Wednesday 24 November 2010

WOYWW! or it might just be a Short Post

Oh I'm sooo late. We haven't been home long from dog/house sitting... so my workbench looks like it did when I left it... hopefully you can see a picture, which means I found the camera in time before I nipped off to work, if you can't... I didn't!!
Which means... all you will see is a picture of a short post... actually I like the picture of the short post, so I'll leave that anyway!

If I get up early enough to draw a freebie... it might be a bit wonky, so... if it is... pop back later because I might just have to change it when I see it in 'daylight' !! Or if it's not there.... pop back later and it will be!!

My work bench this week is just covered with bits from my last post, which went out on Sunday, the mess was made on Friday... I was going to use the card you see in the picture, but... I didn't! (eagle eyed blog hoppers might realise it's been around before and never used, I'm sooo indecisive!)
Oho before I forget, Thank you Amy, for my lovely ATC!
Now, if you like snooping into other crafty people's crafty places... click over to Julia's blog and join in!!

Sorry you missed!


  1. Your desk looks gloriously busy - have a great Wednesday


  2. Great pics and a great snoop. We'll let you off the mess... it's allowed when you are sooo busy! You've got to leave your creative mark whilst you are away from it!
    JoZarty x

  3. Hi
    I like the vellum and you have got some very clean scissors. Mine are covered in glue and paint.
    Have fun at your busy desk
    Sue xx 77

  4. Thanks for the peek and the freebie. Love the reindeer!
    Susan xxox #12

  5. Hi hun
    glad you found you camera lovely creative desk as always, lovely freebie thank you hun,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(16)

  6. So you found the camera then! Love the pics, your desk is always so crammed with goodies.

  7. Hi Lyn thanks so much for the freebie, hes cute.
    Ive got a thing about groins on the beach, had a nasty accident with them when I was 13 landed in hospital for a week because of them.
    Well the desk is normal dont you think. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  8. Your desk looks fine to me. (13)

  9. The desk looks AOK - like you've been busy....

  10. I can't do it.... I can't look at your desk, whew there confession over. I'm anal-annie when it comes to cleaning my desk off between creations and when I leave the crafty room at night and when we're having company and...well, you get the idea, it's the cleanest room in the house. Thanks for the new reindeer, he's a keeper!

  11. Love the desk, lots going on, great. Carolxx....79

  12. glad you are able to make a visit to the craft desk, you need a mobile unit...


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wow, that is one very busy desk there & a super cute reindeer
    C (74)

  15. Thank you for this super sweety roo- reindeer!!!!! :o))

  16. It's great to see a desk that looks as messy as mine lol it looks like you have lots of makes on the go. Actually my desk isn't too bad just now as had to tidy it to make space for my new cricut that arrived yesterday

    Hugs Jackie x

  17. Your desk is sooooo busy today. :-)
    A x

  18. If that's a quick!
    Did you go to the Hobby Craft at Mansbridge next to Haskins Garden Centre? We could meet there for a coffee sometime!
    I think Staples might be cheaper for the flappy boxes however!

  19. Love the busy desk this week and rudolph looks fab.Hopefully get to try next week once my album is finished on tight deadline and at min mojo gone on hols!
    hugs judex3

  20. Oh hun
    i no i am easily confused but what ya on about Haskins Garden Centre??? lol i have been to the one at southampton but dont think i have mentioned it! lol. Did make me laugh hun, sue,x

  21. thanks for the stamp. busy busy desk today.
    have a wonderful wednesday.
    caroline #2

  22. Sounds as if life is a bit hectic for you lately! Thanks for the adorable Roo! Love him :)

  23. Thanks for the cute reindeer. Your desk looks like mine! I'm in the middle of a frenzy - hopefully, it'll be back to normal soon.

  24. Your posts always have a way of making me smile. Thanks for "Roo"!

  25. Lovely reindeer picture - thanks. Lovely busy busy desk too - thanks for sharing everything.
    Hugs x

  26. Thanks for the freebie! Super cute.

  27. Thanks for the super cute freebie.. Love the little spider hanging from his antler.

  28. Roo looks very cute...and nice to see a busy workdesk! x

  29. Hello there, looks really productive here, lovely busy desk. Thanks for dropping by my place and your lovely comments:0) xx

  30. Thanks so much for Roo. He is beautiful.

    Love Joan xx

  31. You're quite right about WOYWW being elsewhere . . . The Craft Mas & Loving It group on craftbubble started WOYWDW more recently so added the D for DESK to avoid confusion - sorry!

    Here's the address for the CMLI group - it would be lovely to see you there.


  32. What a fine Roo you have - he looks full of cheekiness. Loving the busy desk.

    Bernie #11

  33. oh he's so cute ! thank you !

  34. Lyn, once you've logged in to CB then use the link again and you should go straight there OR once you've logged in search for groups under the card making selection and it should come up there too. Good Luck

  35. Lots going on there. Love all your Stamps on the shelf.

    Hugs Carol #32

  36. great picture of your short post, LOL! i really like the pattern of that black and white flowered paper on your desk.
    happy WOYWW!

  37. What an incredibly cool full and alive. Thanks for popping past and commenting on my workspace this week xxx

  38. Hi Lyn,
    Your desk is great, it shows art in progress and lots of lovely punches too. Have a wonderful day. Big Hugs JO.xx*25*

  39. Thanks so much for the reindeer image it is so cute!
    Joanne x

  40. Thank you for this cute reindeer.

  41. Thanks so much for Roo. I can't wait to make use of him. #122

  42. Well you have got a busy desk here with lots of nice things to use. FAB reindeer. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)

  43. Lol - I would have to tidy the desk - love all your stamps and thanks for the reindeer his lovely ~127

  44. I love busy desks as good things usually emerge. Thanks for sharing


  45. Your desk looks a bit like really can't be creative without making a bit of a mess. 8-)
    Thank you for this sweet little reindeer.

  46. Lovely creative desk, fab stash! The reindeer is wonderful, you're very talented.

    Maarit #96

  47. the black and white card on your desk really drew my eye

    cute reindeer, thanks

  48. ....why in the world is Cely making a comment on this old post! I was intrigued and giggled a little to see a picture of your desk. You are all the way in the UK and here I am in South Carolina and yet anyone looking would think we lived next door since I have the majority of things on my craft table that you have on yours. It's a small world. It's so cool!


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