I can hardly believe that my grandson Mason is three years old today, and three years ago I was typing in a Seattle Motel on my blog letting you all know he'd arrived into the World safe and sound!
Maria emailed me last week (just before we left, still away by the way, should be back later today) that he was into Diego (who? I know Dora, the shouty little 'explorer') and directed me to Colouring Pages For Kids So here's Mason's card from me and his G-pops, as Maria calls her dad! What's wrong with Granddad? Grandad! (sorry it might be spelt wrong but I like it with one D!) You'll be happy sad to know, the freebie papers I used from PaperCraft Inspirations magazine 'Wild Thing' from waaay back in 2009 are still available HERE BUT are no longer free (sorry!) although they are only 99p to download the whole set. There's a link on my side bar that should take you to some of their other downloadable freebies (worth a visit but I'm sure you have to 'sign in')

I'm sure the paws and the bug buttons came from one of those huge crafty stores near Seattle. (when we were over for Mason's birth, now they're on their way back!) In the shop they were in a large container and you just helped yourself to what you wanted. So much better than having to buy about 5 for £2, when 3 of them you don't really want!

I had one day home from dog sitting, before we zoomed off again (when I typed this post out) only to find Blogger had at last (after threatening to for months, I kept changing it back!) changed me over to the 'new' format and what a load of old twiddle it is!! The pictures won't go where you want them and at least with the 'old stile' you could change the size of pictures further even though you'd selected 'small' or 'large', and where's the 'proper' preview? When I previewed this post it was suddenly on my blog! I think they've gone backwards rather then improving it. But! I quite like the strike button and always said, it needed an 'undo button' Anyway, That's it! We should be back later today, when I hope I can add some...
Simonsaysstampschallenge-anything goes
Craftycreationschallenges-autumn leaves
Simonsaysstampschallenge-anything goes
Craftycreationschallenges-autumn leaves