Wednesday 29 December 2021

WOYWW?! #656-Evening Version-And Happy Birthday Niamh!

  Evening everyone. Happy belated Christmas! It's Wednesday (just) and time, nearenough, for What's on your Worktop Wednesday, wonderfully hosted by Julia of Stamping Ground! I've had a bit of a clear up as you can see from yesterdays post...and you can actually see the floor- not that I'm going to show you the floor!

    Instead I'll show you Birthday girl Niamh, already to go off to Warner Bros. (The Harry Potter) Studio Tour, London. Her broom stick's waiting out side!

 I think this the tidiest my workbench has been this year! In the picture you can see I've just started this weeks Wednesday Freebie, scroll down to last post to see the finished digi.

The next corner has my owl mug filled with cold tea, some gifted Ikea jars from my daughter, a Papercraft Society box. (Show you what I made later)  and one of those turn around crafty hold everything thingies. They were all the rage years back but were a bit out of my price range then. 

Here's a close up. Guess where I spyed this!? In my local Crafty Charity shop, just before Christmas, for £4. The little drawers have magnets on the inside ends so they don't keep popping out when you spin it round. Not sure what's going in it yet, as I want to clear up this corner a bit. At the moment I have my pencils and pens in Ikea hook over tubs, which were fine when I had the bigger craft room years back, as they were higher up the wall, but where they are now they just get in the way.
This picture from waaaaaaaaaaay back when I was in the bigger spare room. You can see the tubs were higher up and so not in the way. I did try and make a Lazy Susan carousel thingy for one of the very early WOYWW anniversaries, (it was rubbish by the way!)  so I guess I've always thought I needed one! That's it for now. Now to get into Stamping Ground! Thank you for stopping by for the very last WOYWW of 2021. See you in 2022! Stay Safe!


  1. so glad I popped in again to make sure I caught all the desks - hope Niamh enjoyed her trip to Harry Potter! Happy New Year and here's to a healthy and safe 2022. Helen #1

  2. Great spot in the charity shop, those carousel thingies were monstrously expensive weren’t they. I have an mdf holder on my desk which has served me well for about 20 years, totally over stuffed and I’m really not sure what I’d do without it now I think about it…I think it would need about twenty pots to decant it!
    I hope Niamh had a great day, I would like to take the HP tour myself but the opportunity hasn’t arisen where I can bribe DH to come with me!
    Made me laugh that you’d won’t show the floor, your bench is as empty as I’ve ever seen it, does it feel good or wrong? After a big tidy up, I lean both ways on that answer! Hugs for happy New Year! Xx

    1. No! it feels weird and will become a dumping ground for things other than crafting if I don't mess it up right away!

  3. Watched those studios being built as we have a friend who lives round the corner..... Hope she had a wonderful time.
    One needs to tidy at least once a year....
    Have a better 2022
    Christine 19

  4. Nice charity shop find Lyn. I hope Niamh enjoyed her birthday treat! Here's to a better 2022. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  5. I don’t know if it’s comment moderation or what but I can’t make my comment stick today! Great score with that carousel thingy, they were a shocking price at the time, so like you, I went without! I have a trusty MDf box with sections that has done me well, probably would need about twenty pots if I ever had to empty it! I hope Niamh had a great day at the HP Studios, it’s a trip I’d like to take myself but DH isn’t convinced! Made me laugh that you chose not to show the floor, but your desk, wow, is it inspiring or a bit scary when it’s so tidy? Sending best wishes for a happy new year!

  6. I wish my desk looked as neat as your craft space. Love the cute photo of your grand daughter. I love the craft caddy you got. I have two of them. Mine don't have magnets in it though. Have a wonderful day. Edwina Brown

  7. Happy birthday Niamh, hope your trip to Harry Potter was fun, I’m envious as I’d love to go there! You got a great haul from the charity shop, especially the carousel, that’s awesome!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  8. That "turn around crafty hold everything thingy" might just be what I need! Hope Niamh had a lovely visit to the Harry Potter studio - how exciting! Wishing you a very happy 2022! xx zsuzsa #21

  9. Love your turn around hold everything thingy. Happy New Year BJ#17

  10. Thanks for popping round to mine as you reminded me I hadn't called back to check on the later arrivals. Just got distracted, can't think why Lol!. It's always good to see how people organise their desk as it gives others ideas too. I am about to get some guttering pipe the curved stuff that runs along the bottom of your roof. Attach it and put ribbon in it but still waiting for hubby to go and get some so it could be a while yet! Nice costume by the way Niamh x9x

  11. Hi Lyn, thanks for stopping by. Great post - and hope Niamh enjoyed her HP tour. I'd love to go there - as would others it seems! I'll have to borrow some of my grandchildren next year and take them. I have one of the skinny round storage thingies - crammed full of stuff. I do love peeking in everyone else's rooms - gives me so many ideas! Have a lovely weekend, and a great new year. Hugs, Heather xx #10

  12. Happy New Year x You can amazing finds in charity shops. Well done! I am very envious of Niamh. I am sure she had a great time. Did you get the Unity stamp set I sent you?


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