Wednesday 8 June 2022

IT's A WOYWW DAY! #679!

Morning! Well it was when I started! Couldn't get in to link to Stamping Ground...but I will keep trying! Anyway! Happy WOYWW Day! The sun is trying to come out here, but there's a big black cloud heading this way! I hope it doesn't rain too much this weekend, as we're  off having another big 0 birthday treat somewhere in Cornwall. So! Here's my beach  I mean bench this morning. A right ol' mess. I'm trying to do two cards, one for somebody, umm- umm- umm. Mum's the word... (Just in case he peeks in here and see's itCovered most of it with the latest edition of Creative Stamping. If  I take my laptop with me, I'll show you it next week. Above is the left side. Below is my lastest find at the Crafty Charity shop...I must stop going there!
There's die cuts too. Sticky glue roll, doublesided tape, a few stamps, and that little puzzle stamp punch and some card. The scissors fell off their peg, just before I took the picture... show offs!
This is long ways down the bench, you can see in the bottom right corner that those little puzzles actually fit together . The other things out I may use later for the Birthday card.
~The doggy birthday paper is a red heron!) but you can download them for free. here You may have to login.

Another thing I nabbed at the outlet warehouse for that Charity shop, was this red cabinet. This shop deals mainly in furiture, and as I heaving two of the six bags for charity from Lady Pam's, I spotted it!  "Oh Yes!!" sez me, "Oh No!" sez hubby...but he bought it for me anyway! It's going to hold my card/ glitter card/ miri card etc, as the shelf has started to bow! I'll be able to have my A4 card and paper, colour coded.


  And lookie Lookie see! ATC's all  the way from USA from Silvia (arrived last Wednesday and was added late) and one all the way from Australia from Susan! Thank you! Love them!

One last picture! Lola. 
 Here she is having a roll in the grass. She went home yesterday and I'm still finding things she hid! Crazy little dog!  Have a great week! Happy WOYWW! Keep on Crafting!


  1. Such a busy desk. Is there any room for crafting?
    Love the cupboard/set of drawers you got. That is really useful and could not be left for someone else to snatch up. Glad hubby bought it for you.
    Love the atc's and also the picture of `Lola - what a happy little dog.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  2. Beach, Bench, whatever LOL! Lucky you to snag that cabinet. You can tidy away all the desktop debris in a flash with all those drawers. {wink}
    Happy WOYWW to you!
    Mary Anne (4)

  3. Send me the address of that crafty shop - now ! So many goodies coming from there! 🤣🤣. My husband says no when I say yes! A great drawer set though. 🤣🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  4. I am so in love with the red cabinet, you could not have left that it's going to be brilliant and they are so expensive to buy new. I bet you'll miss Lola now she's gone, she's such a sweetie. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  5. I am so in love with the red cabinet, you could not have left that it's going to be brilliant and they are so expensive to buy new. I bet you'll miss Lola now she's gone, she's such a sweetie. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  6. I'm wishing I had a Crafty Charity shop near me!. ..So many goodies. Have a lovely break and hope the sun shines. Elaine

  7. Aw Lola is so cute, love that she’s left you bits and pieces to find..just to remind you! Made me laugh that you’ve got the dog paper out as a red herring, brilliant idea! Have a lovely time in Cornwall next week, specially at the birthday do! Julia

  8. That cabinet was a fantastic find and I love the colour. I also love the stag beetle in the corner of the photo - I have a thing about Beetles and have been thrilled to see real ones in the garden this week.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #14

  9. I love your red cabinet - it looks perfect. well spotted! Hope you have a good week and a great time in Cornwall; I love Cornwall. helen #3

  10. Helloooo Lynn 🤗 your post as ever a joy to read and never fails to make me smile wide 🤸‍♀️ looove your busy desk filled to bursting 🙃 tooo that gorgeous red cabinet .. loooove it .. you know I think I have one like it but grey out in the old shed ... maybe I should get Alex to haul it out, paint it and use it 😘 will kerp yooou posted! Wishing you a week filled with joy 💛 love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxx

  11. Helloooo Lynn 🤗 your post as ever a joy to read and never fails to make me smile wide 🤸‍♀️ looove your busy desk filled to bursting 🙃 tooo that gorgeous red cabinet .. loooove it .. you know I think I have one like it but grey out in the old shed ... maybe I should get Alex to haul it out, paint it and use it 😘 will kerp yooou posted! Wishing you a week filled with joy 💛 love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxx

  12. I wish we had a charity craft shop available locally Lyn (or maybe better not lol). Great find with the filing cabinet - it is so useful having card in colour coded drawers. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  13. I have cabinet envy!! What a great find, it’ll hide a multitude of sins. I’d probably put trimmings and haberdashery in mine plus fat quarters. Hope you have a marvellous time in Cornwall and the sun shines for you!
    Lola seems to be having a fab time there, lucky dog!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  14. Now, will it be 'tidy' before you go way?

  15. Wow don't think you have even a 6" square!! Honestly I love it, mine looks like that most of the time, it's just weird I tend to have just tidied up for Wednesday (It's because I get to Tuesday pm, realise I haven't achieved ANYTHING so far this week but it's degenerated into a mound of chaos and then I spend time tidying up so I can move forward. And everyone sees my WOYWW photo and thinks I have it under control!! Love the red cabinet btw. Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindy #22

  16. I am in LOVE with that red cabinet. It is fabulous. I have a similar one I keep my wood mounted stamps in. Well, three drawers. I don't have a lot of stamps. I wish I had a charity shop like yours. Mine only sells clothes, shoes, and lamps.

    This is the second time I've been without electricity in my neighborhood in the past two days. That's why I'm so late visiting, Lyn. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  17. What great finds in the charity shop! I have been a little lucky this week nabbing a bag of lace which will be useful when journalling. But that's all that was crafty!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #16


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