Saturday 6 October 2012

Thank you

To everyone who has called in, sent emails, hugs, commented and even sent cards and prayers, wishing myself and by family every kind of love and comfort after my dad suddenly passed away last Tuesday, I would love to say a very big Thank you! You are all amazing. Things are not going to be, and haven't been the same for most of this year but in 'Blogland' I've always found it to be a magical place where people are very kind and wish everyone the happiness they dream of and deserve. Thank you for following, Thank you for joining in with some of my silly games and challenges. Thank you for liking some of my not so good freebies and some that weren't too bad! Hopefully I'll be back to 'normal', if I ever was 'normal', as soon as possible..
Some of you have asked about Jinxy our lodger cat. He is still with us, it's been nearly a year now. I think he's decided...he is home


  1. Thank you for making blogland a fun place :D Love seeing your post and yes it's great that even if we are an ocean away we can be supportive of other crafters!

    Yup don't think that cat is going anywhere lol really looks home! lol

  2. I'm so very so VERY sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my own dear dad suddenly a tad over nine years ago - it's hard but it DOES get easier and you have my best wishes for this difficult time. Sorry to have missed your first post on this sad topic but I'm on vacation and only just catching up.


  3. Enjoy Jinxy, I lost my Sierra a while back and how I miss her. Jinxy is so adorable and obviously is very happy. Still thnking about you and wanted you to know that you were in my heart. Losing a loved one is hard but if no one else understands, we here in blog land sure do. we appreciate you so much. hugs, Cathy K

  4. And thanks to you Lyn for being such a generous fun person. I agree that Blogland is a pretty amazing place - some Bloggers even resort to using their hubby's dongle in fields,saying that's the only way they can blog!:)

    And Jinxy looks well settled in for sure.

    Take care - thinking of you. Di xx

  5. Oh Spyder - so sorry to hear your news :-( I was away in hospital and then to the UK last week, as my Father is dying and may be my last chance to see him.
    Thank YOU for all you give us here in Blogland and all your fun blogs. You always have something interesting to blog about. :-D
    So glad you still have Jinxy LoL xx
    Mega Hugz
    Ike xxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. I am really sorry to read this, I probably missed the previous post....
    Big hugs.... Went through this 3 years ago...
    I know it is not easy, but time just helps! :)

  7. I've had one of those years as well with my mum dying a couple of months ago. So sorry to hear about your dad, try and remember the good times :)
    LLJ xx

  8. Please forgive me - I, too, missed your earlier post, due to a stupid mishap. So very sorry to learn of your sad loss xox

  9. So sorry to hear of your loss ((hugs)) xx

  10. I'm so sorry to read of your loss, being a grown up is so hard isn't it. You dear gal, get out of blogging what you put into it.

  11. Oh hunny, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. xx Thinking of you at this difficult time and I am sorry that I missed your first post on this. xxxxxxxxx

  12. Continued hugs to you dear Lyn and prayers that the pain will lessen with each passing day :)

  13. Lyn, take your time in coming back. All of us here in blogland have gone or will go through this in time.
    Jinxy looks very comfortable and is very happy he found a warm loving place to call home.
    Hugs, Marla

  14. I love it that there are people like you in Blogland that make it such an interesting place to visit. I love all your images - to me there are no bad ones. If you saw my drawing then you would know what bad is!!! I hadn't heard you mention Jinxy before but I'd say that cat is definitely right at home - he is adorable. Take care, Suze

  15. THANKYOU Lyn for all you give to other bloggers. Look after yourself at this time. When my dad passed away 6 years ago I didn't and paid the price a few weeks later. Am ok (well not everyone will agree with this :-) ) Love Anne x

  16. So sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you and your family a BIG ((HUG))

    Luv Jane XX

  17. I am so sorry Lyn to hear of the sad news.. I hope you all are doing ok.... You are so correct when you say blogger's are the nicest people.. very true..
    I think Jinxy is going no-where fast!!!.. Hugs May x x x

  18. Love your picture of Jinxy! He is adorable! Hope you are making it alright! Normal is overrated! :)

  19. Spyder, sorry to hear about your dad. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  20. Lyn I have been on holiday myself and am just catching up with Blogger.

    I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your Dad. I hope you have many happy memories of a wonderful man to lessen the pain over time.

    I think it is safe to say your 'lodger' has taken up permanent residence now :)

    Big squishy hugs xxx


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