For those of you who aren't Tilda fans, look away now. Not one of the speeches lasses but
two. I'm so indecisive. I couldn't make up my mind whether to have a standing Tilda or a sitting one, or even a Penny Black
Stickeroo, so I chose both, or maybe all three? Some would say you can't have enough of a good thing, other's would say, this is
no way a good thing!

Ok, over did the glitter on the flowers. Or more like, I spilt the glitter on the flowers. And the glitter wording?? It would've been better if my glitter had been finer. It's double-side sort of sticky stuff from Papermania, you rub it on, peel off the top cover and then cover it in whatever, the glitter in this case wasn't such a good idea. Foil might've been better, or maybe that fluffy stuff, but I quite like the shadow affect it makes. (effect? I'll look it up later)

This card was going to have the cute puppy dog on it,
(Saturday's post, same style card) so in reality, it
could've been a whole lot worse! Definitely
not a cute doggy card!
and speaking of cute dogs,
Shell has made a lovely card with her Doggy 'Charlie'
digi I made for her. She has my
Digi store,
Spyder's Other Corner, banner on her side bar and every month I'm giving a little prize to a banner holder. Your own
Digi. (Or something from the store!)
Back to the card...
(I'm easily side tracked.) All
Pink Petticoat Papers, of course
(look out for Vintage Rose, on offer until the 1st August) and if you look closely, dresses, socks, shoes, bow, and parcel,
(which was green) have all been paper pieced. And, I took pictures to prove it. The pocket has even been 3D-ed. Well, it was either make a card tonight or tidy up or paint ... so I made a card... Maybe I
should've tidied up!

The freebie font inside the card, already been mentioned, but for those of you who missed it...
(Whisper) it's on
Saturday's post.
Now I did have some challenges in mind when making this card... Two images, buttons, ribbon, paper piecing ... acetate... flowers... I even wrote them down...
somewhere.The little
Stickeroo, you will be pleased to know, isn't stuck in, he's fixed with some white
tac...(A little trick I've learnt. If you're not sure what image you want to use, fix them on with
tac, in fact, you can stick
anything on with
tac a
nd then take it off again... and change it all...well, why not!
Well I did get a bit of painting done today. Hubby has a week or so off, so he's painting the house...He hates painting. I've promised to do the inside. Meanwhile, I, myself and me, repainted the front door, in a nice mahogany and it doesn't look half bad either.
Calvin Klein's??? Still pink... Give them up as a lost cause?? I hate being beaten by a pair of pink Y fronts, specially posh ones...
New Followers!! Hi and a big (((wave)))to
Gemma Rathbone who is a Stamping Up Demonstrator over on
Make do and gem...(very clever blog name) pop over and see the fabulous paper cake!! And ((Wave))) hi to Patti with
Crafty Patti's Card Crafts great cards to go and spy,
oh and
Tracy is no longer out the back and in the dark, she now has a picture...that's so much nicer! And I've now found a link for
Pallavi (who I mentioned a few posts ago) so popover and say hi!!
This is either going to be a very late Thursday Post or a very early Friday one...depending on how fast I can type...
ATC's tomorrow or maybe not! Thanks for stopping by.