Wednesday 28 August 2024

Whats On My Worktop, in the sunroom this wednesday! #795

Afternoon Wednesday WoyWWers!  Check in over on Sarah'sCraft Shed and join in! I'm house sitting and dog sitting and have just set up my laptop in the sunroom....where the only internet link that works for me is in the bedroom/office/sitting room upstairs above me! I brought a few crafty things with me, which I can cut out, ready to turn into something else.  The paper and card sets you can see in the picture come from Aldi. I always get them when they  have them. It's very hot in the sunroom! I have the doors open but still have to keep my eyes on the dogs, just in case they see a squirrel, or a deer or a fox, coz they'll be off after it!! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!


  1. hope you manage to keep the dogs safe! just doing a few desk visits before I put dinner on to cook.. happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. dogs are all happy, although Loki got himself stuck in the on suit dressing/bathroom....last place I looked, it was only for a few moments but he was so pleased to see me!

  3. I *love* cutting out and am doing exactly that this morning. Very restful after the stress of prepping for visitors LOL!
    Enjoy the sun while we have it :)
    Last few!
    Mary Anne (3)

  4. Hope you don't overheat while crafting in the sunroom Lyn. May the dogs see no squirrels! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  5. Well done for crafting away from home, not sure I could manage it. Hugs BJ#12

  6. Hope you get some crafting done between watching the dogs. Wondering how big the dogs are and visions of you chasing them through the open doors into some wooded area chasing the local wild life.
    Enjoy your time with the dogs.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  7. Sun rooms can get hot! Not that hot days have been anywhere near us! I hope the wild critters remain hidden . A belated happy WOYWW from me x Angela #9

  8. Sorry I missed you Wednesday, hope your house and dog sitting goes well, we are away at the moment but our two are in kennels. Happy belated woyww, Angela x10x

  9. It's always hard to know just what to bring when staying at someone else's house! I usually over pack! Have fun dog sitting, and hopefully a fox won't come trotting by! Sorry I'm so late, have a lovely week, Lindart #14


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