Wednesday 21 August 2024


 Welcome to What's On your Worktop Wednesday! Nip over to Sarah's Craft Shed to find out more! Sorry to eveyone for last week...I didn't get around to you all, as blogger wouldn't let me comment or, on some blogs, I couldn't find where the comment  thingies were and was fast running out of time! Or??  Something else?! Above are some yellow boxes that Kittle The cats mum gave me. To their left is what I did with the last two she gave me...They're filled with mostly labels and stickers.  Sadly, Kittle passed away at the beginning of the month, I shall miss cat sitting her so much. 😢
To answer a question from last week,
from BJ, which I think I answered but couldn't see the comment.... (I will double check again later) Trollys! You can never have enough trolly or anything on wheels in a small crafty space! Here they are...
Last weeks trolly
Trolly #1 is from Hobby Craft. At the time they were £25 down to £20 and is in  my craft room at the moment holding paint and some gel-printing stuff...
Trolly #2

Trolly #2 is at the moment in the bedroom, to make more room as I have dogs staying. I bought it second hand along with a lidded box from a charity craft shop for £10

Trolly #3 Ikea

Trolly # 3 was the very first one John bought me from Ikea, it was nearly half price in their sale, £50 down to £30...Waaay over priced but it's taller  and stronger and holds crafty stuff as well as doubling up as a table for a lamp in the living room. The wooden top is from Hobby craft.

Trolly #4
Trolly #4 is usually kept in  what was the airing cupboard, when not in my craft room. This was bought from Lidl (or Aldi?? ) for £12.00. The A B C on the trays I stuck on when I was putting it together as they seemed to be different sizes and took ages to screw to the frame!  Best one? probably Ikea... but should be cheaper I think...Hobby Craft do them in a lot more colours! I could still do with another one!! That's it from me!! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by! 


  1. Love all those trolleys Lyn. I must admit to having three from IKEA but only bought when they are on offer - they are indeed too expensive when full price. I have a smaller trolley which I got from Hobby Craft that fits under my desk with my pens, pencils and words stickers. The lid you have looks really useful for a living room. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

    1. Hobby craft do make a lot of different add ons, which I think I have all of them, but I even find them hard to find homes for them...I need more room!!

  2. I wish I had room for more trolleys, they are so handy. Your Ikea one looks the best. I have one from Hobbycraft. Have a great week. Angela #11

    1. Yes, Ikea is the best one, definitely. If they have one in a sale I will probably get another one.

  3. What a lot of trollies!? They are SO useful though aren't they? I think we have 3 - an Ikea one (on offer) and 2 Hobbycraft ones as they had some cute stuff to go with them like the lids and trays etc. I'm such a sucker for storage! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #12

    1. yes, The extra's with the Hobby craft trollies are a very good idea, Because my crafty space is soooo small I can just wheel everything out to make way to craft!

  4. I'm late today as we've been out but here now. I love the trollies they are so useful and I have three of my own that I keep for differtent craft purposes. Wishing you a very happy woyww evening. Hugs Angela x9x

    1. I think I might be later than you! Thank you for calling in!


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