Thursday, 31 March 2011

Last Day of March:

Sorry you missed out for the next one.
Here's a Kitty Catty, called Scratch, a One day freebie for you, mainly because I'm soooo happy my computer is feeling better and didn't lose all my stuff! Everything is now double backed up. So my tip to you today is, back up all your files!! Discs extra hard drive (Just In Case!) Please leave a comment, they make me feel happy!! Thanks for stopping by!

1447 downloads in one day!!!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Spot The Difference #8 with Hairy Fairy

Sorry You Missed one coming up!!
This weeks digi is called Hairy Fairy!! I hope you like her, nearly didn't get her ready in time as my poor computer crashed last night. But you don't want to hear about all that! I hope it's a lot easier to spot all the differences this time! How many are there?? Quite a few!! (I'll fill in more details later but I'm pretty sure there's 16) Comments have been switched off or you can email me at dragonsmoore at googlemail dot com with your answers. Winner wins a digi from Dragonsmoore, Spyder's Other Corner! Answers next Tuesday


The WOYWW that nearly didn't happen!!

Hi peoples! It's Wednesday!! And it nearly didn't happen! Computer says NO again!! (Panic!!!) Poor thing... well it has been trying to tell me for weeks now... (yes, it does make a little squeaky noise) But I'm pleased to say, freebie Wednesday should be here above this post! And I must remember to give hubby back his dongler... he has it on his car key ring and used it to move files about for me so I could do this and the freebie... Really! honestly, I'm being to think my computer is some kind of extra organ attached to the end of my hands and without it total and complete shut down of my one and only brain cell and the end of the World as I know it! Thank you John, big hug!!! Kiss Kiss!!
Here's my work bench this WOYWWer Wednesday, between Midnight & One in the morning! Yay, don't faint, it's still tidy!! It wasn't tidy... it was heaped up high and scattered, so I especially tidied it up just for the pictures! And look, RIBBONS!!! Aren't they fabulous! One of my cards won a prize, and these are what came in the post yesterday from Crafty Ribbons Easter bunny and Easter egg ribbons!!
As you can see too, my new Ikea pole thingy is being very useful. All my paints, large glitter glues and glitter paints have gone and are now somewhere else. Christmas stamps have gone, and glitter tubes and tiny glitter tubs, and other things are in little containers, cos they kept falling off the shelves and spilling everywhere! And the shelves have had a face-lift too. I covered them with sticky-back plastic in mock pine... sooo last year, (more like 1980!) but it was all I had, except for 'Smarties', which eagle-eye people might spot hiding a gab in my shelves...
Behind me now are some new 'useful boxes', which have been put to good use, and all the things that were hanging on those shelves are now all tidy...somewhere else! Bit blurry as the camera decided to 'shut down' too! (Not my day is it!?!)
pHeW... I can't believe I've kept it this tidy for more than a day!! Want to show off your crafty space? No matter how small, large, messy, tidy, on the floor or in a box, hop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!!
New Follower! Hi and a big {{{wave}}} to Margaret from Kent, but no link. I used to live in Kent, it's where they grow hops. Thank you for hopping by!!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Spot The Difference#7 Winner

This one turned out even harder than I thought! So hard in fact my poor old computer crashed and shut down tonight!! Poor Hubby John seen here, is trying to 'sort' it out for me... Here are the pictures we took earlier this evening.... and the winner is....

***Kitty, Intruder Lady!!***
Well done Kitty! Please choose a digi from the store and then email me at dragonsmoore at googlemail dot com and I will send it to you as soon as poss (when my computer opens again!!)
Hopefully I'll be able to load the pictures of the differences later but at the moment hubby's computer is trying to
'talk' to my computer and they aren't getting on!

Yay!! Update!! We can now load both the Teddy pictures... so here's the answers:-
1. Bee's leg, 2.Teddy's hair, 3. Butterfly stripes, 4. butterfly dots, 5.Teddies freckles (some of you counted these twice) 6. Flower on far right extra line. 7. Curl on Teddy arm. 8. Flower stem. 9 grass. 10 drip. 11. Another stem. 12. Tiny curl from flower 13. Bow on tag. 14. Centre of flower. 15. Caterpillar. 16. Line on flower petal 17. Whiter flower centre.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

It's A Twisted Quirky Challenge

Hope you've all set your clocks to the right time by now because the next Quirky Crafts Challenge, has started over on the Quirky Craft's Challenge Blog.
It's Diana's turn to set the challenge this time. Her first time and all her own work, so pop over and have a shifters! Unlike my posts there shouldn't be any smelling mistooks!
Now, this is going to be one fun cracker of a challenge! Are you up for it!?! Diane would like to see...
A Twisted Easel Card and/ or A Mother's Day Gift.
Don't forget we like to see all kinds of Craftiness, so that means Atc's, Tags, Altered Art, Scrapbook pages, etc!
This time round our sponsors are
Crafty Ribbons
The Stamping Boutique
So that means lovely prizes!! (yay!!) Buttons and digis! and of course a chance to be on the GDT with us Quirky lot! (or not!)
Here's mine... 'O...k??' I can here you say slowly...Where's that empty box from the last post? It's hidden, gone... Nah, it's still there, covered very carefully (but don't look too closely!) with Pink Petticoat Vintage Rose papers. I'm really into recycling at the moment! This is my very first Twisted Easel card! So if I can do it, you can do it!!
But if not, Here's a YouTube link. and here's another one.
I've used the Carousel horse from our sponsors, The Stamping Boutique coloured with Promakers and 3D-ed over another image of the horse, (so you can still see the fiddly bits) which I'd printed onto pale pink spotted Pink Petticoat Vintage Rose Papers. (A free paper pack come with Quick Card Made Easy last month) The card is actually fixed to the box with non-permanent snail glue, (tape runner) so should pull off easily. I've used Woodware punches, the swirls are my new Tim Holtz die-cut. (Yay!) I've only attached these at the front so they can be moved when the card closes. Everything else is from stash. My winning ribbons from Crafty Ribbons haven't come yet, otherwise I would've use them! (My Alice DT card won a prize!)
The little oval sentiment I did on the computer, is fixed to a tiny fold of card so it can lie flat when the card is folded down. The font is a freebie it's called Amazone BT, you might already have it as a given on your laptop, but if not you can download it HERE. And for loads of Free fonts go here (but you'll have to look up the name...start with the A's!)
Mothering Sunday, over here in England, isn't until April 3rd this year (May 8th USA) so there's plenty of time to have a go at the challenge!! There's loads on things you can come up with, just let your imagination take over!!
Oh yes, the Chocolate Brownies hubby made yesterday??!! They're inside of course!! (Well....not all of them!!)
Thank you for stopping by!!
The stamping boutique-monthly
One stitch at a time-mothers day/babies
Craft Your Days Away - For Mum or a Special Lady
The Stampman - Anything Tim- (The swirls)
Card Makin Mama's - Animals
Colour create-pastels
Crafts & Me- Anything Goes

A Bit of Quirkiness

Who got up late this morning, who forgot to put the clocks back??? (oops thanks Val, Spring forward Fall back!!) haha... Moi? never!! Here's my Quirky Sneak Peak. An empty chocolate box??? But where are those Chocolate Brownies? Where is the card, the whatever??? And for that matter where are the chocolates that were in that empty box?? (Ooops guilty as charged m'Lord)

Saturday, 26 March 2011

My Name's Lyn and I am a Chocoholic

No Quirky sneak peek tonight,well, not yet anyway, because I'm still doing it but!!! Instead this.... the makings of what will be Chocolate Brownies. I do need some for my sneaky Quirky Challenge that starts tomorrow evening (Sunday) Hubby's making them and I'm licking out the bowls... They say what goes around comes around don't they! I used to let my girls do that.
New Followers before I forget a big {{{wave}}} and thank you to CiNdYe, Jan Mattinson, Little Mrs P, Heather 'Hev', fromVanillahevn, then Jana I Can't Wanna!
Kitty from Intruder Lady, gorgeous makes! Cally from Cally's Bits and Pieces, fabulous twisted easel cards! Carol L from Our Little Inspirations, really cute cards, pop over and see! You might find one of my digi's! Christ (wellnifty) with some lovely cards! and out the back and in the dark, JoeJayKandi! Found this lovely card over on Splitcoasters! Will add links when I can find you! Thanks for stopping by....

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Walk Like An Egyptian

I've had this one in my head for ages, so decide I'd better get it out, before any permanent damage was done! (Oops too late!) It was inspired by the backing papers, which you can't really see. Last weekend Me and Him indoors called in on daughter and then nipped down to the craft shop, which is very near by. (How handy is that!) This shop is like the Tardis, an Aladdin's Cave, it just seems to go on and on, downstairs, round, up, along, packed with everything crafty, except the glue I wanted. Fabulous, I could have stayed there all day. Anyway, the lady in the shop kindly gave me a last years DoCrafts Creativity Magazine and attached to it was a free DoCraft CD and that's where the backing papers came from. The rest, the bands across and down were from my local not very crafty shop via KanbanCrafts and a backing paper book simply called, 'Papers Papers Papers'. And the swirl yay! Tim Holtz 'Alterations' of course. (There's two swirls, I've just used the one twice, and fixed them together. I've been wanting a swirl for ages, and treated myself with some birthday money mother-in-law gave me, after a quick nip into another crafty shop on the way home! (very much smaller, not so much 'stuff', but they did have my glue, and as always it was very busy. Hubby sneaked off to the Pub!) The tassel was off another card. (recycled) Coloured with Promakers, embossed, 3D-ed and fixed using Silicon glue.
The Font is a freebie of course! It's called GlyphBasic1. (There's also #2 and #3) You can Google the name or download it HERE and what does it say? It says.... Just For You...
I did find a few challenges for this card, one being a song Title I I'll just add that for now, as I think I might be too late for it! Hi to my lovely new followers, I'll give you a mention on my next (shorter) post! Thank you for stopping by! (**Ps...don't forget to play the music!)

Ces Challenges-your favourite song or inspired by a song
**Walk Like An Egyptian
My Grafico - Anything Goes
Papercutz - Anything Goes
Sugar Creek Hollow - Anything Goes
(Image, Swirl & Gold Deckled edge)
And this lovely bit
of embossing for inspiration)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Spot The Different #7 & Wednesday Freebie!

Sorry You Missed this one! scroll up for winner
Here he is! This weeks Wednesday Freebie and Spot the difference#7. They look the same but there's 12 differences. (or is there?!?) Spot as many as you can and you could win a digi from my store! Can't find them all?? Never mind have a go anyway! Leave your answers here (comments are off) or email me at dragonsmoore at googlemail dot com with your answers. Answers and winner, next Tuesday!!
**Update... that very tricky #13th difference has been found!! ***Double update! Helen (Blimey) has found more!! So go choose a digi for being so clever!!**
***Oh you're all too good at this! Crafty Girl has found 17 differences too! (I can't count and I drew it!!) So off you go and choose a digi as well! ** There's me thinking it was very hard this week!
Click here for The Blog Wot I Wrote... (Hubby's been stealing my cartoons again!!)
Scroll down for WOYWW

What's On My Workdesk This Wednesday!?!

WOYWW!?! Nothing!! What?? No mess, no piles of stuff?!? No mountains of unfinished cards or inky stamps? No mouldy cups of cold coffee with tiny winged beasties wearing lifesavers coughing and splattering and calling for help?!? (help me help me...who's thinking The Fly now?)

Well, there's a few bits (no you can't see the answers to the next Spot The difference!) I've cleared EVERYTHING off so hubby could put up that new bar thingy (with the jars) which I bought from Ikea on Monday. ( I had a shopping spree with Daughter, Emma) and I haven't finished putting it all back yet. The thought that I might be moving into the larger spare bedroom has gone right out the window (for the moment!) as there's no way we can get a double bed up through the tiny hatch and into the attic! Not unless it was made for Barbie and Ken... so. I've been thinking of ways to get everything in it's place. (Besides the hall and living room...and kitchen...)
Still have both printers side by side, so that's losing me shelf space, which I can rob back when they stop playing silly buggers... (out of the blue, the computer saves stuff from either of them but then doesn't recognise it so can't open it)
Luckily, I've done the freebie this week with no trouble and it'll be posted the double after this one... so scroll up!! scroll up!
This other picture is of me driving round a hole that isn't there. (There's three-way traffic lights and everything!) It's here to prove that I'm not the only person to get all my toys out and not put them away after I've finished!!
In the meantime, here's another picture of where most of my stuff has been moved to... the floor!!
Want to join in the biggest blog hop ever, visiting crafty spaces from all over everywhere?!? Then click the link to WOYWW, and hop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in! I'm at work. This is on Timer.... and right now, it's five to the witching hour and I'm off to bed... before Midnight!! (no way!)

This Month Spyder has Spied....

I've been meaning to do this for ages. While blog hopping or Spying around blogland I've come across a few of my digi's on cards and things. Sometimes people tell me and sometimes I come across them by chance. So I thought it would be nice to give away a freebie to something that Spyder has Spied! So this month Spyder has spied Two such cards... and put them in the digi store this evening and here they are..
Anna Carin from Peppis Corner has made this fabulous card with the Alien from Mars!! (We Come in Peas, shoot to kill!) He looks good Green! Love his shinning googly eyes!!

...and Kim from Canadian craft corner has made the Alien look adorable in blue with green spots! I'm sending you both a digi!

Some of you already have lovely cards in the store, (I can hear you say) don't worry, you can still be spied!!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Spot The Difference #6 Answers & Winner

And the answers are.... 1 eye brow, 2 petal crease, 3. spot in bowtie, 4 Extra stem, 5. Belly Button, 6. Nail. 7. curl on flower, 8. Grass, 9. extra leaf, 10. Spider leg missing, 11 tiny snail antenna missing!!(Who missed that one!!) and 12. Knot in post!
Wow! Not many of you got it right this week. Couldn't find the hat so I put you all (five of you) in a box (poked John awake coz he was snoring!) and he picked a name .... And the winner is.....

*** KIM!!***

Well done Kim! I have emailed you to let you know you've won a digi from my didi digi store! Dragonsmoore...Spyder's Other Corner. please email me at dragonsmoore at googlemail dot com and let me know which one you'd like and I'll email it to you!!
New Followers.. (once more blogger can't count! but we won't mention that, he'll only sulk!)
Hi and a big {{wave}} to Heart 2 Heart from Card Adventures, love those pancakes and a new BigShot! Save that packaging that acetate is super thick! Then Kez and MKDS312, (with not links. Believe it or not, there's loads of MKDS312 on google, but not you I think! Say hi then I can link you! Anne J Williams, and after a bit of Sherlock-Holming I'm sure that's AnneJx from CM&Pc forum with her new blog, Copper Beech Crafts then it's Bizzi Hands, then Jani Printz with Janie's creative corner Love your step dresser Tilda card! and out the back and in the dark is... Little Babs! That's it for now... Thank you for stopping by!!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Blog Award From Dawn & Sue!

Thank you so much to Dawn from Dawn's Crafting and Sue from Sue's Art of Craft, for sending me this lovely Award tonight. Thank you both for thinking of me!
I'm to pass it on to at least three of my blogging friends or followers! So, seeing I have it twice should I double up??!
Well here's the first three...
Seeing it says 'Best friend Blogger Award'
I have to add Hubby John, who is a new blogger with his blog...
The Blog Wot I Wrote he's my bestest friend in the whole world!
Liz from Lace,ribbons,buttons,and,bows who gave me one of my very first Awards.
Mrs A itsanalienlife. coz I really want her Monkey! I would love to add more, but Blogger is being a bit of a pain! Happy St Patrick's Day!!
Scroll down for freebies!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Spot The Difference #6

update> **This has finished! Look out for the new one!***
At last! What a day! First, computer says no (it's working now, I whisper, but I haven't done anything to it, shhh!!) and then on the way to work my exhaust pipe fell off! Not just the fiddly bits at either end, no. All of it! But you don't want to hear about that!
Here's this weeks Wednesday Freebie and Spot the difference all on the same post. Better late than never! This should help with those of you who are going googley eyed! There are 12 differences, (I think!) so it's nice and easy after last weeks difficult one!
Oops forgot... Please leave your answers here. Comments have been switched off! The comments you see are the ones without answers or email me at dragonsmoore at googlemail dot com with Spot The Difference# 6 in the subject title.
Also forgot to say, winner wins a digi, answers next Tuesday evening!!
New Followers! (Once more blogger can't count!) Hi and a big {{{wave}}} to Gayle Michaelis, Mamabird3 and fallomjf6 who are all out the back and in the dark with no links, then there's Lila, Beadeeboop, Crafting Gill, Tazza, and AuntBeespickles (Love your blog background!) Thank you! for following! Bye for now!

WOYWW? Computer Say No!

Morning everyone!! I hope you're all well and safe and up with the lark!! Or having one! It's WOYWW time, the brain child of Julia and her fabulous...
This is What's On My Work Bench (and my dining table) this Wednesday. (It's actually gone midnight) All my crafty mess has been pushed back as we plumbed in my new printer/scanner yesterday. Looks a bit like a miniature Ark Royal, but black and without the rust.
All was going well until I doodled out today's freebie... I did exactly what I always do. Scanned, saved, tidied up in another programme, saved.... and nothing...
It seems it doesn't like the new printer...or so I thought. They've been sending each other coded messages and decided to go on strike. After hours of scanning saving and tidying, I gave up as the list of 'unopenable' files grew longer and longer. Each little file just wouldn't open with any programme I have, so, in the end, I plugged in my OLD printer again... there it is.. the grey one... the one that clanks and chews up paper, and the same thing came up, 'Saved in file the computer does not recognise..'
"You stupid thing!" I yelled, "YOU saved it!!" Computer says no!! So, I'm sorry, there's no new Wednesday Freebie here in this post at the moment... maybe later when I get home from work! But at least you have two bunnies!! Here and HERE. (or scroll down) Which also means I can't do a new Spot The Difference.
At the moment both the printers are sitting on by bench not talking... maybe they'll have a bust up while I'm in my bed (in a minute seeing it's way past midnight and closer to three in the morning) May the best printer win! I just hope it's the one who can save my digi's!
**This weeks Wednesday Freebie and Spot the Difference, here or scroll up! Computer said yes!!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Spot The Difference Answers

Sixteen differences all together but nobody got it right... So I win this week! But it was a hard one. Hope you've had fun doing these little games these past few weeks. If you'd like them to continue please leave a comment! New Followers freebie bunnie HERE!! or scroll down.
Bye for now!

Monday, 14 March 2011

New 500 followers Freebie. (Sorry . Finished!)

Sorry you missed this one!
Bah! Monday!! First I forgot it was Monday and was happily munching away on my Crunchy Nut Cornflakes first thing this morning when hubby rang with,"oh you're up!" Why are you surprised?? "It's not even 7.30 yet..." His news was, to tune into radio Solent because they were doing the 'radioshow' from one of the Ferries. Me and radio's don't jell! For a start there's no 'on' button and to find a channel you really do have to have a degree in Rocket Science! I gave up, then had to unplug the thing, because, no 'on' button also means no 'off' button! I then tuned into Radio Solent on my laptop...easy! And it wasn't till about an hour later whilst in the shower and spending ages doing the normals (instead of my quick three minutes) that I realised it wasn't Sunday at all...but Monday..and I should've been at work!! When I arrived home there was the gas bill... the council tax (aaaghh!!) and the Vet bill waiting, which read, Euthanase Frog the Cat with Sympathy... I don't like Mondays!!
To cheer me up, I scoffed a large lump of chocolate birthday cake, which hubby made over the weekend and later, after he plumbed in my new scanner/ printer decided to change the Easter Bunny... I just had to change him, I really didn't like his feet... and his nose was funny...and his ears... so here's the new Easter Bunny, same but different. They will both be available til the end of March. (Taken off 10th April in the end, now in the digi store)
Time for bit more birthday cake I think!! Bye For Now!
Just had to add this fabulous card over on Our Little Inspirations pop over as Carol has links to that freebie sentiment, but hurry before it's gone!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

It's A Quirky Stitchy Sketch!

A very Quirky quick post! (as I'm not really here...) which means it'll go on forever!! This is my Quirky Craft's DT Card for the challenge that has started over on Quirky Craft's Challenge Blog! (Or should have done if I've pressed the right button...)
This time round it was my turn to set the challenge so you know it's going to be nice and easy and I've chosen to do a
(You always do a sketch Lyn)
Ok! So because it's nice and easy, we expect hundred's if not trillions of you to join in!
It's up to you what you do with the sketch, turn it, poke it, reverse it, jump on it, (Just checking that you do read this!) just so long as we can still see you've used the Sketch. This time our Challenge is being sponsored by
Which means prizes!! So of course all of us on the DT and GDT have used Images found in the Stitchy Bear Store, but you can use anything you like! (But not Grand dad's old socks...please!)
I've used Busy Bertha and made a Tweet Bird-Day card! Couldn't make up my mind on what colour to do the little tweet bird... but decided on yellow in the end. This would make a nice Easter card or New Home card as well as a Birthday or Just Because card... (or... Love you new hat card!!)
I was going to 3D the bird, and I might still do that, so watch this space! I've used Promakers, Peel off's, (very rare for me!) and backing papers from Papermania's Honey& Hugs paper stack. Candy, brads, ribbon and flower from stash. The deckled edged cream hammered card was from Craft Creations.
The font of course is a Freebie! It's called Witched. You can download it from loads of font websites (just Google the name) or go HERE
I've found a few challenges for my Tweet card... hope it fits in. Thanks for stopping by!
Pals PaperArt - Spring or Easter inspired
PaperPlay - Green
Wee Memories- Spring or Green Theme
doyoustackup (DYSU) -layers
Craftuscrazy-one with nature


T Stands for Tuesday

Grab button for Second on the 2nd

Just Keep On Creating!

JkoC adv button

I Made Top Three!

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