What's On Your Worktop #775 already?? Yep, time waits for no one! Well, it's afternnon here. Lola's a sleep, (little dog that's staying with me at the moment) so I've nipped into my craftroom to quickly do a WOYWW!? post, that's going on, every week, over on Stamping Ground! I've done a bit of 'slap it on painting, covering an unwanted 12x12, and hoping I'll be able to turn it into tags, atc's, postcards, journal covers or something else. (Or just something that my brother in law will put into that dirt great skip he's promised to get, when I've gone...) I've sort of followed Ceri The Crafters YouTube tutorial, for the April 2024 colour combo, Makers of Mixed Media Art and Artist Facebook group, using Cream, Magenta and Teal, plus black, white and gold too, if needed.
It's not finished yet...waiting for it to dry then, I'll add some scribbles or use my Posca pens to make shapes or even do some stamping. I also made another sideways pocket tag (idea from SevenPlaza I think) using the village's monthly church 'Link' magazine. Bluebells for spring. I think you may've already seen the other one, made from a masterboard a little while back but it wanted to join in too! Short post today, as I'm house, dog and Professor sitting tonight while Mrs Proffessor is out. Lola's coming too and she soon lets the other dogs know who's boss! Here's a picture of her this morning.... so cute!
Added this morning, Little Lola.
Blogger is still not letting me load my photos in the 'normal' way, so it takes an age! And have you noticed??? My background to my blog, has disappeared!! It's just, black now, looks like I've fallen into the darkest deepest abyss... oh well, that's me alover! That's it for now, off to house/dog/Proff sit! Thank you for stopping by! See you over on Stamping Ground later!