did get a few more boatie pictures! 

Looking across towards Mudeford (Muddyford)

Some of these beach huts cost more than my bungalow did! On the right of the picture is, Oliver and Debbie with Charley the dog, Tom, and Emma taking a photo. (Niamh and Pat, are about somewhere.)

On the way back we saved our legs and took the little train. This is a 'new' train. The little red train of yesteryear probably fell to bits! And of course the price went waaaay up. Never mind, it was fun!

We were all a bit tired and windswept!

Here's Emma and Niamh (with her Harry Potter top on!) and including Debbie and Charley...who could've still gone on for hours chasing his ball on the beach! Debs is a dog sitter/walker so that's why Charley was with us. He loved the train too!

 Charley digging on the Beach
Oliver on the train...
                                           ...and big Pat

I was asked last week, what goes in my fruit wizz-up, which I usually have for breakfast... Blueberries, Blackberries, Banana, raspberries, sometimes strawberries...or even a bit of apple or watermelon. (but not often) and some water (or you could use fruit juice)

Then wizz it all up and enjoy! Lovely!

And below....Watching Ceri The Crafter on my phone!

The little cat that has moved in since Jinx passed away, is a bit wild...but doesn't hiss and spit as much as she did. She still has that horrible cyst on her head. I did manage to capture her and put her in Jinx's very large cat box and take her round to her owners. They said they'd take her to a member of their family who is a vet...two hours later she was back on my kitchen door mat, giving me such a dirty look! She had a purple spray on her lump, but it did nothing for it.

Tabs the Cat

This morning I found that she's sneaked into the bedroom and was fast asleep under the breakfast tray, hoping I wouldn't find her I think!  (I'm not sure she's house trained!) She is completly didn't wake her. Well, that's my Tuesday, plus of course filling up the garden waste again...and sorting out hubbies garage and...getting his ebike ready to sell...

I can't even get on it! so it's no good for me, but I wouldn't mind a small ladies one! Should be fun! That's it from me on this 'pretend it's T for Tuesday! Thank you for stopping by!


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