My September
ATC swap, over on the
Card Making and Paper Craft Forum
(that's the posh end, look for their freebie papers) was Vintage and /or Egyptian.
(click here for forum end )Haven't really got anything Vintage, well, I have and I did have a play in My Craft Studio with a few images, but couldn't print them out as I'm still
waiting for my ink! So fell back
(ouch!) on my old favourite, King Tut, although he might not be King Tut, but he
is Egyptian...or doing a very good impression of one!
I've blogged about him before, here and I've also blogged about him
here too, so won't add any links about the Valley of the Kings, Tutankhamen, Tut or the Book of the Dead secrets ... oh! okay...
just this once!! Leave the YouTube music on, then come back here to read this... you'll find the post not half so boring!!

I've used some Egyptian papers,
(which I've already blogged about ages ago too) Stamped images, some coloured with gel pens
(three free with PaperCraft Inspirations mag this month along with other things) and some coloured with just
ProMakers and some with
ProMakers and the Glitter Gel pens and some with mostly glitter Gel pens. All their faces were done
with ProMakers though.
When I was taking
these pictures the face finder thingy came on the camera, so I think it's caught the faces quite well. In fact, they I think they actually look better here than they doin real life!

I fixed the Pharaoh on with either 3D foam pads or
Pinfare glue. Did a bit of gold embossing and added a few bits and Bob's your uncle! I've made five, only because I can't count, actually I made six, but didn't finished it.
Here's a link to some freebie Egyptian backing papers I foundThis week we have two visitors staying with us. My eldest daughter, Emma, her hubby Tom have left their cats with us, while they got off and have fun for a week... Ozzie and Missie. Frog is
not amused!
The last time they staye

d over was Christmas and they were a lot smaller then! This is
Ozzie at Christmas, in Emma's Christmas tree, he climbed up ours too!
And this is Ozzie this afternoon, attacking one of my polar bears and pulling out the laptop wires... as you can see, he's grown quite a lot!!
New Follower! Hello ((wave)) and

welcome to
Kellh23UK, no link and nothing at all on Google,
(oohooo!) but welcome anyway! That's it for now... there was going to be more
ATC's but the camera's batteries are flat...Not my day, is it!! See you tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!
(Don't for get to turn YouTube off!)