Saturday 8 August 2009

Blog Awards: Past & New: Thank you- 12 Year OLd POst Banned: INFORMATION DELETED!

22/7/22: THIS POST IS !" 12 YEARS OLD! And I've just had  it banned by blogger. At first I thought WHY? And then I realised. If any of you still have these question and answer thingies on your blogs, DELETE it now ....there's sooooo much information you are giving away to  potential fraudsters without even realising it! 12 years on from this post and we know better!!!    Read the questions I'm asked. I've deleted my answers!

Sorry not to have blogged or done hardly any blog hopping, but we're still dog sitting! (Poor dogs!) and that's all we seem to be doing...walking dogs!

I'd love to thank Penny and Shirley for this Award. Please visit their lovely blogs! There's always something amazing going on! Don't forget to visit Penny's Challenge blog too! I've been very naughty and not passing on my blog Awards for ages and seeing I'm here, Dog Sitting, and not at home, missing my craft room (actually hubby says it's hard to tell, the only difference is...there's a sofa bed in the room, nearly everything else is the same...paper everywhere, a couple of boxes of 'stuff', computer, printer (Hubby's sooo lovely, he went and got it for me!) the cat...yep... Frog the cat's here too! She spends most of her time under my desk were the computer is or on the bed, or wherever I am, so there's no difference there. Of course we can't let her out, the dogs would probably eat her! Now, there are loads of questions to go with the first two Awards and I have to answer them all! And tell you eight things about I hope this counts if I just do this...So here we go...
1. Where is your cell phone?xxxxxxx
2. Your hair: xxxxxxxx. Your mother:xxxxxx  4. Your father: xxxxxx5. Your favorite food? xxxxxx 6. Your dream last night?xxxxxxx 7. Your favorite drink xxxxxxxx 8. Your dream/goal?xxxxx 9 What room are you in?xxxxxxxx  10. Your hobby?xxxxxxxx 11. Your fear? xxxxxxx 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? xxxxxx 13. Where were you last night?xxxxxxxx 14. Something you aren't? xxxxx 15. Muffins? xxxxxx16. Wish list item?xxxxxx 17. Where did you grow up? xxxxxxx18. Last thing you did?xxxxx 19. What are you wearing? xxxxxxxx 20. Your TV?xxxxxxxx 21. Your pets? xxxx22. Friends? xxxxxx 23. Your life? xxxxxxxx 24. Your mood?xxxxxx 25. Missing someone? xxxxx 26. Vehicle? xxxxxxx 27. Something you're not wearing?xxxxxx 28. Your favorite store?xxxxx   29. Your favorite colour?xxxxxxx30. When was the last time you laughed? xxxx 31. When was the last time you cried? xxxxxxxx :( 32. Your best friend? xxxxx33. One place that I want to go over and over?  xxxxx 34. Facebook?xxxx 35. Favorite place to eat? xxxxxx Before I choose five (x 2 ) people to pass this Award on to, I'll do the next Award...(as that has questions too!) This Award was also from  Shirley (Sorry it's so late Shirley!) The rules in accepting this second Award are that you must give five things away about yourself (which you haven't already told) and then choose five more worthy recipients! Right! Five things that I haven't already told you about me? Umm! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
This Lovely Award is from Elfie and as far as I can tell, there are no questions needing answers!! (Yippee! I've run out of ideas, I'm going to have to start making something up!!)
I also want to add these lovely Awards below to this post too, which I received way back in September (The 'Honest Award' has 10 facts about you!) but I never got round to passing them I've  now deleted all the links to other blogs! XXXXXXXXXX
Phew!!! That took ages, but I think I'm up to date now...just a few more names to add, and also more links as they didn't work! I hope all the links that are there work!! (and go to the right person!) I'm getting my paste and copying muddled! It's late! So I'll pop back here later to finish...meanwhile...please choose ANY one of the Awards above that you'd like, with a link back here! Coming up next...a sneak peak of the next Quirky forum Challenge! I'm off to walk the dogs...fireworks seem to have stopped....Thank you so much for stopping by. Night!
This post had over 365 views!  So! Get these Off your blog...NOW!


  1. LOL. I also gave you that first award you have posted here... like a week ago!

    Congrats on ALL the awards. I'm not surprised, your artwork is great and you're of course hilarious and you seem very nice.

  2. Thank you Penny!! Your name's there too! (I'm still typing it, I'm very slow! I started yesterday!)

  3. Morning Lyn,
    Thank you for the fab award and your recent visit to my blog !
    l sat here reading your post with a big smile on my face,it must have taken you ages to sort all your lovely awards out !
    Hope you and all the family are well ? how is little Mason getting on, any recent pics ?
    well, off to make a cup of tea !
    susan X

  4. Hi Lyn,

    Wow, congrats on all the awards - well deserved.
    I have picked the frogs hugging and thank you so much.

    Hugs Ali x

  5. Hi Lyn, sounds like you are a bit busy with dog sitting. Congrats on your awards and thanks for including me. Will collect one later. Have a great day. Anesha

  6. Thank you Lynne Cor that post must have takenb an age!!!!!!!!!!!!! IO will snazzle one wuith out questions me thinks lol!

    Liz xxx

  7. Wow! You must have been ready for a lie down in a darkened room after posting all this info. Lyn!!! You made me LOL, as always, and I love all the details you share about yourself - wish I was half as interesting! Thank you for passing on the awards (and well done on receiving them in the first place) - I would like to take the cute little froggy one as (a) I don't have that one, and (b) I don't have to try and think of something interesting about myself!!! Hope you're having a great weekend. Lotsa hugs, Sylvia xxxxxx

  8. Wow Lyn thanks for choosing me :-) congratulations on all your awards, very well deserved as you blog rocks.

    Hugs Linda

  9. Congratulations on all your awards Lyn......Thank-you so much for awarding one to me, I will post it soon.
    Hugs Sandie x

  10. Congratulations Lyn ♥

    Your blog posts are always fabulous & it's always a pleasure to stop by. Keep up the good work & thanks for including me. You have been soooo busy my lovely with all those links!

    Have a great week. Hugs Gez.xx

  11. Aww tahnks hun - wow you must have been really busy sorting this lot out! Have had a go at the one word blog quiz and posted for tomorrow - blimey that took some thinking about loL!
    pauline x

  12. WOW you have been busy ! thankyou for my award I chose the Inspiring one as you girls always inspire me !!I have to say you have a lot of patience lol,I will put mine on my blog and think who I will give it to

  13. Congrats on all these fabulous awards! Thanks so much for thinking of me, I'm honored! Kuddos to you for posting them all in one post!!! Hugs Rita

  14. Hi Lyn, Congrats you on all fab awards! You are very talented and deserved all
    thankyou for your visit to my blog and nice comments. Thank you for the award,I'm so honored! I will post it soon.

  15. wow what a lot of awards! Congratulations.

    Thanks for thinking of me to pass on to Lyn. I'm so bad at putting these things on my blog too, I seem to be bad at up dating full stop at the moment. So much stuff to do! But I promise to do my best.

    Fe x

  16. thank you Lyn for the award for inchy blog - and well done for the patience to fill in all those questions!

  17. Thank you for thinking of me Lynne, I have posted the link here on my blog.



  18. I think I'll have the froggy one too cheers Lyn. My brain still hurts after all those questions from Liz's award yesterday. I'll pop it up in a mo.
    Catch you somewhere sooner or later hun
    Sam x

  19. Congrats on all the awards Lynn!! You are so deserving!!! Thanks so much for thinking of me!!!

  20. Thank you for adding me to your pass-along list. I'm like lots of others in that it takes me awhile to get things done but eventually I do manage to accomplish something worthwhile. I really did LOL at your postings and hope I can come up with something as amusing when I post my award on my blog. I may have to do mine in stages. After the day I had at work today, my brain is too 'fried' to think up anything humorous. I'm confiscating the 'big hugs' award tonight as it's my VERY FIRST award since I started blogging. Thank you again for listing me and hopefully sending me some more 'friends not yet discovered'.


    Theresa in MS

  21. thanks babe I have the first one with all the questions you have to answer havent posted it on my blog yet oh errrrrr but will take the inspiring award if that is okay as have not got that one bless you for thinking of me hun,always make me laugh when I come on here hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  22. Thanks so much, also very bad at getting awards on my blog....but will try!!!

  23. Thank you so much, Lyn. So sweet of you!
    Peet x

  24. Thank you so much Lynn and I will post a link back here. Trish:)

  25. Thanks so much Lyn, I've taken the inspiring one :-) Hope you are well and enjoyed the dog sitting! Love, Rose xx

  26. Hi Lyn I must admit I didnt scroll down the page this morning, so please forgive me, and thank you so much for the award, thats extremely kind of you to honour me with it. I might not be able to pass it on for a bit, but I do want you to now I do appreciate it. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  27. Love the card! It is so cute. Love the lady on it a lot. I did not realize blogger would ban posts. I don't think i have anything with questions and answers on it. If so, it was a long time ago. Edwina Brown


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