Tuesday 27 August 2024

It's Tuesday....Time For tea...

We had a bank holiday Monday yesterday, so I lost a whole day thinking yesterday was Sunday and today was Monday....oops! Luckily I realised in time, as tomorrow...being Wednesday, I'm off House sitting! So I'm packing up stuff I'll need, and of course some crafty goodies to play with while I'm there.  Anyway! It's never too late for T on Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard. Above is my 'Boring Breakfast' The supermarket was sold out of my latest fruit and veg drink, (ColdPress) for three whole days, so I thought I'd try 'Super Smoothie, Innocent'. (Kiwi,Cucumber, Apple, Mathcha (tea powder) and flax seeds, with vitamins. I Googled that, and Google suggested that we eat our fruit and not drink it because of the sugar content in it. But, they gave my other tea fruit drink (with Elderberry and lemon and other flavours, seen in the picture) a thumbs up, so I think I'll just stick to Kombucha (sugar free) from now on....So! Not much is happening here. My crafty mojo has gone walk about... hopefully I'll find it soon... Have a Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Have fun house sitting. Is there a dog involved this time? I've never house sat before, but if I could do it some place interesting it would be like a mini-vacation. Enjoy Lyn (not Jan who is my boss-big grin), and I hope it was a happy T day. hugs-Erika

    1. yes, there's two dogs and the one that's already staying with me at home, nice big garden with woods so, they love running about together!

  2. Looks like a deliciously, colorful breakfast. Happy T Day - CJ

  3. Somehow I always want the orange juice.

    1. The ornage is lovely, but probably too much suagar!

  4. I'd happily eat your boring breakfast ...lol 😊. It looks yummy! Have fun house sitting and wishing you a happy late T day too ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. Just set up my laptop! Lovely and sunny and the dogs get on well together!

  5. Are you dog or cat sitting too? Or just the house? I house-sat once for my friend who lives in the center of Rotterdam. I loved it in the center. It was like a little holiday. Shops and cafes to discover. Neighbours to meet. Very nice indeed. I hope you enjoy it too and get some crafting done. You might actually find your mojo there, who knows.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  6. I'm dog sitting two dogs plus the one I already had with me at home, They all get on well together, as there's plenty of space to play and snoooozzze!


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