Wednesday 3 March 2010

WOYWW And Who's The Winner?

It's Wednesday Again and time for "What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday!" started by Julia, over on Stamping Ground.
My desk's not too bad this week! In fact, it's looking very productive. What you can see is the stamped images ready to be sent off to the winner of my little 'spot the cats table cloth' last week!
Everyone guessed right (all five of you!) so I've put your names into a hat and made, I mean, asked and tempted with promises of tuna, Frog the cat to pick out a name!!
Of course the answer to my last weeks question, 'Who had a table covering very similar to my 'Cat Note' book was..... Liverpool Lou!! ..and did Anne notice?? I'm not sure! She did nip back and mention YKWIM (you know what I mean) in another post but she didn't let on!
Swinging the camera to my's a bit messy with two empty mugs of coffee (and chocolate) and my big shot. A little to the left you can spy my little blue bowl, which I use to 'file' things too small to put anywhere, but too useful to throw away (yes, it came filled with French pate, which I think I bought from Tecso's!)

So, Frog has put her paw into the hat...and now she's sitting in it...and the winner is....(Don't eat it!!) purrrpurrrpurrrpurrr.... Frog!! Ummm....sorry she's gone under the work bench!! Stick it note stuck to her ear!! (I'll start a new thing, What's Under Your Work Desk Wednesday!!) Oh dear! is that the time!! I'll be back later....have to go to work!!
(I hate cliff hangers!!)

Sorry about that...I had this on timer to come on round between 9 and 10 o'clock because I had to leave by 8.30... did it??? I don't think so!! Anyway Frog's been fished out from under my work bench, links have been added and the winner of the Stamped Images is...
Thank you to every one who had a go!

Hello and welcome to three new Followers, (two out the back and in the dark. Flower Power and Littlepopits, sorry but I have no link for you and Larisa all the way from Russia! Luckily Larisa posted a link so I could find her. Pop over and say...
"Здравствуйте и Добро пожаловать!"
which I hope means...hello and welcome, but don't hold me to it!

no cats were harmed in the making of this post...


  1. Love your desk Lynn its looking great
    hugs June xxxxx

  2. Lots of lovely images there - I'm sure Gez will enjoy colouring them and creating with them.
    Now I have seen your desk I will be craving Nutella for weeks!
    Clare x

  3. Hi Lyn
    Brill idea with the cat and delaying the end of the post, well done Gez, lovely images, where did you get the cute handbags "love them" love all the creativity.
    Christine x

  4. Hi Nicola, I did notice I just didn't want to let the cat out of the bag ;) As I said in that other comment I was so glad someone mentioned the designer of the cats. I must have managed to decipher the name on my table covering at some point 'cos I remember checking her out. But after seeing your journal I tried to decipher the name again but couldn't. Congratulations to Gez :)
    Your desk looks busy today.
    What a clever cat you have hehe
    Anne xx

  5. Thank you Anne, I love my new name!!

  6. You look to be a very busy crafter. Lots going on there. What fun. Congrats to Gez.
    A x

  7. You made me laugh tee hee - poor cat - she buckled under the pressure - or got camera shy!!!

    Well done Gez - you've put some lovely images together to sent to her.

    Paula x x x


    Please give her a BIG gentle squodge from me. :) Tom (3) is sat on my knee & thinks she looks GORGEOUS.xx

    Your craft desk looks fab as always Lyn & nice & productive.:) I do love having a little look! hehe. Thanks for sharing.xx

    Your images look gorgeous. Thank You ever so much.XXX

  9. What a busy desk,and all those lovely stamped images. Hugs Pamx

  10. Perfect desk.. loving the images .. some lucky person will enjoy I am sure!

  11. Hi Lyn,
    Fantastic post hun. You crack me up you really do!! I love the way you did the little scenario with Frog under the desk - hilarious!! Congrats to Gez - fab images.
    DAwn xx

  12. Brilliant, roflmao. Of course, it also reminded me that after visiting everyone I forgot to send you an email with the right answer last week! Doh, never mind. Very sweet moggy. Also, love that little stoneware vase to the right of the Nutella! And why do you have Nutella on your desk??


  13. Fab desk...and loving your little furry friends under it..I have a certain furry feline who "helps" me craft by stealing off with stamps, sticky dots, paint brushes...hey, he must be...a cat burglar ROFL

  14. Congrats to Gez, and huge thanks to Frog for her wonderful contribution :D

  15. Oh that little cat is so cute! I see what you mean about the little bowl..until I saw the phot I thought you were being polite about a small bin!! And is it me, or are your MS punches multiplying?

  16. Good to have some help from time to time :0)

  17. The 3 C's coffee...chocolate and craft your my kinda gal Spyder !! lol
    In answer to your question do I cut or stamp/colour first , well Garry does all the cutting he cuts me big piles of shapes Hundreds at a time I stamp and colour them when I need them or when I'm bored !! he he
    Hugs Susie xx

  18. Hi Lyn
    Have you seen how many is in the WOYWW this week, what made you name him frog? like the bit at the bottom. Sorry 51 desks this week.
    Christine x

  19. love your space - could be very at home there. your cat is sweet, such a great photo.

  20. Hey Spyder
    My cat does that too he wedges himself in the weirdest places
    Fab Space and Congrats you won on my blog for guess the Image for Incy Wincy. Winners posted on Friday on the blog with all the details :) Congrats hugs Nikki

  21. Frog looks like such a fun addition to your craft space!
    ** Kate **

  22. Hi Lyn, well Im pleased to see your desk is as messy as mine it and full of stuff.
    Congratulations on your Russian, will have to ask hubby to make sure its correct. But take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  23. great post hun as always love your desk too must join in one of these wednesdays,love your cat congratulations to dear Gez too have fun hunny hugs cherylxxxx


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