Wednesday 5 June 2024

What's on YOUR WorkTop Wednesday!?#783 A bit of Edwardian Diary

  It's a WOYWW Day!? Good Morning! I'm not here til this afternoon, as I'm off any second now, to house sit some little dogs! But first, I've pushed back all my crafty stuff on my work bench, in my craftroom (I haven't done much in here for months!) to make room for my Edith Holden 'Diary of an Edwardian Lady' books. Why? Because I've been binge watching Miss Paintalot on Youtube making  a ringbinder journal using said same  book and 'thought' (it wasn't too much of a strain)  I can do that! I've got all the stuff!  So I've dumped my books here, ready!!  Now I've got to disappear til later....

Hi it's later...very much later... I got waylaid, and hours and hours have flown by... and I haven't been able to 'play' yet, so I'll just show you the pictures I took earlier...

The tag I made a while back using pages from Edith's book, inked up with added labels and a flower.

 Jumping forward a bit...Here's another bargain of the week, this little black swivel thingy from the charity shop, was a fiver. In the background you can just see the larger white one I also bought a few years back for £4 also from the charity shop. Then my box of tags.

This is what I've been's Bronte sniffing her way around the garden and into the woods.
And here's Remi back in the house. They were both rescue dogs and came from somewhere near Greece I believe. Then, I was off to water someones garden and feed their fish! So that's my Wednesday! What's happening on Your Wednesday??  Hop over to Sarah's Craft Shed and join in! Happy WOYWW!? Thank you for stopping by!!


  1. you had a busy wednesday! I hope you get to convert your Edwardian Lady soon; I look forward to seeing it Happy WOYWW Helen #2

    1. SO do I! I might have to take it with me!

  2. Oh I loved all those old books of "diaries". I am also reminded of the Mapp & Lucia books. They were so much fun and the scheming so intricate, it always tickled me. Never read the one you mention but now I may have to look for it. Your doggos are so cute, well done on the rescues, and that lazy susan doohicky from the charity shop looks so handy. Hope your ATC arrives today - I had to wait on another address so I needed only one trip to the PO!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

    1. The doggies belong to the people who live at the house I was sitting. Her sister died suddenly and she ran a dogs home for lost strays. There were over 90 dogs that had to find new forever homes and these were the two that her sister had as her dogs. They are soooo good, although still a little bit nervious somtimes.

  3. Hi Lyn, another lucky find, I popped into 3 the other day with a zero haul🙄, I did however go into the Oxfam shop and get a small tin of paint pens for £3.99. They are new and a make I have not heard of. I look forward to seeing your Country Diary folder. I look out for the books when I go into charity shops. I have 3 at home. I used one in several junk journals. I scanned the pages because I thought would prefer the images smaller, but not yet printed any out. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

    1. I have picked up loads of stuff, as cheap as chips! Although, one day I found a Promarker marked up as £12 !! At the time they were only about 2.95 each new! A missprint I think!

  4. What a great find Lyn. You have some great charity shops near you. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Country Diary project. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  5. Ah Edith's book is delightful - I had a diary on the theme and even some crockery.. Hope you get to play soon. Hugs BJ#7

    1. My mum had all the bedding and curtains and china etc...where it went to, when she passed, I have no idea! (happy Birthday Mum!) I have a week coming up where I could take the craft stuff with me and do it there, that might just work!

  6. I was thinking of that too, )but my printer's still printing wonky and Miss Paintalot said we'd be against the copywrite rules, even though the books are over 50 odd years old. I thought copywrite only lasted for thirty years...I'll google it!

  7. Hi Lyn, lovely vintage tag! and a great lucky find down the charity shop too, that is so useful. Thanks for the You Tube link, I will take a look at her channel.Have a great weekend Michelle #14

    1. I do recommend, watching some of it on fast speed!

  8. It's not too bad dog sitting / walking when the weather is glorious isn't it?! Looking forward to seeing the binder all finished. So sorry for the late visit! I got distracted part way through my list - oops! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #13

  9. WOW, this wonderful book leaves me speechless - and the little dogs are adorable!
    All the best from Austria, Traude


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