See! I'm here, bet you thought I'd be out the back and up to my elbows in glue, paper and card. Actually, you're quite right, five minutes ago, I suddenly realised I'd blocked myself in my craft room as I'd had everything out trying to find something and then forgot what it was...Frog the cat thought it was great fun as she could get right at the back of the shelves and play with the scraps of paper that had fallen down. Meanwhile of course, Hubby John (bless him, BIG hug) had
d dinner and was now on his computer trying to book flights to Seattle. He's been trying for a couple of days now, but our card kept getting blocked. He tried all our cards, and everyone was blocked. Turned out after a phone call this morning from the bank that it's an automatic thing that happens if suddenly yo
ur credit card asks to spend more money that it ever has before, which in a way is reassuring but on the other hand very annoying, as the price of the air tickets kept going up by the minute as places were being snatched up!! In the end we did get our tickets, (after a nice man at the bank explained) so
Seattle here we come!! Well...a few more weeks yet!
Right! Why am I here?? Oh yes. This is Sylvia's Card I sent off this morning with her goodies. made with Pink Petticoat papers, little inside pocket to hold stamped images. Clever
ol' me did a bit of paper piecing. I printed the image twice, one on to heart paper and then cut out the ice cream bit and 3D-ed it. Pink Petticoat have a
'how to' HERE. Then added some micro fine glitter, with a 2 in 1 glue pen. (which isn't bad, but I
nk I liked the Quickie glue pen best) It's called a 2 in 1 glue pen because, according to the
tiny writing on the side and I quote...
"When wet use as ordinary glue. After applying allowing to dry-the same surface can be used as a sticker (reusable)" oho, have to try that! The little gems are from
Anita's gemstone Wheel. (Mine was cheaper, she whispers) The card itself is
Bazzil Card, Limeade I think. Is there a right way and a wrong way to fold it? I think there must be, because even though I used my
Crafters Campanion thingamajig to crease the fold, little tiny fibers sort of broke away on the fold, which doesn't normally happen with
Bazzil Card, cos it's good stuff, usually!

Ah, I know what you're thinking, stop yakking and tell us about the font!!
Ok!! Yes it's a freebie~you might already have it, but if not it's called ... hang on ... I wrote it down somewhere... Ah!
AncestorySF. You can download it for free, just Google t
AncestorySF free fonts and choose where you'd like to down load it from!
I used
WordArt again, so that I had an outline and could use two colours, but it writes very nicely in ordinary 'Word'. I used three
Woodware punches for the flower and the leaves (stamped out using the same green
Bazzil card) and
ProMakers Pens for the blue and the green but my new Pink
Copic pen for the pink bits. I phoned Emma (daughter) seeing she was driving past the Craft shop on Sunday Morning, to pick me up some skin tone
Copic pens... Skin tone to Emma is orange...(she eats far too many carrots!!) but luckily she changed her mind and got me pink. I'm still in two minds about the
Copic Pens. Which do you like best? I want to like
Promakers as I used to buy loads of
Letraset stuff when I did my cartoons years ago, but they're really hard to get and the
Copic Pens are just sitting there (all the colours!!) in the craft shop, which is about a 30mile round trip for me...
Challenge!! Yes, (sometime in the future I'm going to find this... and then pop back here and tell you about it, just so
y'know, once these posts are written they aren't necessarily finished!! ) There's a
challenge ( or will be, depending when you're reading this!) over on
Cute Daisy May Challenge to make a Thank you card! So of course I've picked this one! Pop over and join in!
Right! that's it, I think!! But first , let's welcome
two new
Followers!! Hi first to Mrs Ann who's out the back in the dark with no picture and no link. But, could you be Anne Marie, who has popped over and said Hi
and has put my Blog Candy onto her side bar, I wonder? (No...says the voice in my head., there's no E on the Ann) Anyway, thank you for that Anne Marie!! Let me know if that's you, if not, tell us where you are Mrs Ann and then I can put a link in and come and visit (don't worry, just your blog- not for coffee or biscuits!)
And as if by Magic!!!! I have a link from
Anne Marie, So, we'll say Hi

anyway, cos we're nice!! So, still looking for Mrs Ann... (I love a mystery!)
Then we have
Theresa in MS ((wave))) who has some lovely pictures on her blog, one being a
very large Stick Insect and a
very small baby frog. (aw) I can remember having loads of baby frogs leaping about our small garden...couldn't mow the lawn for weeks!
Back tomorrow with a Squeak! Bye till then...thank you for stopping by!