Tuesday 21 May 2024

It's Time For Tea On Tuesday...


 For once, I'm not that late for T stands for Tuesday! Although I might speak/type too soon...who knows what Blogger has in store for me this week...hmmmm. I am running around chasing my own tail...perhaps I mean, towel? W-well, my phone doesn't want to help with my spelling this morning... and I'm rubbish at it. A cure for that, is to restart it. Don't throw it into a bucket of water though, I have been tempted! Above, is the normal Boring Breakfast with Tea! With the usual bits of crafty stuff shoved back. The books on the right, are my bargain of the week. More on them later.

This week has seen  my son-inlaws birthday party. Emma came over and borrowed the BBQ and we managed to get it into the back of her car!   At the party I sliced and diced and cut and made the Pimms, which didn't last long!
Before the BBQ there were snacks....Dexter (7) told me he made the vegan cup cakes. And they were (surprisingly) yummy!

Tom loves to do marathons, running, swimming, cycling and lastly that Muddy Race, getting covered in as much mud as you can...before getting past the finishing line. So this is what his cake was all about! 

After the BBQ they cut into the Cake! Chocolate sponge inside. Shame to cut into it really! Now back to the books and my bargain of the week. 99p each from a Charity shop. One, made to look like aunty's cook book and the other, all about Wild Flowers...

The cook book looks tatty and old...but it's not. All hand written inside with notes, postcards and magazine recipes suck into it with yellowing tape. All just an illusion!  Even the cover.
The inside cover
I don't think I'll ever be able to cut into this! It's already, someones 'scrap book'

None of these  stuck ins are stuck ins! I might even try some of the recipes!

As for the wild flower book, it has places to write your notes. It's never been used and  it's not like the others I have, so, to begining with, I'll just love it and maybe slice it up at a later date...(2051)
Last, but not least, this morning's cup of frothy coffee made in my 'cake in a mug', mug! Happy T Day! Pop over to AlteredBooklover and Join in with drinks and food and other things!
My job today is....the garden. Weeds wait for no one! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. It's great you made it early today, but wow, that cake. It is amazing. And so is that cookbook. You are right, that is a scrapbook on it's own and who'd want to cut it up I hope you're having a super T day. hugs-Erika

    1. I'm house, dog, cat, Rabbit, sitting at the moment...with a few seconds free while they all have a snooze@

  2. A lovely post. That cake is amazing. Wonderful drinks too. Have a great day today.

  3. I'm going to take a chance and see if this will publish.

    You always have a great breakfast and various drinks. How nice.

    I would hate to cut that cake, too. It was very well made and fits your SIL very well.

    Jo introduced us to Pimms a few years ago, or I might not have known what you were talking about.

    I love that "old" cookbook. Yes, it could be someone's idea of a scrapbook. I loved that you shared some of the pages, too. And of course, I adore your cake in a mug mug of coffee. Thanks for sharing the b'day party, the books, and your various drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Lyn.

    Nope. Got a "failed to publish," so will send an email.

  4. Pimms brings me memories of our late British friend who loved it and had us try it. But for us, it was the only chance. We miss her.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. Dear Lyn,
    Thanks for your comment - YES! It was the right place for T for Tuesday ;-DDD - I shared several drinks for T-Day in my Tasmania travel report!
    I'm really excited about the triathlon cake - it's wonderful!
    All the best, Traude

  6. Sounds like a wonderful party, and that cake is magnificent! Happy T Day, hugs!

  7. What a magnificent cake! I like Pimms - just one glass is enough for me🤣🤣. I couldn’t go to the crop unfortunately, so it was a surprise that the change over had already happened this morning. I will check later to see if you posted for WOYWW x

  8. You are so very busy. I love the cake, it would members of my family perfectly. I have that cook book too, so many brilliant old fashioned recipes. Suits me fine. Have a good week. Elaine

  9. What a beautiful cake! Yes, too nice to cut into. I've never had Pimms, although I have seen the bottles when I was in the UK.
    The 'scrap book' cookbook looks fun. No, I wouldn't cut into that. It's a bit like Flow magazine, which is meant to be cut up but it's too nice.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Love that cake! That is the thing with those cakes - almost a shame to cut them. Fun books - I love looking for finds like those too. All the food at the party looks good. Fun post. Happy late T-day. Hugz


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