Sunday 28 February 2010

Spyder's Corner Followers: Birthday Blog Candy!!! A Guessing game!

Spyder's Corner Follower's Blog Candy!!
This post will stay at the top until March 12th
(or until I get bored with it!!! and then it'll drop down with an added link from whatever's on the top post!)

Please scroll down for new posts
(much more exciting than this!)
My blog has now be running for a year. Although I did have a few attempts at starting one before, but failed miserably!! With my small brain, I did find it quite hard working out what everything meant!! What to do with it, and where to put it once I'd got it!! But, finally I worked it out and if I can do it, anyone can!!!
Not only is it my blog's birthday but it's also my birthday next month (and it's me and him indoors wedding anniversary the month after that) and I've had well over 22,000 hits!! Which isn't too bad for an ordinary blog not doing anything much more than showing off a few hand made cards (and talking too much!).

So I thought it would be a good idea to do a bit of a
'thing' with the candy. The more followers who enter, the more there will be!! (so don't all rush at once!)

But first the hard part... this is a 'Followers' Candy...

1. I'd love you to 'post' my Candy on your blog and/or side bar with a link back here. That's the important one, and I will be checking!!
2. Then I'd love you to have a guess at how many flowers are in my Flower drum!! There's 15 compartments, filled with all kinds of flowers, different kinds of paper, silk, felt, self-sticking, glittery, even a few padded ones. There's very large flowers as well as very small ones!

I will count them all now, and put the number into a tiny envelope, so if I just happen to use a few in the next couple of weeks, the number that's in there NOW is the number I want you to guess!!!

3. You can have an extra guess if you find a post with no comments!! Comment that you've found it and then nip back here for your extra go! (I'll be adding a few more for you to find!!
So, whoever is first to comment here will be able to have two guesses!!)

I'll start the candy off with an assortment of Peel offs stickers.... the more people who guess the more the candy will grow!! And as it grows I will add more pictures...
In case of a tie, the candy will be shared! if no one gues
ses the correct amount, the followers closest to the right number (higher or lower) will be put into a hat (their guesses not them. ) given a good shake and will be chosen by Frog the Cat!! So???
"How Many Flowers are in the Drum???"
.Just add your names and guesses below!!

Frog the Cat...helping me cut the hedge

Thank you to everyone who had a guess!!


  1. Hi Lyn first of all thank you for your lovely comments about the cards on my blog. Second well done on being a year old LOL blogger that is. Thirdly happy anniversary and lastly I think you have 630 flowers in your flower drum. Trish:)

  2. Thank you Trish! 630, I shall now add some ribbons to the candy! And Trish, you were the first one to comment on this post, so you get another go!! (find any post without a comment, comment on it, and you get another go!)

  3. This is a bit tricky.....I'm going for 283.

  4. 283, ok Jackie!! I'm now adding Brads to the candy!! Will take new pictures later, now off to work!!

  5. OoooooOOOOooo Fabby candy!!!

    My guess is ummmmmmm 423...
    all linked up in my side bar!
    thanks for the chance!

  6. Hi Lyn
    326 at a guess, off now to put link in sidebar, Happy Birthday/Anniversary.
    Christine x

  7. Hi Lyn, wow youve done well and you really do deserve a drum roll, the amount of flowers in your drum is about 230. With love and hugs Shirleyx

  8. Hi what a great idea - I also like your blog which I am now a follower - I think there is 428 xxx Hilly xxx

  9. Hi Lyn chum Happy first blog Birthday also your forthcoming birthday & anniversary chum, now my guess is 170... thanks for this chance Lyn to win this super candy will pop you pic on my sidebar with details chum, hope your having a great weekend.
    Sarah xx

  10. hi lynn
    happy 1st blog birthday,i think there is 265 flowers in your tub,thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy
    tracey [lalkygirl] x x

  11. Wowe hun,love your candy and all those hits heres too more hits...
    my guess will be .....135
    hugs judex

  12. Hi Lyn,
    It may not be "posh" as you put it but it is more tricky!!!! My first guess is 510. Now I'm off to comment on the post with no comments and back for another go.
    Dawn xx

  13. Hi again,
    commented on your Hero Arts Goody Bag so back for a second go. My second guess would be 420.
    Probably both way off the mark but hey ho!! Congrats on your blogoversary, birthday and anniversay - phew what a busy time.
    Dawn xx

  14. hurmp u made me think hun as I had not entered cannot have u not having to add more candy te he so how about there being 99 flowers in your candy lol folks are lasy only about 18 or sunmmat tried for the ribbons on our challenge blog lol

    so make it 99 flower eh hun as I either need your or win the prima candy yum yum thats on my blog fingers crossed huh?

    liz xx

  15. well dang I thought for sure I was here and answered this question before lmao...loosing my mind ain't I (don't answer that lol) okay now on with the guessing..hmmm I say ALL OF THEM lmao oh wait that not a specific answer now is it...okay how about 369 that's my story and I'm stickin to it ;)..okay now what you want me to post to my side bar to do it now...woo hoo HAPPY BIRFDAY MY FRIEND

  16. hehehe......I've added more stuff!!! New pictures tomorrow!!

  17. Hi Lyn

    This is certainly different. My guess would be 228. Off to put a link on my sidebar now.

    All the best

    Hugs Ali x

  18. Hi again

    I found a post without a comment - Tagged by Shirley. so my second guess will be 244.

    I like this!!! Hugs Ali x

  19. Hi Lyn, just to say if you pop over to my blog I've got a little something for you ;) Won't have a guess just now, hopefully I'll remember to come back though - it's just that still having PC problems so want to sort blog and emails out while I can ;)
    Anne xx

  20. hi hun its cheryl I think there is 223 flowers in the caddy hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

  21. Hi Lyn!I think you have 84 flowers in your flower drum.I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar
    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!

    Greetings from Russia,

  22. I think there is 200 flowers in your tub

    My blog:

  23. Hi Lyn

    Found another post with no comment - the Prima Secret one. My next guess is 188.

    Hugs Ali x

  24. Hello! I love this candy a lot ))) I became a follower now. I love scrapbooking and cardmaking a lot, but it is impossible to get anything for creative work where I live. so I hope I can win anything through giveaway ))) I wish there were more flowers than it is possible even if I win them )) My number is 320.
    I linked it on sidebar
    Thanks for the chance to win it ) Hugs. Larisa

  25. Oh Lyn I hate guessing games lol I am just rubbish, I have to say I love the flower drum on another note you don't talk toooooo much and your blogs lovely with your beautiful cards, can you see me crawling now lol.
    OK now for the rubbish guess errrr
    399 I know silly number.
    Hugs Linda

  26. oh forgot to say Happy Birthday and Annivesary and congrats on all your hits well deserved.
    Hugs Linda

  27. happy birthday to you and anniversary and thanks for the chance to play along in your candy draw..i am a follower and have added your candy to my blog sidebar..
    my guess would have to be 368 flowers thanks for the chance Jan

  28. hi i found a post with no comments here
    please may i guess
    389 ty

  29. I think there is 195 flowers in your tub

  30. Hi Lyn! Thanks so much for the comments you leave on my blog! I frequently pop over here, but must admit I usually flick up and down your posts and forget to actually comment (scatterbrain!)

    I've loved seeing and hearing all about your lovely Frog!! I also like the idea of "what's UNDER your workdesk wednesday!!"

    I'm going to hazard a guess at 284 flowers in the drum...!!

    Esme xx

  31. Happy Birthday to you Lyn...Happy Blog Birthday and Congrats on all those hits!!!

    I've linked your yummy candy to my sidebar and my guess is 375.


  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hi my guess is 340 x Lovely blog and fun way to give away candy x I have posted you on my sidebar ( and I am a follower x leigh x

  34. My second guess for finding a comment with no post (and posting on it) is 299 x Thanks x leigh

  35. hi Spyder

    My guess is 712 ... thanks for the chance at guessing wrong lol

    hugs Nikki
    off to link your game in my sidebar :)

  36. hi spyder,
    difficile io dico 527 ;-)
    saluti dall'italia blogged:
    Hugs, rosa
    i am new follower

  37. Hi - great idea - I'm guessing at 190!

  38. Hi Spyder for my second chance I will go with 330. Trish:)

  39. This is a very awesome and creative way to have a give away for candy! Love it! I am huge flower girl so I am praying for this one!! How about "248" Flowers.
    I am following and you are linked. Would love it if you would hop on over and follow along woth me too! WHile you are there, enter in my candy!
    Rach ~ Queen La Rubba

  40. How much fun is this!! My guess is 341 flowers. I'm a follower and I've linked you up. Have a fabulous day :)

  41. Hi Spyder I am on my third go Lol just love this idea and your blog. I think the number is 525. Trish:)

  42. My guess is 376! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    I'm a new follower and I posted here:

    Hugs from Italy

  43. I found here:


    My second guess is... 579!

    Thank you!

  44. Hi Lyn!I think you have 103 flowers in your flower drum.I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar
    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!

  45. Thanks for the chance to win. The message on my blog on the left side. I cordially greet from Poland :o) 111 flowers?

  46. hi i found a post with no comments here
    please may i guess
    318 ty

  47. Aloha greetings from Hawaii!
    WOW! what a sweet blog candy you have here. Lynn Happy Birthday, 1st blog birthday and Congrats on your anniversary. And thank you for the chance to win your sweet blog candy. I'm following you now and I added your blog candy in my right side bar where my candy bar section. Ok my guess - 255 flowers.
    Have a wonderful day!

  48. Happy birthday!

    I have now had a little chat with my cat Sokrates, and he made a call to Frog the cat who told me that there were 415 flowers in the drum.... Is that cheating?


  49. ohooo naughty naughty Frog!!!
    (she's a compulsive fibber!!)

  50. I'm going to guess 203...I have linked you to my blog. Thanks for the chance at some yummy candy! Happy Birthday!

  51. Thanks for the chance to win. The message on my blog on the left side. I cordially greet from "the end of the world"... Ushuaia!
    155 flowers?

  52. Happy Birthday! The Blogcandy is wonderful, thanks for the chance to win. I've linked you on my sidebar....


  53. I'm guessing 387, right huh? I've linked you on my candypost and have a candy too :)



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