Wednesday 28 August 2024

Whats On My Worktop, in the sunroom this wednesday! #795

Afternoon Wednesday WoyWWers!  Check in over on Sarah'sCraft Shed and join in! I'm house sitting and dog sitting and have just set up my laptop in the sunroom....where the only internet link that works for me is in the bedroom/office/sitting room upstairs above me! I brought a few crafty things with me, which I can cut out, ready to turn into something else.  The paper and card sets you can see in the picture come from Aldi. I always get them when they  have them. It's very hot in the sunroom! I have the doors open but still have to keep my eyes on the dogs, just in case they see a squirrel, or a deer or a fox, coz they'll be off after it!! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

It's Tuesday....Time For tea...

We had a bank holiday Monday yesterday, so I lost a whole day thinking yesterday was Sunday and today was Monday....oops! Luckily I realised in time, as tomorrow...being Wednesday, I'm off House sitting! So I'm packing up stuff I'll need, and of course some crafty goodies to play with while I'm there.  Anyway! It's never too late for T on Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard. Above is my 'Boring Breakfast' The supermarket was sold out of my latest fruit and veg drink, (ColdPress) for three whole days, so I thought I'd try 'Super Smoothie, Innocent'. (Kiwi,Cucumber, Apple, Mathcha (tea powder) and flax seeds, with vitamins. I Googled that, and Google suggested that we eat our fruit and not drink it because of the sugar content in it. But, they gave my other tea fruit drink (with Elderberry and lemon and other flavours, seen in the picture) a thumbs up, so I think I'll just stick to Kombucha (sugar free) from now on....So! Not much is happening here. My crafty mojo has gone walk about... hopefully I'll find it soon... Have a Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Welcome to What's On your Worktop Wednesday! Nip over to Sarah's Craft Shed to find out more! Sorry to eveyone for last week...I didn't get around to you all, as blogger wouldn't let me comment or, on some blogs, I couldn't find where the comment  thingies were and was fast running out of time! Or??  Something else?! Above are some yellow boxes that Kittle The cats mum gave me. To their left is what I did with the last two she gave me...They're filled with mostly labels and stickers.  Sadly, Kittle passed away at the beginning of the month, I shall miss cat sitting her so much. 😢
To answer a question from last week,
from BJ, which I think I answered but couldn't see the comment.... (I will double check again later) Trollys! You can never have enough trolly or anything on wheels in a small crafty space! Here they are...
Last weeks trolly
Trolly #1 is from Hobby Craft. At the time they were £25 down to £20 and is in  my craft room at the moment holding paint and some gel-printing stuff...
Trolly #2

Trolly #2 is at the moment in the bedroom, to make more room as I have dogs staying. I bought it second hand along with a lidded box from a charity craft shop for £10

Trolly #3 Ikea

Trolly # 3 was the very first one John bought me from Ikea, it was nearly half price in their sale, £50 down to £30...Waaay over priced but it's taller  and stronger and holds crafty stuff as well as doubling up as a table for a lamp in the living room. The wooden top is from Hobby craft.

Trolly #4
Trolly #4 is usually kept in  what was the airing cupboard, when not in my craft room. This was bought from Lidl (or Aldi?? ) for £12.00. The A B C on the trays I stuck on when I was putting it together as they seemed to be different sizes and took ages to screw to the frame!  Best one? probably Ikea... but should be cheaper I think...Hobby Craft do them in a lot more colours! I could still do with another one!! That's it from me!! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by! 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

It's Tea Time Any time will do!!


 I'm late for tea (again) T stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth and Bleubeard's and I'm also 'Terible Time Keeper!' No, well, yes, I am, as I'm up to my eyeballs in non crafty stuff and just couldn't find any time to get to my laptop/computer... As you can see in the picture...Trimmers, Tablets for Tuesday, Torch, Tape, and red Toy box. At my feet at this moment I have Loki, a Pom-ski, and barking at birds in the sitting Lola...(the birds are on the bird table in the garden... and not the sitting room...just thought I'd make that clear!) The supermarket had done left, of that lovely fruit/veg mix I showed you before, so I've gone back to mixing up a load of fruit and veg in my mixer again... Quite yummy! I had my blood test results yesterday and the doc was very pleased that I was a '90' and now I'm a '59'...whatever those magical numbers mean, it's all good! That will have to be it for now!! Happy T Day! Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Whats On Your Worktop Wednesday?! #793


Yes, it's Wednesday and that means WOYWW!? Pop over to Sarah's CraftShed to find out more! Well, I haven't done anything much at all, I've been tidying (hahahahaa) up after having a very hairy fourlegged friend over and today two four legged friends are coming! So I must make space...'specialy clearing the crafty stuff that is blocking the hall. At last I can get into my craft room... sort of.... Below is what I have made this week...

Mr Gentleman Puss-cat. I've showed you these before as I took the whole set to play with while house sitting a few months back in June. (It's a freebie from VectoriaDesigns.) At last I found time to add the acetate to the front of the window. So he's all nice and 'shinny' now inside his specimen folder. The others (seen on another woyww post) I'm still making them, so you can see the cat through the window, but can also pull them out because they're fixed to a tag...but this one is just stuck in as seen.So ! That's it for now! Have a great crafty WOYWW week. Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday 13 August 2024

It's Tuesday, so it's Time for TEA

 Morning Tuesday Peoples! It's T Stands For Tuesday...for once I shouldn't be too late! Today I decided to start with something other than my 'boring breakfast' but some of my Tea for One teapots...I do have others but, for the life of me, where are they?? Hiding? Camera shy?

Yesterday I had microwaved poached egg on toast...sorry I squished it before I thought of taking a picture...and below is todays 'boring breakfast' with the not so boring, Orange, Mango, carrot, passionfruit, Apple, plus vitamins, drink. 

As you can see, I didn't do much clearing of craft stuff. I was going to make a tag using little Jack there (to the left) will probably finish him today... although, I have started the post...and then, went off track and did something that post, which should've been before this post, will now be after it. Confused?? Me too!!

And was Oliver's 9th birthday last week...

and this picture brings a whole new meaning to, I scream, you scream we all scream for icecream!! That's it from me. Have a great T for Tuesday. Pop over to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's and join in! Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday 10 August 2024

Yes, Another Aways freebie...

Here's another 'always freebie'.....they are very relaxing to play with.... and of course, there's no tidying up afterwards!  Ollie loved his Lego card yesterday and spent most of the afternoon (after having a fun day out) building his new Lego racing cars! Just click and save! Thank you for stopping!

Friday 9 August 2024

Happy Birthday Oliver- 9 today!!


It's my grandson's Birthday today, Happy Birthday Ollie! So I made a card, the first one in ages... I think I said on Wednesday that I was getting him two Lego cars, a Mclaren Formula 1 racing card, which he already has, as Amazon didn't have any til 2nd of September, so Emma nipped out and got it from Argos, Winchester and I nipped out and got a Lamborghini racing car from the local toy shop, who were really helpful.

I also said on Wednesday that I wasn't sure what to do for a card... dinosaurs or Lego...He had Dinosaurs on last years card, so I really wanted to do something with Lego...So, that's what I did.
I wrapped the present in dinosour paper and made a matching tag, and then made a Lego card. The only thing was, all the smaller Lego 
(more 'grown-up' Lego) is deeply hidden under Lord Knows what, up in the Attic...but all the Dulo and Fabuland Lego is under the bed in the spare room... So, that was easy! Poured it all out, made sure there was a Number 9 showing somewhere, took a few pictures, scanned them in and voila! Printed them all out and fitted my new 'Lego Papers' to the card.

That bit was very easy, but I wanted to do a reveal wheel card on the front...So, using my Lawn Fawn dies cuts...(hours later) yes well, I think I cut out enough to make four or five cards and for some reason the opening wouldn't open! (I must've glued the wrong bit!) So I stopped and played with Loki for a while, then made another one... it was a bit wonkey, but it worked! Yay!
 Loki with his chew

So! That's one Lego Birthday Card made. You should see the mess!

That's it for today! Loki and I are off out for a nice walk! And are hoping to take pressy to grandson. Thank you for stopping by! 

Mostly, Fabuland Lego Bricks


pennyschallenges.-Anything Goes (paper)


avenue613.-anything-goes, optional- easy living

Thursday 8 August 2024

Another even more scribbly Freebie Digital Art for you


Well, it's the 8th of the 8th and if you add 2 0 2 4, you get another 8, so that must be Magic! So I'm calling this...Magical Storm. (There were some lightning bits in it, but I didn't like them) It's another  digital art 'always a freebie', It should print out a little slimmer than an A4  because I shaved the white bits off. Must check if my new printer does bolderless, it probably does. Just Click and save. If you do anything with this, let me know, or better still, show me! Thank you for stopping by!  GO HERE to see what Valerie-Jael has done with this digi!

Wednesday 7 August 2024

SO? Whats On Your Worktop WeDnesday??#792


 Another Wednesday is here! Time to hide all your mess and get out all the good stuff! Then nip over to Sarah's Craft Shed and see what's happening in the crafty world. Mine's not good...tidying up didn't work...I get soooo side tracked, one little tiny 'thing' will have me hunting either to find it's home, or trying to find a place to stick it! I lose hours in a day.... Above you can see the start of my 'Glue Book' collection. I knnoow! I don't get them either, but if you watch or are already watching.. Nicole,Relax, Cut, Glue! I think even if you don't now, you might later!

The orange and black stripes paper, is an always freebie found in yesterdays post. (Just Click and save) The other bits in the front are or were throwouts left over from the #GelypostcardPlay I joined in for the whole of July, but, then I played with a gell pen and a gold pen and put some life back into them... the ghosts are waiting for a haunted house... the flower was originally used as a mask on PostCard No 3 printed on tissue...but later coloured in red.
In an earlier post I was moaning that the 'freebie downloads' for Die-cut Essentials #119, weren't there to download, well, they are now! I love Gnomes! But I have a birthday card to make for Grandson Oliver...  who will be 9!  Lego? or Dinosaurs??
(Where did those years go?)

Last Picture above...Closer look at my freebie digital-art download, cut to ATC size. I've started adding bits with my Pocas Pens.

And one more picture... This is one of those throw away postcards that  I re-vamped. 'That's it!'  Pop over to Sarah's and see What's On your Worktop Wednesday! Thanks for stopping by. 

 (PS. This weeks Wednesday Freebie is already posted below!)

This Weeks Wednesday Freebie! Cat Fish

  Wellll I've done tons of cats and loads of Hows about a Cat fish? ! Credit goes to Myriam Wulf  for giving me the idea. I watched her video live on Sunday, she was making mermen and mermaids and fish and of course catfish for her Fishy Part 3 Under The Sea Book! So here's my vision. I think Myriam's was cuter!! GO HERE to get this one.

I also did a plain catfish, so you can colour him ever-whichway you can...and flipped him over to face the other way...also...there's no bubbles...or?? there might be! GO HERE to get this one. Any problems, just email me! Thank you for stopping by! (I had problems loading this

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Spyder's Digital Art Fun! Freebie

Hi Guys!! Guess what? I have another always a freebie for you, made on my laptop. Shout out goes to  Myriam Wulf  once again, who showed us on some of her laptop digital designs and I asked how she did them in the comments. Well! On her live YouTube show, which I mentioned Sunday, she showed me! (That was sooo cool) On her 'more uptodate wacom style digital sketch pad' than mine, she showed us (me) that she had about 9 or maybe 12 little squares that she could add shapes and colours to... Brian shut down about 3 seconds into the demo, as she quickly touched her screen and added and altered art work in these tiny squares...then Brian (my brain btw,) rebooted, and said, 'You can do that at full size and then cut them out to any size you want! And add more colour with your new Posca pens!' Which is what I did! Yay! See! Brian's not so dumb after all! There's no up or down, it's anywhichway you want it to be. Just click and save. I printed it out on 300gsm cardstock and made ATC's out of mine. I'll show you when I finished them! Thank you for stopping by!

ps. I'll add a cupple more of these in later posts...

It's Tuesday! T Stands for Tea! just means, we all go over to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's  at AlteredBookLovers hideout, and share our food and drinks! Hi guys! Hope you're all fit as fiddles!! Sorry, there's no tea, I'll add that later and applogies for the state of  my mixed salad brunch, it does look a bit messy, because I've added extra salad cream and some spicy sweet chilli sauce to it.
 I was very naughty and had a 'wee' pudding too, (small chocolate dessert-which was yummy) Plus, my new 'green' Cold Press drink, you saw last week, "Survive and Thrive" with, Kiwi, Apple, Cucumber, Spinach, Ginger and Lemon.(Plus BCD and E)  But, my very favourite of that make is "Rise and Shine" with, Orange, Mango, Carrot, Passion Fruit, and Ginger, which I haven't any left. (I'll get some later, when I go shopping) It's too tasty to stay in the fridge for long! There's still the Kombucha 'tea'  fruit drinks. All flavours have been my favourites for quite sometime now. (A bit later...) Right!!! The Boiler man's gone and now the postman's arrived. Everything stops coz my magazine Die Cutting Essentials  #119, was waiting to be opened! 
On the front page it says...there's 41 papers and toppers to download. Hmm, I always have a job finding them (and quite often they don't print out)Yep, no luck with the 'free' papers...Not even the link in the Mag will go to them. (They are there now!) Perhaps someone will add them later... I'm just too eager! Well!!?? Lookie See! There are Gnomes!!
Been shopping...who spied the Posca pens in the back ground? Including Gold and Silver! They were on the top shelf at Tesco's and just jumped straight into my trolly! Here's my cup of tea...with, 'Mend and Defend,' Cherry, Apple, Carrot, Mandarin, Ginger and Lemon plus vitamins. Plus of course..."Rise and Shine" with, Orange, Mango, Carrot, Passion Fruit, and Ginger...ummm and I've already opened it... I should've bought two bottles...
 Oh well, that's it from me! I have to finish filling my garden rubbish bin, ready for collection, I like to get a few more branches in before they come.
I just suddenly remembered, I have another drink!! From the #gelypostcardplay challenge I joined in for the whole month of July to do 31 postcards...My number 007...Shaken Not Stirred! I think that counts!  Happy T Day!! See you all later. Thank you for stopping by!!

Monday 5 August 2024

An Extra Always Freebie For you!

 It's one of my 'practises' geliplate printing. I think it may've been one of those colour combination challenges they have every month over on

If you missed yesterday's post...I  did a quick cover of one of my smaller Acrylic paints boxes using these papers. 2xA4 for the front and back and 2xA5 was enough for the shorter sides.


Sunday 4 August 2024

Butterfly Geli-print-paper, paint box cover


Evening Crafty People! Gosh, I've missed posting for ...days!! Well. I needed to 'tidy' up....(it didn't happen) Today I've been covering one of my boxes that I keep my acrylic paints in. I sometimes use tissue paper but today I used one of my kinda geli prints with added bits and stamped with butterflies. Usually they hold fruit, (that's the box, not the butterflies) this one had bird treats in it. I made one paper brownish-orange and the other a more yellowy in colour. (**I think I've added it here somewhere as an always freebie) **See next post. Then, because I knew there wouldn't be enough to cover the box,  I scanned them, printed them out and then covered the box. Simples.

In the picture, you can see there's 'bands' going cross and along, to help hold the tubes of paint in place. My other box in the background hasn't got them and the paints are always falling over.... Now, the bands? What do you think they are made from? You'll never guess... well, maybe you might... Tights! Yep. Tights... (or stockings if you'd rather) small bands cut at the toes and larger bands at the thigh/top! Last much longer than rubber bands. And they're kinder. I use them for almost everything! Right, I've had a look out the back...and we're right out of parrots..oops, wrong script... I mean... I couldn't find that I'd added these papers as freebies anywhere... so, in the next post. I will add them... they might come in handy for something! As you can see in the wheelbarrow awaits me! My garden bin needs filling up. So, that's it for now. Wednesday's freebie is already done, so watch out for that on Wednesday!! (If I go on like this, I'll meet myself coming back!) Thank you for stopping by! :)

Thursday 1 August 2024

This Weeks WEdnesDay Freebie, On A ThursDay!


Afternoon peoples! Furry four legged beasties have gone home, so I was clearing up my crafty mess after all that postcard making for the last month... but then I got bored... because the mess was just getting worse and spreading into more places, like some kind of evil liquid swamp rat! So I drew you this weeks freebie instead! This Weeks Wednesday Freebie On a Thursday!  I'm calling it, 'Two Story Town Toadstool' You can download it HERE  or you can email me. It's here for a week. No sharing anywhere without its watermark thank you and, a comment would be lovely! Thank you for stopping by!


T Stands for Tuesday

Grab button for Second on the 2nd

Just Keep On Creating!

JkoC adv button

I Made Top Three!

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