Tuesday 25 January 2011

Burns Night: Haggis, Red Berry Sauce, Bashed Neeps & Chappit Tatties...

As promised yesterday my hubby John, cooked us haggis for dinner tonight. After spending the day hunting for the wee haggis, with a haggis net, baiting it with some hard cheese carefully tied inside one of Johns old socks, we finally captured it. Then after preparing it, wrapping it tightly in foil, and gently simmering it in a pan of water for about an hour... we...ate it. Well, John did! Now, I know I don't like haggis. I've never had it, but I know I don't like it. (it's like very strong tasting meaty stuffing... ) Here's John. Poking it. After his hard work I did eat about two tiny spoonfuls. The Tatties and Neeps were lovely and the red berry sauce (with added whisky) was a little strong, but, sort of tasty! Of course we should've had a starter of cock-a-leekie soup, but I forgot the leekie bit. I hasten to add for pudding I had two helpings of chocolate fudge cake with cream... nothing Scottish about that! Hmmm Hmmm. Happy Burns Night!

(ps. No Haggis was hurt in the making of this post, we really bought it in Tesco's)


  1. Lynn you don't know what your missing. Wrap some chicken breasts around any leftover and roast as normal - yum!!!

  2. Lol - reading about your hubby catching one reminded me of the Goodies when they were on the tv and they had sketches where they ran about trying to catch one I thought they were real for years!! I was very young though xx

  3. LOL! I had to google the definition of absolutely everything you wrote today and I learned a lot! I had no clue about Burns Night and all that traditional food. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'll take the fudge cake but the haggis....OMGoodness I think I'm gonna be sick....

  5. I love Haggis Neeps & Tatties & that's exactly what I had for tea too!!! You should try McSweens Veggie Haggis! It's nutty & delicious!!! Your red berry sauce sounds tasty!!!
    Dawn xxx

  6. oh I really LOVE haggis. Try leftovers with some tomatoes and pasta.
    PS am sending you a relevant picture by email.

  7. Great pics, now the veggie haggis appeals to me & so does the chocolate cake! ;)

  8. Right I'm proberbly gonna sound really dumb now but what the heckare neeps tatties yes I know haggis yes I know never tasted don't know if I want to but neeps never heard of 'em
    Jackixx any choc fudge cake left?????

  9. Lyn, I'm Greek decent and I LOVE Haggis. We have a British Meat market that gets in this time of year. My husband dreads it. It's the turnips I'm not fond of. I'll eat them but not my fave. Thanks for the good cooking tips for the haggis. I'll probably have to get the smallest they have because I'll be eating it myself.
    My hubby says I am a little bent. You are letting your heritage down there lady. YUMMMMMMMM.
    Big Hugs,
    Happy Robbie Burns day!

  10. I was just last night saying to my DBF that we must have this Burns night dinner once as I have never had it before! Mhmmm looks sooo good I just must try it!!!

  11. I can handle the haggis with mustard but the turnips is a different story! Some friends in Lancashire took me out to eat one night and thought I would be ill eating it since I am from the states but we have worse things over here...try head souse or menudo...interesting stuff.

  12. Yep, neets is smashed swede with some seasoning, which we have most weekends anyway, as our daughter (and son in law) come for Sunday dinner She loves swede and carrot mashed up (reminds her of when she was a baby I guess! ) Tatties are potatoes really smashed till super creamy with added spring onions and seasoning.


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