Wednesday 29 June 2011

WoYwW? My PiF's Arrived!

Hi Peoples!! Happy WOYWW! Not here, but I've managed a freebie for you in this post this week and!!!! My PiF has arrived all the way from Australia! It's fabulous, I really love the rubbery flower on the front and the papers are gorgeous!
It's a fabby Note Book and a really lovely card too, made by Alicia. Inside there's pockets and pages to write or doodle on. I really have to get me one of those binders!! Thank You Alicia!

Pop over to Alicia's lovely blog to see some far better pictures as these were taken at midnight and are a bit gloomy! Her card is here too
My craft room is very messy this week, I wasn't going to show it to you, but...okay here it is!!
See... told you!! I seems the more space I have, the more mess I create!! Pop over to Julia's Blog, the Queen of all bloggyness and join in!! Bye for now.

This Weeks Freebie is a Sea Horse.
Sorry! You've missed this one. But he'llbe in the store very soon!
I did a head of a sea horse for that Iceland Map last week, so thought I'd do a full sized seahorse for you this week. I'd love to 'sea' anything you make.
I just had to share this lovely card made by Kimberly from Just Wordz flipped the other way, that seahorse rocks! Fabulous colours. Thank you Kimberly! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Seahorse is lovely, thanks. Carol x

  2. Absolutely love your seahorse. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Oh my, i just love this image...thank you so much

  4. Oh my my have been a busy crafter...looks like my desk last week! And such a lovely PIF! Well worth the wait!

  5. Adorable little sea horse!! Your work space looks like mine looks when I'm working on something. I'm a really organized person...until I make cards or scrapbook!! Looks like I'm in good company! :)

  6. Thank you so much for this week's freebie! Yes the more area you have - the bigger the mess - or the bigger the the area - the more you can buy! I try to do both! LOL

  7. Thanks for the cute freebie...! Love it! I have made a note pad cover using one of your cute freebie Fish, the link is here.
    happy crafting!
    hugs, Heaney

  8. Well I'm relieved to see someone other than me has a mess... I was starting to feel guilty seeing nothing but tidy up to your's.
    Great PiF ..really sunny and bright!
    joZarty x

  9. I was interested to know that the more space you have the more mess you make, my OH is in the process of building me a craft shed! love the sea horse, thank you very much.

  10. Love the pif you received, so worth the wait for it.

  11. What a lovely PIF gift....lucky you. Thats one busy desk today.
    A x

  12. Hi Spyder
    I love the Seahorse, perfect for Copic Colouring. Your desk looks very creative to me.
    I am glad you like the notebook and card I made.
    Happy Creating

  13. So glad you got your pif. You are very generous with these freebies and this seahorse is lovely. Thanks.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  14. Lots of mess means lots of creating so you've obviousley been having a great time in your craft room! The seahorse is lovely, will pop back and snag him later. You mentioned the "over head shot" of my desk on last weeks post, I actually have to stand on my chair for that so I can see, which is rather a risky business on my rickety old chair! I really need a new one :o) Thanks for sharing. Oh and one last thing... I know you are a huge fan of collall photo glue.... just wondering where you pick yours up from? it seems so dear everywhere I find it but can't live without it since you recommended it to me on the CM&P forum. Thanks x

  15. Hi hun
    what a beautiful pif, very busy desk as always, thank you for the fab freebie,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (16)

  16. Fabulous colourful PIF and a creative desk too...wishing you fun and space!!!
    Hope you will call by Friday for the first My Mojo Monthly. Thanks for sharing today.
    Sarah at 6.

  17. Love the seahorse. Looks like a mermaid on the bottom and seahorse on top. Beautiful.


  18. Love the seahorse, thank you. That was a lovely notebook to get in the post. Haven't we all been so lucky with the pif's we have been sent?

  19. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a mess that grows with the size of the work space! Thank you, Lyn, for the seahorse.

  20. Hi Lyn what a gorgeous Seahorse, sorry Ive not been by, bit busy with the pup and some commissions, hope to be back soon. hugs Shirleyx

  21. Lyn what alovely pif gift the papers look lush!Messy desk is a creative one!Mind if you saw mine right now you wouldnt say that!it has black bag full of rubbish having clearout trying to look for my
    Happy woyww
    hugs judex 88

  22. thank you for this lovely sea-horse.. love your take on him..

  23. Lovely seahorse, thank you!. Love your desk, just wish I lived closer, so that I could come over for a play date!
    Happy WOYWW

  24. I have come to the conclusion that desks are like handbags - the bigger they are the more stuff you put in them!! Definately not mess though!

  25. Thanks so much for the seahorse... Love the notebook, too.

  26. Lyn you are too funny! It looks like creative work area on messy!!!

  27. Awesome sea horse! Thanks for sharing. Jane

  28. That was a great gift ...such fun and so useful. What a busy creative desk this week..... love the sea horse.xx

  29. Love the sea horse,so cute. your desk looks like mine(all the time)

  30. Awesome PIF. I don't think your desk is a mess! Just busy and creative. I think people have a virus or something all these neat and tidy desks these past two weeks. Mine is just getting piled up more and more. Thanks for the seahorse pif. Vickie #39

  31. Love the seahorse. Thank you.

  32. He's sooo cute. Thank you :-)
    Ike xx

  33. Thank you so much Lynn for this great digi. Love it.


  34. The Seahorse will go fab with the map. hugs heidi x

  35. Hi Lyn!

    Love your messy desk this week . there is sooo much to see! The seehorse is so beautiful - I have an idea where I am going to use it! Thank you sooo much!
    Lots of hugs,

  36. A lovely pif gift and such a cute seahorse:)

  37. Goodness me your desk looks mega busy!! Monkey was going off on his hols but something stupendos has come up so he is having to stay at his craft desk instead and wait in for the postman. Hugds Mrs A.

  38. Beautiful seahorse! Thank you! :-)

  39. Lyn, that's the most beautiful seahorse I believe I've ever seen! Thank you for sharing it with us!! xoxo

  40. always good to get crafty goodies to work with, I am sure you will have lots of fun.

    The seahorse image is fantastic

  41. What a Lovely gift book.... Love that idea...
    Your desk looks so nice and busy... love how you have the shelves with everything at hands reach!
    Thanks for sharing

  42. Hello Lyn, your pif from Alicia is lovely - you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of using that. Your desk looks chocablock with crafty stuff this week. Love the seahorse so thank you very much. Elizabeth x #83

  43. Forgot, and how could I, congratulations on raising so much with your map of Iceland. Elizabeth x #83

  44. what a eautiful book. and the seahorse is great, love seeing your skills grow.

  45. Wow gorgeous pif you received. Love your desk, lots and lots to look at and so full of inspiration. Beautiful seahorse. Kezzy x


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