Here's a Mole. He's just popping up to say "HI!" Hope you like him. He is supposed to be black with a pink nose, but the black didn't look right, so I'll leave the shadings of black and grey to you, although....there is a little bit of dotted shading there and the watermark image is a little different to the non watermark image as I forgot to save it before I added the watermark..anyway. No one will notice! The more he's downloaded the longer he stays. A comment would be lovely! Thank you for stopping by!
Wednesday, 28 June 2023
When Tuesday and Wednesday become One...#WOYWW 734 plus T for Tuesday
Above is my breakfast. I've now been told, that I shouldn't zisss up the fruit as it turns to sugar...hmmm, but then so does anything else you chew on.
Yesterday I bought a lawn mower, I had a tiny electic one I'd inherited from Lady Pam...Oho I wonder if her title is inheritable? Lady Lyn. Hmmm? Lady Spyder..ohoo. Me thinks not. After empting the oil and petrol from the old big mower it went off to the tip (I just couldn't start it, it had to go! And John had welded it up sooo many times it was probably dangerous!)This new battery mower came in a very sturdy box, which I'm thinking could make my new inkpad shelving. I looked on line and they wanted over £400 for something made out of MDF. Has the world gone crazy!? No wonder Temu is doing so well, (the deliverman told me they'd over doubled their usual Christmas deliveries and will quadruple them easily by the end on the year)
Here's some stickers I cut off the back cover because of that lovely brown colour to stick the stickers on to, so they'd have a nice back...I also used the front of the sticker book to cover the *boxes I've shown below)
Anyway, going back to boxes, I've included two old phone *boxes on my bench that I found in late hubby's Man Cave. They have a kind of wrap around lid and have an ingenius way of locking them shut, just with a, now I keep lables in them from Esty and Temu. The other box is an Ariel pod box. Their old designs were plastic and had teeth that would bite!
These boxes are a work of genius engineering design. I've been saving them ever since they first came out. They are filled with scrap bits at the moment. Sam Calcott even made a Christmas turtorial on how to make them! (Slide and Lock Gift Boxes) Me? So far I've just painted and covered them!
Here's a close up of the glues...£8.50 for the cosmic Simmer, but the little ones were £3, so??? You can never have enough glue. The Skull and Cross bones bottle holds my White Spirit. Always useful.
Also on my bench is the loverly wrapping paper that was packed in with the mower...definitely need to coffee or tea stain papers for ages. Also on my bench are some paints (three for two) and Mod Podge (half price at Hobby Crafts) I also had a £5 money off thingy. The large bottle of Collall glue was from a not so local Crafty shop five pounds cheaper than Amazon. Sadly my Crafty Charity Shop had to close. I'm guessing the owner of the shop thought it was doing so well, he/she could make a bit more rent money. I'm told it will open again, as soon as they can find a shop to put it in! Meanwhile...I'm getting very bad withdrawrall symptons...
I have to stop here for a bit, as I must go feed Kittle, she's just up the road. Her owners always leave me treble chocolate biscuits! It's about 8.30 my time...and she will be wanting her breakfast. Hopefully I'll see all you later...if I can link to Stamping Ground and Altered Book Lover! Have a great crafty week. Thank you for stopping by!
Update, linked to Stamping Ground by sending my blogs webpage to myself so I could paste and copy it on my phone whilest sitting in my van outside the Co-op. Altered Book Lovers blog opened perfectly this week. So it's smiles all round...😄
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
WhAts ON YOUR WOrkTop THis WedNEsdaY? #731
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I'll tell you in a minute! |
Morning! Happpy WOYWW!? (Stamping Ground)What have you been up to? Well, if you popped in last week and saw the video of Maisie lost in the rapeseed, you'd know all about it as its been in papers and you may've even seen it all on TV. Crazy week. So glad she was found (with a drone) ! Video on last weeks WOYWW
Now, on my workbench this week is a little bit more interesting than last-because I recieved an ATC earlier on from Susan all the way from Australia! I quickly took the stamp off the envelope, coz it's lovely, (Our post offices never seem to have 'nice' stamps any more) and took a picture of the ATC so I'd have it ready for today. That's it above and below! But then, the guys coming to work on John's bikes are coming any minute I might disappear.
I've pushed everything back...The piles are very high and toppling! Trying to hide what I'm trying to do... (just incase it all goes down the drain).
Yes, it is a Nutella jar but what is in it!? no it's not something out of Harry Potter but I know some of you will know. It's a jar filled with equal parts white vinagar and water, and added with old rusty nails, strews and bits of whatever... and left for a few days to muster and the liquid is used to, stain your papers. Just like tea and coffee...but a little different. And you can't drink it ...just so you know! Right! I'm late posting, as the guys sorting out John's bikes have only just gone. They washed and shined the 650cc and added petrol and mangaged to get the 200cc off the ramp that was blocking the way into the garage, and put its battery on charge. Most of the tools are going off to some charity, so now the guys have gone, I'm going to have some lunch dinner! Have a great week and if you can link me to Stamping Ground I'll love you for ever! Thank you for stopping by! UP Date, thank you Julia has linked me...
PS_AND!!!! I've found away to link! I sent my spyders corner.web address to my email...copy it using email on phone and paste that into Stamping Grounds Mr Linky (Just incase there's anyone else who needs to know that!) Have a great Crafty Week!!
Tuesday, 13 June 2023
It's Tuesday and TIME for a Bit of T
This week's been hectic but I am here joining in this week with Elizabeth and Bleubeard's AlteredBook T stands for....whatever you like really! Above is this mornings breakfast, very boring although there's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes mixed in with the fruit and cardboard tasting's not that bad. Plus of super zzzzzz=up mixed fruit drink!
ATC's have arrived! Can't show them to you though, soooo here's a view of the making of mine!
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Maisie in the Bluebell woods |
Yesterday was late Hubbies Birthday. Last year on his birthday, we all were zipp flying down in Cornwall and having a marvellous meal at Rick Stein's, and even a hot-tub! (On the roof of the place where we stayed... not in the resturant!) This year...well, I took a little piece of him over on the IOW ferry to the Isle of Wight, as he worked for WightLink until he retired and let the ashes drift off out to sea. Another lovely meal. And a toast to John from...
...Debbie, John's sister...Big Pat my brother in law.... and Emma, my eldest daughter, probably a picture coming later...
To John....
...while we were there, Ray from the Church called me to say John's stone had just been placed...on his birthday...never in a million years did we think, one year on we'd be doing this...
Have a late but very happy Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by.
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
This Weeks Freebie...take it with Coffee!
This will be one of my forever freebies, coffee stained paper. I've been making loads whenever I had a spare second. Kinda 'getting' into making journals and things....just at the collecting stage at the moment. Very calming! No time to do a drawing this week, soooooooooooooo busy doing stuff that, well, hubby would normanly do. Like, emptying out the oil and petrol from the old lawn mown. It hasn't be started since last year and I'm just not strong enough to pull the starter cord! And the fact that John welded it up so many times, it looked like a patchwork quilt, it was pointed out to me, if one of the blades wizzed of... I'd probably lose a foot!!! (or two!) Anyway...after leaving it upside down wrapped in a very old dressing gown, and then placed in a large bin bag for days...why?? You can't take it to the tip filled with oil or petrol!! That was a bother!! Then, after a lot of effort/ and heavying, I managed to get the thing into the back of the van! (along with a load of other rubbish. (did I tell you I paid for my permit? They took the money in March. I had to remind them in May, that I hadn't received it! They'd forgotten...couldn't find my account but could see they'd taken the money!!(Grrrr) I'll be off later, to catch my 'slot' down at the tip. Wish me luck! Just Click and save! Thank you for stopping by. A comment would be lovely! And!! Show me what you do with it!
Tuesday, 6 June 2023
A Time For Tea Post! And about time too!
Hello crafty tea lovers of all things altered! I've made time to join in today, so hope to see some of you later over on Bleubeard and Elizabeth's ( )Blog.The above picture also shows my mixed up fruit drink, yep, any fruit I have goes into the ZZZZZzzzzz to get squished up. Loverly!
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Choc biccies and fruit squash |
I haven't really been in my craft room crafting since last year but, have other areas, like the kitchen and living room, the hall... and often the bedrooms too! Above is my kitchen mess, a tiny hint of my forth coming ATC's. Elizabeth kindly sent me an invite to join in and teamed me up with the lovely Jo! (So I'd better get my skates on!... actually no... I'll never stay off the floor wearing skates!
I know I have not been blogging, every day like I used to a thousand years ago but honestly, I should not be climbing out of ditches that are deeper than I am tall or!!! Getting motor bikes MOTed or going down the tip. (gotta be there tomorrow morning, early. I have my permit and my slot number, ready!) If they don't let me in this time, I will just sit there and cry!! 😢😢😢I Just love this castle! For my belated birthday (another 0 nearer the double 00's ) I took the grandkiddies and my daughter to Harry Potter. I was very naughty and bought a Gryffindor Jacket...Hmmm, nuff said! (Ollie bought a puppet owl and Niamah bought a smaller owl) I've only just realised, it's my mum's birthday I'll be nipping up to the church later too. That's it for now. Thank you for stopping by!
PS. Download my freebie Toad Stool digi, before it disappears HERE
Thursday, 1 June 2023
It's Wednesday's Freebie (on a Thursday) and it's a Toad Stool Trio.
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ALL TIED UP..DT - Hello everyone. Here with a DT project for LITTLE RED WAGON and this week our lovely Brenda is hostess and her theme is _ ALL TIED UP...that means, twin...16 hours ago
**** One for the Boys **** - Hello folks, Hope your week is going well. Time for a new challenge at Fab'n'Funky Challenge #613 hosted by our lovely Pat who has chosen the theme "On...18 hours ago
Tutorial - The Long Haul Slimline Card - Here's a cute card idea that you can use for any image that moves - trains, animals, boats, etc. You just need a couple of the same image and some littl...1 day ago
Week 780 - Winner & top 5 Passionista - Hello again friends; we hope you’ve had a great day so far. We’re back to announce our lucky Winner and Top 5 Passionista for last week’s 'add a sentime...1 day ago
SPRING TIME AND POPPYBEAR - I have two cards to enter into some challenges today my first one was a freebie image from MOONDREA DESIGNS called Daffodil the papers are from my stash...1 day ago
Moo - Lesley K here with my card today using this lovely image called *Moo* from *Mo’s Digital Pencil*. I coloured this beautiful girl with Polychromos pencils...1 day ago
Winner and Top 3 Challenge #750 Seasons/ Weather/ Anything Goes - Good Evening All, Thank you to those of you that entered our *Seasons / Weather / Anything Goes *challenge from last week. It...6 days ago
Challenge #579 - Another week of wonderful cards & creations from both the DT & yourselves, we have loved looking at all the entries *The winner of challenge #578 is R...1 week ago
PBSC March - Anything Goes...Optional 'On the Farm'...More Inspiration! - Happy Saturday Everyone! We're back with some more inspiration for our current challenge, and the announcement of the DT favourites from last month's cha...1 week ago
Easy Edge to Edge Shaker Card. - A new challenge awaits over on the Butterfly challenge. *#195 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with E for Easy Edge to Edge Shaker Card. * It really is an easy car...11 months ago
Slimline Ho Ho Ho - I brought the Hope die from MFT because I saw a card had used the H and o to make a ho ho ho card but when I sat down to use it I couldn’t find it. So ...2 years ago
Sad news Winner and top 3 challenge #154 - It is with Great Sadness that I must share the news that “Ike” Sue” Owner of this Challenge Blog passed away in the early hours of Thursday 28th April. ...2 years ago
Blog Archive
- At last...A Wednesday Freebie. Is That a Mole? CLOSED
- When Tuesday and Wednesday become One...#WOYWW 734...
- WhAts ON YOUR WOrkTop THis WedNEsdaY? #731
- It's Tuesday and TIME for a Bit of T
- This Weeks Freebie...take it with Coffee!
- A Time For Tea Post! And about time too!
- It's Wednesday's Freebie (on a Thursday) and it's ...
I love to Blog Hop!