Wednesday 31 August 2011

This Month Spyder Has Spyed!!!

I've found just a few of my digi's while hopping round all your blogs! If you see your card here, please chose a digi from my store then email me with your choice, and I'll email it back to you as a Thank you for playing with Spyder's Doodles!!
Isn't this just fabulous! I love the 'netting'. Chrissy used my little Scarecrow on a lovely Halloween stepper card. We're having a Scarecrow competition in our village all through August until this coming Saturday and there's been loads of Scarecrows with a TV theme, popping up in shop windows, gardens and hedgerows! I didn't thinkabout halloween when I drew him!

Chrissy also used Panda Pirate!

This lovely card was made by Anne from Copper Beach Crafts!
If you have a bigger picture Anne, I'll swap it!

Silver Scrapper Elizabeth has used Bob The Robin!

Ali from My Crafty Desk was the first Digger The Mole card I've seen and he was downloaded over 2,000 times!
Ali also made this fab Pirate card using my pirate map!!

And this Naughty Reindeer was made by Anne-Marie from Little Applefalls
So glad I found him Anne-Marie!

A lovely bright card was found over on Mystical krafts. by Alyna!

This little teddy bear was found over on Kobies Craft Corner!

And this Cosy Snowman comes from Paula over at Scrap Addicts Attic

I'm still hunting for a couple more I've seen but have forgotten where they are, there must be some more out there somewhere!! Digger Mole had well over 2,000 downloads. So watch this space!
New Followers! Hi and a big ((wave))) to Sue over on Kits Cards, fab makes for you to go and snoop at! Staring at the sea you'll find WOYWW fan Angelfish! Then we have AJ, without a link but I think you 'might' find AJ over on a Fist full of glitter at cards by aj!!! also a woyww fan!! (But I'm not sure!)
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. How fantastic are these cards people have made from your designs. You must be so proud.
    I think I will have to join in with this week's if you don't mind me having Wilma and Wizzy. (BTW Wilma is the name of one of my Chooks!!)
    Love the scarecrow too and that card is awesome.
    Your posting tonight has made me smile!! ALOT!!

  2. Hi Lyn, thanks for featuring my Robin card - I think he is so darned cute and friendly toward the wee worm too :) This is one of my favourite Christmas cards to date. Elizabeth x

  3. Great cards...
    Good inspiration :)

  4. WOW!! Thank you so much Lyn for showing my cards...I had such fun with the scarecrow he is fabulous, and the pirate panda.. just too cute.Going to look in the shop now.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  5. Hi, Lyn thank you for spying me - mine is the pirate one with the lost link (sounds like the title of a film lol!!) Ali xx

  6. thanks so much for posting one of my cards! Wilma is on my short list for today... actually she's up NEXT!

  7. What a nice gesture to highlight these cards. I love that Scarecrow too!

  8. Thank You Lyn! and Thank you for the chance to get a free digi, will let you know soon!
    Hugs Kobie

  9. I'm glad you found my Naughty Reindeer card, too, Lyn....I'm wondering what you're going to make next with this really cute image...I'm definitely using it again....thanks in advance for the freebie...going to look for it now!

  10. thanx for my showing my card on ur blog. and thank for all the wonderful images u give us, i must have not known that this image is from u else i have dropped u a link earlier :).
    can i get my freebie still from ur shop :P


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