Wednesday 18 September 2013

Morning WOYWWers!!

Morning! Happy WOYWW! First apologies for missing out on some of my commenting last week, but I'll try and do 'double' takes this week! And, I do have a good look round on Google+ blogs ~ still can't comment on them, but I am banging on the door saying, let me in! (well,  swearing at the comment box!...same thing!!) This is my 'tidy' and lower 'desk' this morning..... sorry the picture isn't too sharp....
And... this is my workbench.. .there is a difference, honest!  One has a white top and the other is MDF!  
All this was done making ohooooo about 4 or 5 cards and some tokens...
And here's a tip.... I use a syringe for my silicone gel glue.... it NEVER lasts long this way, (no matter what they say on TV) so I've taken to using blu-tac over the little red top to make sure NO air gets in, I find this works a treat... I usually only put in enough to do what I'm making at the time anyway. Once you've used a syringe you won't got back to dobbing it on from the tube! 
Happy a What's On You Workdesk Wednesday.. Now go over to the one and only Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!! (phew! breathe Lyn...breathe....)
ps... new freebie is being drawn as I type.... multi tasking genius, that's me!


  1. There is always lots to look at here, and today is no different. I rarely use silicone glue but your tip is good. Have a good day. helen 22

  2. Oh thanks so much for the owl I saw it on the top right and downloaded it right away.. Love owls your daughter has great taste in owls.. Silicon gel glue hmm never used it, what do you use it on? if I ever need to I now know what to do. I never even knew glue dimension came in a tube to use haymans make it. The things you learn from other crafters..
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy #36

  3. Think we should write a book called the 100 uses for bluetac :-)
    Your is a good one :-)
    A x # 64

  4. Busy deskS there Lyn. Thanks for the tip about the plunger - will try that as I don't use my plunger because of it getting blocked up etc.
    With you on the Google+ accounts - very hard work these days on the computer.
    Hugs - Neet 30 xx - and thanks for visiting me

  5. Oh my Lyn I see the cyclone has been again, but Im sure you are really busy so it wont matter to much. hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  6. Thanks for sharing your creative crafty space and hope you have a great weekend

    Candace #60

  7. Yes do tell... how to use blue tac? Good golly your desk makes me feel so much better about how mine looks after and hour or two. Be well Thanks for the peek #92 Carole

  8. My, you have a lot of crafting goodies. Happy crafting #1

  9. WoWza !!! Look at all that stuff !!! You HAVE been busy :-D

    OK Eagle Eyes.... I finished The Wall :-D Just put it on my Blog. :-D I saw you were sponsoring over at Pinspirational, so I made the project specially :-D


    IKE in Greece #49

  10. look.. stuff. lots of stuff. I want to dig in and play.. fun fun fun! Thanks for the peak and have a great day . Roberta 7

  11. Ooh I have given up with plungers! They get stuck solid with me! Very busy desks this week. I have only one desk to keep tidy and I can't even do that LOL have a happy week
    Lynda B 54

  12. Wow! Thanks for the syringe tip! I waste glue of all kinds and any help with not doing so is much appreciated! Your desk looks brilliant to me - full of creative energy. I just wish I had somewhere to leave my projects instead of having to put them away immediately all the time. One day! Julie Ann x #45

  13. oh wow have I had fun poking around your desks it has been hours of fun with so many lovely crafting products on show
    Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend
    Ria #61

  14. Always lots to look at on your desk lyn :-) thanks for the tip re glue. I use a syringe for it as well. Happy WOYWW Anne x #112

  15. Yes! Love the silicone via a syringe. I gave up on it though due to the smell but your solution is brilliant because you are right--that stuff dries up no matter what. LOTS of stuff piled high in your area this visit. I love it though!

  16. Here I am again Lyn! I use a syringe too, it has a little yellow cap and always dries up and needs ungumming with a pokey tool when I leave it for a day. So does the blu tac stop that happening?

    I use the non smelly silicone like gel glue now though.

    Cazzy x #95

  17. Thank you for the tip. Happy WOYWW! Thank you for visiting my space earlier. :)

  18. There is nothing I hate more than Glues drying out in no time, so loving your tip and hearing how you use yours. Your desk always looks busy and jammed packed with fabulous crafting goodies. Have a great week! Danie #38

  19. That is one crafty desk you got going on never used silcone on anything before but I do want to try the cheap version of making a silcone mold :) thanks for the visit hugs Nikki 6
    I found that I have to flip back and forth with google chrome these days to do editing in blogger such a pain but it works

  20. Ok I give, what is silicone glue used for? Boy those must be some gorgeous cards to create such jumble of goodies. ;) Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

  21. Whoo hoo! I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a messy desk! Just evidence that you have been super busy creating! Hope you're having a great week! :)

  22. Putting a piece of blu tack over the end is a great idea. I gave up using the syringes as they kept drying up, might give it another go now. Hugs. Pam#48

  23. Always a joy to visit you - I JUST noticed the Double Z card link at the top so am off to explore that now :)

    Oh and thanks for the glue tip!

    Happy (now my internet is back) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  24. What a busy desk! Your tip seems a good one although I can't say I have ever used silicone glue, but then I hate the fiddlyness (if that is a word) of decoupage. Sorry I am so late in visiting, work got on top of me. Happy Belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#76)

  25. Wow! Lots going on! I never thought of using a syringe for that. Good idea. :) WOYWW#100

  26. LOL you are really sure that there is a difference in the color of those desks? ;o) thank you for the great tip about the serynge!!! Hugs Vicky #118

  27. What a lovely pair of busy desks! And thank you for the tip about the syrynge, I love using the syringe, but have always found that it goes hard so I will dig out the bluTac and try it.
    Chris #51

  28. OH LORDY Lyn how do you find anything?
    Wow just think it could take me months to nosy through all of your stuff...but what a fantastic time I'd have :D
    Thanks for visiting me's always great to have you pop by.
    Enjoy your weekend
    Neesie #86 (I think I'm so late I've forgotten my number lol)

  29. If you have everything on your desk you don't have to stand up to find things. I can't wait to have a permanent crafting space again and make it look just like yours.

    Thank you so much for visiting.
    Happy belated WOYWW,


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