What's On you Workdesk Wednesday? Brought to you in high definition colour by Julia over on Stamping ground!! I'm a bit late today. Did get up and took a few pictures but you know how the clock magically jumps forward half an hour when only two minutes have passed when you have to go somewhere, like work, but then, weirdly, only manages to tick one hour for every three, when you finally get to work. Not that that actually happens to me, well very rarely, as I like what I do, but sometimes just when you need a few extra hours, they vanish. So, here I am now taking a few pictures of my terribly untidy craft room with not much going on, only mes

s!! And blogger keeps flashing
ERROR in red...(damn) But there is a story going on here, even if you can't see it!! The bunny drawings I did last night are for a local Easter Competition... I'm not happy with them yet though, they need to be more
cute!! and at the moment I feel they're a bit
Monty Python-ish scary!! I half expect to see the knights that say
'nic' to suddenly appear!
'Run away! Run away!!'There's also my new humongous punches. I ordered them last
June!! The shop closed down at Christmas but has reopened and I received a phone call, 'Do you still want your punches!?' Well, seeing they were all at least £2-£3 cheaper than anywhere else I said "Yes please," and have been living on left overs all week!! The heart punch I'm not happy with. It's suppose to punch out large heart corners. It says on the back of the packaging that it can punch from 120-150
gsm card stock...but it can't. Mind you, that could just be me, weakling that I am with my
limpy leg

and bent finger!!! I guess it would work if I used my foot!! (still, in theory I only paid £3 for it!)
Oh, the black and white paper is there ready to make an
ATC for a forum Competition... to use only Black and white.
Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't be showing you them?? Aw, well...I might change my mind! Tilda's left over from my
DT card, which I made Sunday. I did a bit of paper piecing. And I spy some ones address, who I owe some stamped images!! Ru

n out of ink and card, but I'm now stocked up!! They will be in the post today!! (Honest!!) As you can see, while I type this Star Trek is on the Telly!
I also found a bargain this week... This cardboard shelving thingy, it only cost a pound and I've tidied up a little bit and have put some of my A4 and 6x6 papers in there as well as two of my
Useful-boxes, and a large plastic container that had to be lifted out from under three or four others every time I wanted to use anything inside it. This way I can just grab it!! The new box is also long enough to put away at the back some Christmas papers and some foam squares, which I'm not likely to use for ages.
I stand to craft, I find it easier, but I do sit at my laptop (with keyboard as I just hate that finger touch mouse, I find it very slow and fiddly! Also here's a picture of the new toy hubby bought me. I have a couple of add on hard drives
coz my poor lap top gets really full of stuff (although hubby called it crap!) and sometimes what I
nt is on one of the other hard drives, which means I have to unplug something, like the printer or the web cam or the speakers or the mouse or the keyboard...yes...and then I wonder why they don't work!! but then, when I find the thing I want, I can't print it,
coz the printer's not plugged in. Well, you can send to the printer and then unplug and replug everything but that gets really frustrating!! So, hubby,
coz he loves gadgets, hunted out this little toy, that changes colour, I have no idea why, but it looks cute! so

I can have everything plugged in at the same time!! Web cam and speakers,
both printers (yes, I nicked hubby's old one and they both now with ink!!) extra hard drive, keyboard, mouse and Bamboo and of course
still have room to plug my
Digi camera thingy into!
The bottom photo is almost the same as the
top photo only ...one small change....I wonder who can spot it!
Well, I think that's me done for today!! Pop over
to the Stamping Ground and see what every one else has been up to!
Thank you for stopping by!!