Wednesday 17 August 2011

It's Wednesday WOYWW again!

Okay! Are you ready?! Get set... GO! Here's my Wednesday workbench, this WOYWW day, taken round about I might be having a lie in this morning!!
It's a bit tidier than it normally is...there's the digi I'm doing for this weeks Wednesday Freebie, not yet scanned into the computer and tidied up. A 'few' bits left from making some cards, a plaque I won from the lovely Christine, over on hope-chances.blogspot the other week. I still haven't decided how to decorate it yet, but seeing it's because of WOYWW and blog hopping that I won it, it might become a Woyww thingy, only I don't have enough W's! (There was only two in the packet!) Here's how Christine decorated her plaque (with a video too) There's also some new Ultra fine Promarker tips, some from Di thank you, who had candy and ended up sending three to everyone who commented!! (and some from Letraset thank you Gillian!)
And then we have an over head shot...There's some glue tubes flatten out and embossed... a House Mouse image from ScoopysStuff, (I won some blog hopping candy!) Thank You Sue!! I must get it coloured. The challenge this time, is fruit I think and he has a lemon! I was going to use that strawberry paper, but probably won't now.
And thinking of fruit, thank you to everyone who sent me blackberry jam recipes. I've now made some yummy jam, will post pictures later in the week! The shoe papers you can see are a freebie, links on an earlier post here
Well...that's it! Nearly one thirty in the morning, (I type real slow!) so see you later on today!! Meanwhile, off you go to see Julia, queen of all blog hops and the famous (infamous) Stamping Ground! Bye for now!

For Wednesday Freebie scroll down...


  1. Digger is just Too Cute. Thanks for sharing him.

  2. Oh me word Lyn! So much goings on this week. Love all the goodness of your bounty!

  3. Wow you have been busy! Congrats on all the freebies that have been coming your way, and thanks for sharing your desk for this WOYWW! -Amanda

  4. A busy crafting desk and jam making eh? I think I may well be making plum jam later this week :-)
    A x

  5. a bit tidier is always good - still looks a fun place to be!
    Thanks for sharing today.

    Sarah (at 2)

  6. One day I will be tidy.... probably the day I drop.. no, not even then, lol.
    Have a good day.

  7. Wow what an amazing workspace. There is so much to look at. Brilliant

  8. Like your back-to-school mole, lol!! Quite cute considering his big brother is busy excavating our lawn at the moment - my husband is Not Pleased!! xx

  9. What a lot of lovely things going on in your workspace - love the digi you are working on - Hazel WOYWW #65 x

  10. Looking messy and creative. Must watch the video - I love video tutorials. Thanks for the link.

    Mary Anne

  11. Lovely busy desk but I don't know how you stay up so late, I can't keep my eyes open past 9:30pm! In fact, it's now 12:48pm and I'm struggling, lol!

    Brenda 80

  12. Oh my, but you have been realy busy this week!
    Happy WOYWW

  13. Lyn are you really sure it is plagues you have?

    are they not plaques?

    or are my eyes in need of testing, i seem to be struggling this week and thinking things at tangents...

    I really do hope you don't have plague, that would be almost as bad a JDs shingles


  14. Woo that's alljust so interesting... don't forget my birdcage swap

  15. Your desk always looks so busy and interesting Lyn. I need to find time to make lots of things using cooking apples we have a bumper crop this year, Thanks for back to skool mole- he's really cute. Anne x

  16. Lol hun oh please don't call me snoopy! i get that at work lol, glad you got ya candy hun, busy desk as always, oh blackberry jam yummy, i have a ressie who does damson jam n marmalade look forward to me jars! lol, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  17. Ahhh....tidy is over rated! LOL You've got some real good blog candy there, lucky you! Glad you grabed the badge and lets pass is along because there is always someone to blame and that's a good thing!!

  18. It makes my eyes ached just to think of you blogging so late at night! Love the mole..and your desk looks totally sit-at-able and do something...very welcoming!

  19. Sorry Sue! I meant Scoopy and not Snoopy!!

  20. Oh Doon...q's and g's look the same to us dyslexics!! I'm a rabbit smeller
    I mean a rubbish speller...

  21. Awesomeness everywhere I see! Again love how it's all there for you to just grab. I have to keep getting up and going to their designated areas... the stamps, the inks, the powders... geez who says I am not getting my cardio workout while I craft!

    Thanks for the welcome, I am loving this!


  22. great post this week Lyn! Love the back to skool dig it is really cool. Congrats on winning the ScoopyStuff! Have a great week. Vickie

  23. Had a great nose around your busy desk ...thanks your mole.xx

  24. Hi Lyn well I think you look tidier this week, but who am I to say, love your little mole hes so cute. thanks love for the freebie. hugs Shirleyxxx

  25. Plum jam making for me today! Been up since 4.30! Must be my age.

  26. Well done for trying the tidying thing and being able to make jam and stay up to 1.30!

  27. Hi there Lyn soo much fun to be had here and another lovely freebie again thanks! happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  28. I've tried staying up and typing up my post in the early hours but The Boss will have none of it - she jumps up on the keyboard and miaows noisily until I go to bed ... I kid you not! Love the mole - very cute - I'll keep it for next year because here in Scotland the kids are already back at school. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #70

  29. Gosh, what a fab view of your desk - full of pictures - will have to go back for a proper snoop.
    Thanks for sharing- Neet #19


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