Wednesday, 3 March 2021

What's On Your Worktop Wesdneday?!# 613

 Morning! it's very early about 2ish... probably post this about...3ish. Not very much on my bench this week...I did a bit of a tidy up, still looking for that dammed Bank card, which I still haven't found but a new one arrived yesterday, so all's ok.... I've tested it, it works! Yay! I'd just finished the Wednesday freebie (scroll down) and was about  to put it away with some other stuff, I mean, scribblings, when I remembered I'd better take a few pictures for WOYWW!

Here's the CD I covered in paint, glue, spiders, (not real ones!) bottle tops, keys, bolts, beads, stars, pins...and anything else that would stay on it. I think it needs a higher centre  and might end up on a book cover with other stuff or in the bin! I didn't have any of the 'proper stuff' so that's probably why it's a bit flat, and looks like it's had an accident with a road roller but it was good practice and quite fun.... 

 For some reason the printer printed out the freebie...(the printer's in the hall now and not in hubby's man cave in the no more slug treading!)  So I thought I'd colour him. (The bunny, not hubby!) Usually I print them out a lot smaller. Yes...I'm watching Lawn Fawn YouTube Vids on my phone (and the TV is on)... they are soooo cute, all those tiny little critters! Wish they didn't cost so much! There's so many add ons! To make the card she was making, it would've cost at least 150 quid! Plus of course, the price of a die cutting machine!

  Here's all the 'pushed back' stuff...I mean, craftiness. I wondered where that little water colour paint- box had got to! (forgot I had it!)

  And...before I pushed back everything, I was covering these little note books (6 for a pound, two more to do) with some more little animal papers that matched the first little mini book I sent to Niamh (granddaughter) I might add them to a little rap-a-round folder. That's it for now! If you want to join in, anyone can, just pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground, and link up! Oohoo The Lawn Fawn lady has finished and it's now Tim Holtz.... I'll never get to bed now!!  Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Happy WOYWW!
    Not linking again today.
    Amazing disc, love the colours.

  2. I am sure you had fun with the CD covering! I wonder where you will put it!
    Enjoying having a nose at your desk...
    Happy WoYww!
    Susan #2

  3. The CD is cool, but LOL! at the thought of you colouring your hubby! And yes, as per a previous comment, where do we all put this wonderful art we make? I know I am out of room....

    Happy desk hopping' day!
    Mary Anne (1)

  4. Love reading your posts. Love the cd, it looks great. I had a play with last weeks monster alien image. Just going to send it to mt Grandson. I will post it soon. Elaine

  5. Morning Lyn. Oh my - I don't think I would know where to start with a gorgeous decoration like you CD makeover! But it's lovely - well done. Loving the little notebooks, too. Lots to peek at on your desk.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  6. Happy WOYWW :-) Such great creations going on there and I LUV the CD make-over :-D xoxo

  7. Great notebooks you can use the old bank card as a scraper for paint and stuff when you find it - its bound to appear now you've replaced it ! Helen #5

  8. Love that little bunny! I know what you mean with the Lawn Fawn stuff, a bit like Tim Holtz stuff - you want it all to do what they've done but you'd need to remortgage! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #7

  9. You really are a night owl, aren't you, Lyn? I used to be when I was younger, but not any more. Too bad that you still haven't found your bank card - just one of those mysteries - once I lost a watch that my dad gave me like 20 odd years ago and I still don't know how or where. Love those cuties on the notebooks and the textures on that CD! To answer your question about the teabags on my previous post (only just found it!) - I dry the used tea bags and empty them - there's different ways of doing this - sometimes I just rip them apart - other times I'm more careful and cut a slit on the back to keep them intact. I have heard of using the tea leaves on plants but haven't tried it yet! Perhaps I should! Have a fun week! xx zsuzsa #22

  10. It’s so easy to accidentally colour you other half than the project you were intending *grin*. I’m glad you’ve been axing some crafty fun this week, the little books are so sweet!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  11. You had me chuckling at all your (in brackets) comments! I love your decorated CD - well worth the effort I think. I have posted the Downton Abbey twiddler on my WOYWW post today! Let me know what you think. xx Jo

  12. You CD turned out great, super mixed media piece, it makes a fab sturdy surface. Hangs in the craftroom perfectly. I must say i'm put off by making larger things now as my space is extremely limited.
    Have fun & Happy WoywW Tracey #14 x

  13. What a good idea for those notebooks Lyn. Glad you found the watercolours and the new bank card turned up. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  14. That CD is fantastic - all that gorgeous texture. Sorry I'm missing in action again this week - we have building work at ours and every evening I am having to move things round the house to make way for the next thing! I hope to be back next week. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. Caro xx

  15. Hi Lyn, your CD looks as if it’s made of chocolate- I don’t suppose it’s very tasty! I did laught when you said you weren’t colouring your husband. Have a great week Angela #17

  16. I think the repurposed CD is great. Looks like you've been really busy this week and hoping you have a very creative and a happy woyww, Angela x19x

  17. That upcycled CD is stunning, Lyn! What a great idea... I've got a stack of redundant ones and never thought of doing anything like that on them. Sorry about your bank card hassle but glad you've got a new one. Is it a different number? That's always a huge hassle if you do a lot of online shopping (as I do) - remembering to change it on all your accounts if a horrendous job!

    Thank you for your visit - lol you made me laugh - knit blockers/knickerbocker glories!! Lol! Now I shall think of that (and, of course, of you!) each time I do any blocking in the future! I hope they have the yoghurt on your local online Tesco. I'm thrilled to have got it back as I love the flavour of it. I bought 6 tubs of it this week!!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #21

  18. The CD looks great -far better than it ever looked as a CD too! Not sure what all the add ons were - but crikey £150 to make a card? Nooo, lol - I'd have to find lookalikes and make do. Even with a healthy crafty budget - I wouldn't spend that to make one card the same as the demo. I did chuckle when you clarified you were colouring the freebie and not your husband. Your post is great! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #25

  19. AHA! That's where my little watercolour box has got to, you can't fool me!! Seriously I haven't seen it in ages. Fortunately I have lots of bigger ones should I need them but it niggles when something goes walkabout. Always my fault though. Great little notebooks and I love that character surrounded by all the circles! Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx#18

  20. Well Lyn, at least you’re doing something while not sleeping, you must exist on very little. So are you and hubby like ships that pass in the night, you up all you get any sleep in the daŷ? The notebooks are really sweet, gotta love something that looks good whilst being useful!

  21. Oh my, I don't know how you can stay up so late! As soon as I start dropping things and making mistakes I'm done, I don't even try to craft after dinner anymore! My best time is in the afternoon, and I am very grateful that I now have afternoons free! I laughed when you said you found your watercolours, I've done that so many times! Mostly I use something, put it down, and then can't find it. But I just used it! LOL! But I do love a busy and messy desk. So glad you are not colouring hubby! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #29

  22. Good afternoon. I love your writing style. Such a fun read. Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kelly #27


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