Wednesday 22 May 2024

Is it really WOYWW!? 780 plus ONE!?

 Late as always. And so it continues! WOYWW!? Has a new address, at sarahscraftshed. So be sure to go and join in! I've been people busy last week and this week, I'm sooo behind, I tend to shove everything into the spare room and close the door...ohoo?? But I haven't really got a spare room! Never Mind. The weeds in the garden are nearly taller than me, but at least I've planted up some flower pots and cut the grass! (don't mention the headge!) I have on and off over the last month been trying to get some ATC's ready for Woyww 15th anniversary, which was last week! but with my printer not working proberly there's not a lot I can do. I did manage three ATC backings when the printer wasn't feeling so poorly, but everything else since then is pretty well, rubbish! Anyway, above is a picture of my crafty ironing board. I've used maps from a small booklet about 'Walks Around The New Forest' for the back ground. If anyone still wants to swap, just let me know! Have a great week everyone. And a Happy New WOYWW! Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Hope you get your printer working soon. I don't know I could survive without mine for a day!
    Roll on another 15 years…
    Happy New Location WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (9)

  2. Afternoon, Lyn, am late getting round (given I have a day off) because after linking I decided to go to Kew (partly planned due to being otherwise engaged at the crop on Saturday and partly last minute due to the weather - but it was better than forecast) I've posted an atc to you today as I had some left from crop and had your address! No stress about sending one back! Happy WOYWW in it's new home Helen #1

  3. Oh I love to see a map well used. My son in law had a lovely map of his run in Wales printed on a tea towel - now that would make nice fabric drink mats.🤣🤣

  4. Oh I love a map well used. My son in law had a map of his run in Wales printed on. Tea towel. Now that would make nice fabric drinks mats 🤣 x x Jo

  5. Love those map backgrounds Lyn. Hope the printer is working properly soon. I was very luckiy that my lawns were done for me on Saturday while I was at the crop. Thanks for linking up at the new home of WOYWW. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  6. I love your Walks Around the New Forest ATC's - something we are trying to do several times a week as it's on our doorstep! I just haven't got myself organised this year and missed the ATC's and only discovered the 15th Anniversary by accident - must do better next year! Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #8

  7. I do love a map background, they make for great cards too I’ve found! Hope your printer starts to play ball soon!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  8. Hi Lyn , I'm a bit late getting round today as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. That's a busy desk for sure. How on earth did we manage before printers! Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  9. Great map backgrounds, sorry to hear your printer is still being a pain. If you put your files on a drive, you could take it into your nearest place that does photocopying and print them out. Just a thought. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  10. The map backgrounds are great - what a good idea! Good luck with the weeding! Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

  11. Thanks for your earlier visit - as usual I did well in the morning but still playing catch up with the rest!! Would love to swap, I'm sure I should have your details but can't find them - can you mail me

  12. Great use of maps and the cogs on top look great. Hope the printer issue is sorted soon. Hugs BJ#3

  13. What a lovely place to have your ATC's centred on. Sorry I cannot do a swap as I have run out of the ones I made and now my back is bad I can't see myself making any more.
    Be careful and don't get lost in that garden of yours.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx


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