Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tea for Tuesday's Breakfast....plus a bit more

 Shortish post this week, for T stands for Tuesday! and, as always, my life at the moment is maddic! I am soooo behind with everything, I've half cut my hedge, half cut my lawn, still need to plant up some flowers, put away piles of washing, and loads of crafty stuff. I feel like... hiding in that dark corner where my pile of paper grows... only, that's over flowing too and there's no room! Also, getting up five minutes before I go to bed, is not a good thing!

This morning I had a mircowaved pouch egg on toast. The trick to cooking these in a mircowave, is, add a dob of butter and a drizzle of milk into a mug, add a cover but don't seal it, place cup on the outside of the mircowave plate and cook for 20 seconds, take it out, have a look at it, maybe give it another 10 to 20 seconds... any longer, it might well explode! Drain off the milk/butter liquid and place the runny egg on some toast. Simples. Later, my drink changed to Cranberry juice just for a change... In the background are what's left of my WOYWW Atc's (which were late posting as we had a Bank Holiday this week, so no post!) You'll also notice, I plan to go spray some weeds with weed killer... That's it from me! Go join AlteredBookerlover! Thank you for stopping by! Phew!


  1. I've never made eggs in the micor. I should try it. The no sugar drink looks good too. Have a great day today.

  2. I don't have a microwave, but I do have an air fryer! Happy T Day, take it easy occaionally! Hugs!

  3. I love a perfect poached egg, so might try this ion my microwave.

    I know what you mean when you want to hide. I am so far behind, I can't seem to get ahead anywhere.

    You have lots of drinks to choose from this week, Lyn. And of course, I am thrilled you managed to share them all with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  4. That poached egg looks very good. Thanks for the explanation. I’ll try that when I get home.
    Happy T-Day,

  5. I know how you feel, my life is like that right now. I so many started and partly done projects...and I just want to finish them! I hope you got something done, and have a great T day too. hugs-Erika

  6. I may have to try your egg trick! I am not getting much done these days either. My craft room is a total mess and we need to be cleaning out the rest of my mom's house but we drag our feet every week and have not finished it in 2 years. So I may be president of the need to get some stuff done club. Love your pictures. Happy T-day - hugz P.S. hoping we both get some stuff done this week


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