I've been out in the garden most of the day, and when I wasn't in the garden I was somewhere else. Got bitten to bugg -er? I mean... bits, the other evening. Sis-law, Deb said, "Lyn you should drink Gin and Tonic, then the midgies won't bite!"
Mmm? thinks me...Really? Surely they still have to bite you to know they don't like you. "It's the Quinine in the tonic, they don't like it." "What's the Gin do?" I ask."Makes it taste better!"
So, all day long I've been drinking Tonic water (without the gin, honest!) I've counted me midgie bites, let's see if there's any more tomorrow!
Bought loads of plants from the BOGOF, buy one get one free, from B&Q on Saturday
(Big store that sells all sorts for those not this side of the pond) So of course all those little flowers have to get planted.

Quick lesson on planting up your hanging baskets Lyn style... First, find last years baskets... they could be anywhere! Then, take a rake and rake off the moss from the front lawn to use to line the baskets once you've found them... then get a helper, (enter Jinksy the Lodger cat) who...just like my old cat
Frog used to do...helps by.....

rolling and rolling...

all over the grass...

saying "stroke me stroke me..."

"I'm so cute"

... bored now

....time for a nap!
So, back to the garden.. after taking out last years soil from the baskets (I know, that should've been done last year...) And putting it somewhere where it can be put to good use (In with my potatoes in the green house, they need more soil) Try and keep as much as the old moss as possible, coz it should all be nicely matted to a good bit of soil. Add more moss where needed to repair any gaps. Looks like a big birds nest doesn't it?! I've cut a circle from a plastic compost bag to line the bottom of the basket to catch the water, but that's all, once the soil and plants are in place the moss holds it all in... then grab more flowers and stick 'em in, filling up with fresh soil as you go.

After a bit it should look like this... only better. I did three of these hanging baskets, about four other pots and twelve wall baskets and the boat. Well I did say it was Buy One Get One Free... I'll show you those when they've grown a bit!
Thanks for stopping by!