Wednesday 6 December 2023

Wots On Your Worktop Wednesday?!#757 with Links To Freebies

Hello crafty WOYWWers! Here's my kitchen top, which is about the same as yesterdays, with a few added things after my shopping spreed. Had to go sort out my van's MOT so, why not do a bit of shopping too? I'm still not used to going shopping on my own. I pick up things and put them back again. I still look for backup from John, which is odd really cos I've got a few things that he'd buy over the years... and they're still at the back of the cupboard! I'm making that tab (a Friday freebie from Gi, Happiness in Crafting) I was looking for some paper to line the tab, to make it a bit stronger. I wanted music as some of the add ons I bought from her shop have music.

Anyway, back to 'shopping'. A trip to The Works got me those document wallets (5 for a £). The Rudolph Tissue paper was from TKMax (1.99) I'm hoping to make it the cover to a glue book filo...The gnomes were from a charity shop at £1. Also in TKMax I bought a blouse...I put it back three times! I could hear John's voice saying, 'if you like it, buy it!' Then, 'What was it's real price!?' I turned the tag and it was £65... (Definitely a no no!!) 'and their price?' £19. 'So, no brainer', sez John, in my head. And I do love it!
In another charity shop find. I bought this (once a freebie in a crafty magazine years ago) Safari Friends stamp set with embossing folder. I've seen them on ebay for over a fiver plus postage. This was a pound. So, good deal done! And aren't those critters cute!?

And talking of stamps...this, is not a slug, but what is left of a small Happy Christmas stamp, it appears to be melting. I know it's probably years old, but this is proof, they don't last forever. Maybe it's a good idea to stamp out a few of your favourites in advance, just in case!  Now, The blue-ish paper it's on, I think/guess is a freebie download from Tattered Lace. Login/ register, for loads of Tattered lace type freebies.
This is what my kitchen top ended up like after I'd put the tag together. In the end I lined it with what was once a drawer liner with music and cherubs. I'm now, not sure how Gi did the ribbon. Going to have to watch the video again. This is very much like my little treat holders I made waaay back in 2013, adding Reindeer pooh treats. Of course, Gi's is sooo much more 'grow-up' But then...looking at these...I think I might make some more!

  Yesterday, I didn't manage to put the Christmas lights on the garden Christmas tree, because I couldn't unscrew the battery box! In fact it broke my little screw-driver! A trip back to Tesco's and I was given a new box of lights, which even the assistance found was very tricky to open! That's me done! Off to put the lights up, well, only ones I can reach! (No one will get me up a ladder to hang them from the guttering!) Have a Happy Crafty Week, and if you can, pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!


  1. Oh well done with the shopping. It's great to get a bargain and it's always wise to think twice or even three times before purchasing! I'm full up with a cold so having a lazy day. I haven't even got the enthusiasm for a bit of crafting. x x Jo

    1. I had this werid bug a few weeks back, I couldn't stop coughing, and seeing my 'old cough' is still with me since October 2012 it wasn't very nice! Tummy felt sore for days..A lazy day is good, I had a few when this cold woudn't budge!

  2. Be safe putting up those lights Lyn. The blouse sounds like a bargain. Great projects and finds for your stash too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

    1. Thank you Sarah, its been raining yesterdy and today, so only the garden arch and the Garden Christmas tree has lights so far!

  3. I have had to force open battery boxes on Christmas lights before, I can never get them open. Glad you listen to the voices in your head sometimes! John would be proud of you. Happy WoYWW Helen #4

    1. So far, touch wood, the few lights I have managed are all working! No way near the grand display they used to be, but I've done my best!

  4. I started off okay this morning and then got distracted again! Loving the treat bags and the stamp collection too. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

    1. Today, coz its raining, I'm staying in and was distracted too...(making cards and tags)so much so,the pushing back of stuff on my work top resulted in my breakfast plate crashing to the floor...That'll teach be to wash it up straight away and not leave it there!

  5. So much going on! Yes, the blouse was a bargain, and oh my - PACKAGING. I just hate how it is done now. I struggle but everyone still hands stuff to me to open. They think I have "the touch" I guess. And melting stamps? Yeah I have loads from a no-longer-in-business business that seem to be disintegrating, melting, ripping...just the wrong kind of silicone I guess. Oh well...good luck with your lights :)
    Happy (late) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (7)

    1. HI Mary Anne, I have been to you...but the clickable thingy on the comments wasn't fact there was a few people I couldn't comment on, will pop back later...when the gremlins have gone home!!

  6. You have been busy and very creative. I'm just thinking about getting the Christmas decorations out!!! Why are they always at the back of the cupboard? Elaine

  7. All mine are in the actic! I have to throw them down the hatch! I'm soooo glad that Hubby thought of me and fitted an electic ladder only months before he passed.

  8. Some great bargains this week. I have found several of my stamps are sticky and horrible. I haven’t thrown them away though. Glad you got another pack of lights, some containers are so hard to open! Happy WOYWW . Angela #14

  9. Some great bargains this week. Glad you could hear your Hubby’s support still, and well done to Tesco for helping you.
    Take care, sending big hugs
    Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  10. I love the little treat boxes! And well done with your shopping, glad you got the blouse you loved! I have lost a few stamps to age over the years, but only the red rubber ones that went dry and hard. I haven't lost any clear ones yet. I get frustrated not that I am older and have problems with my hands, how many things I struggle to open! But I'm glad you got your box opened! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  11. Ooh Lyn I’m with you, no ladders please, lights look pretty at any height! Love Gi’s tag design, I think you’re right about the grown up was of them! I like the bargains you got from the works too, they will be useful. I’m so happy to read that you still hear Johns voice o your head, and he was right! What a great bargain of a blouse, my proudest TKM moment is similar, 119 puffa jacket down to 39. Ruse not to!!


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