Wednesday 4 October 2023

WHAT'S ON YOUR WORKTOP WEDNESDAY!? #748-Still in The Kitchen.Plus Video

 Morning peoples! (((wave))) Hope you're having a good day. I've started early with my WOYWW post today, but have a feeling, it'll still be late as I have sooo much to do  I get sidetracked very easily! This is my worktop this morning in the kitchen. A couple of you said something about using file folders for I thought, what better way to explain than to make a video! So I did... Not sure how to add it...let's try... this!

Ohooo it worked! (I'm doing a little jig now!) Fabulous! So I'm making more Journals whatevers, in the kitchen. Last week I linked Ceri The Crafter ...go see him for all the right instuctions! Try here. So that's what's going on in the Kitchen worktop...
This is what's going on in the living room on the ironing board worktop...Cast your mind back to an ATC swap on WOYWW a couple of years back. I made these covers to fit the ATC's in... then last week I watched CameliaCraftDesign with Julie and she was using old book papers- anything to get my mojo working! I made loads! I added washi tape to the spine, as where the pages were sewn in  was a bit weak. 
This is one of my originals (without its belly band) from a waaaay back WOYWW swap, just the two pockets, where the ones above have four smaller pockets and a back pocket.

I Added a backing to this one.

 As you can see I made quiet a few...then thought I'd line the inside with another page to make it stronger. I used an old book on 'Trees', Julia had a much nicer one on 'flowers' so I'm now hunting out old flower books in the charity shops.

And...not quite finished's my worktop in the hall....The table I keep my printer on, sometimes comes in handy... The only problem is, if the door bell rings, I have to crawl under it to answer the door! (and once I get down, it's really hard to get up again!)I was going to make a birthday card using that cake stamp... not going to happen now though- thought of something else. I told you, I get side tracked!  Hope you're having a great week. Thanks it from me! Happy Crafting. Don't forget to pop over to Stamping Ground and join in! Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I thought I left a comment earlier, but obviously I didn't. That was a great video and I loved hearing your voice. I really LIKE what you did with those file folders. I have a ton of them, but yours are very pretty. I like how you embellished this one.

    I remember your ATCs with the belly band. In fact, I have the one you sent me!! Love that you are making more. Happy WOYWW from # 4.

  2. Fabuuuulous video, grinning from ear to ear as I type 😁a joy to hear your voice ... thank you for sharing how to Lyn,I'm most definitely going to give that a go ⭐️ tooo your free box whoot whoot ... I thought it was pretty material ... fab use of the napkin,very pretty 😍 You are so organised with your dies ... I need to organise my stamps !!
    Tooo all your beeeautiful ATC's and now those holders 🀩loving them!!Here's tooo no one ringing your doorbell until your done 😘😁 that made me grin even more lol! Happpy belated WOYWW, wishing you all good things, love and hugs Tracy #12 xxxxxxx

  3. SO many wonderful projects going on the different desks Lyn. Love the trees collection of ATC covers in particular. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  4. great video, and to hear you! love the covers and pockets. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  5. Love your little so very helpful video and the resulting project is super cute! I love your colour choices and the vintage touched. Pretty sure I saw the same folders (different colour) at OUR local stationers so will file this away for a clear moment ... one day!

    Just catching up on the last few deskers…
    Mary Anne (6)

  6. Oh I love the journals. And your vid, well done! I really love how you make loads at a time, the little ATC holders too..I do like to use old book pages for various things but some of them are a bit on the fragile side aren't they. Washi is a great way to reinforce where necessary, and it would help me to use something I have more of than I'll ever need. I can't help it, it's so pretty!!

  7. Love your journals. I know it is not a laughing matter, but the thought of you going under the table to answer the door made mr smile x Angela #9

  8. Looks like I must have been distracted as I missed you on Wednesday. Loved the video and the little journals are a great idea. You have been so busy! Thanks for the lovely comments over at mione too. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x1x


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