Stop crafting and fuss me!
It's Jinxie's birthday today. He's 16 and he adopted us when he was about four. He'd come and go and then finally he stayed and has been with us ever since.
Jinx in his little house, snoozing
I asked everyone if they knew where he lived and everyone pointed back to my house! We'd go for long walks around the village hoping (and not hoping) to find who his owners were.
Snoozing on my craft chair
It must have been about two or three years later when, we were being followed by a slow moving car, that turned around several times... creeping along....following us. Men In Black-thinking Jinx was in disguise and was really the evil Martion doomed to take over the World by using his yellow green eyes to hypnotize us all into committing hari-kari or worse strangle ourselves with long pieces of spaghetti. But no. Thankfully, nothing like that!
We'd been home about two minutes when I heard a 'Coo-ee! Do you have a cat?' I opened the gate, by this time I realised who she must be and even knew Jinx's real name. Jinx had already gone indoors. "Yes...um....I have a cat. " said me, "Are you looking for...Bruno?"
Loves sleeping on our bed!
"Oh yes, I thought your cat looked a lot like him...he was always going off. I have his mum and sister at home." (Just round the corner) "Jinx!" I called, "Me-yow?" said Jinx and came out.
Jinx, trying to get into the attic
Jinx purred around my legs while me and the lady talked about him. She said, he was always going off, and was never like that will her, and if I wanted to come and collect his vet booklet and meet his mum and sister I could, so! He was then, from that day on, no longer the 'Lodger cat'
Jinx, having a 'sun attack' on the bridge
My old craft room (bigger than this one) was made back into a bedroom (for when the grandkiddies came over) I'm sure Jinx thought we'd made it just for him!
Jinx puts up with the dogs when we have them-even to trying on Lola's coat! Sorry about the pink cloggs...a dog chewed off the band and weirdly, I found that green one in a field the very next day!
Stop writing in here and fuss me!
No matter what I'm doing, he has to sit there! Happy Birthday Jinx!