It's still T for Tree (for T stands for Tuesday...) as not much has changed this week I'm afraid. I've been trying to get my gnome to move around the tree, but it's really too wide, so you only get a bit of the gnome on one side, a bit more of him on the other side and then hardly any of him when he's in the doorway (mostly his feet) so I added a Terricotta pot for him to carry, after first trying another gnome beneath him, but had to take him off coz his hat showed half way up the other gnome's body, making it look as if he was carrying a red cucumber...and a bit rude! (it appeared a bit like he was hiding behind the tree and then popping out and flashing at you!) So I changed it to some Travelling suitcases and then went back to fixing the flowerpot just below him again...
T for Tea cup...filled with cold hot chocolate (still nice!)
T is for train... and turn table. We had a lovely day at Exbury Gardens, here in the New Forest with the grandkiddies so of course we had to ride on the little Train...
Hubby's been adding some Teak oil to the Teak garden furniture, which I won in a garden magazine competition years and years ago, and it's still going strong...although it doesn't look much here at Three o'clock in the morning!
Then it's T for Toilet rolls that I'm hoping to turn in to 'leather'. I've been meaning to do this for months, so it's next on my list. And Three minutes past Three in the morning...Tomates. Looking more like Triffids in the dark!
And not to forget!! Which I nearly did, ATC's. Below are the ATC's that were sent to me and turned up last Thursday!...
And below are some of the ones I made with envelopes ... not sure which ones I sent now...They might not be there. Any one that wants one, just let me know! That's it! Have a Lovely T for TUESDAY