Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Happy T day...and Happy WOYWW!? #814

 Morning! Afternoon! Evening! Yesterday and Today...Happy, whatever day it is...I'm not sure, as I'm still fighting with Christmas dec's, they really don't want to be put away! So, since about Sunday, I think, I've been trying to get them back into their boxes and up into the attic! It's not a one person thing, so....Happy T day...and Happy WOYWW!? #814 

This was our T Time Spread at Daughter's for Christmas Day evening. Oliver was helping. Above top, is my T for Tuesday's Breakfast.... wasn't sure which drink to choose, so added what I had. (Fridge needed clearing out anyway) I chose Beetroot in the end, as it needed finishing up....Probably drunk too much...did you know it turns your pee, pink!

And this is what I was doing a few minutes ago. This afternoon I had a happy-mail package from Craftstash...two Papersociety Boxes  and two lots of magnets with clear see-through envelopes bundles...These magnet sheets are soooo much thinker than the ones I have been buying, so much so, they wouldn't fit inside their's here's me chomping them down a tad, so I can get them in and close the flap down...
Really very pleased with tomorrow, I'll be back taking all the dec's out of their boxes, putting them in bags and then taking the empty boxes up the ladder to the attic...then the at a time... and refilling the boxes.... I was thinking I'd leave them in the Man-cave or the garage but... I'm getting a new Kitchen! Something my John promised and wanted to do himself. I've been told I need to clear all my kitchen cabinets out so I need the space in the bedrooms, hall, garage, and man-cave for all the kitchen things and boxes of cans and food etc.... my life is never boring...just very complicated! Hope you all have had a Happy T day and a Happy WOYWW!? too. Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I always keep the christmas boxes out for an extra week or so, asa there are somethings that just down want to be put away! Yes, let's find the celebration in every day! Robym 18

    1. yes, come June, I usually find some thing that's hiden itself away so it misses out of the adventure in the dark attic...'things' have feelings too!

  2. I am sure the decs will be put away when they want to be.... keep the joy! good luck with the new storage for them though. and the best of luck with a new kitchen!! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

    1. Daughter sez she'll pop in then I'm hoping to only have one box, the one with the glass barbles...can't really put them in a bag...they will break. Kitchen should start happening in February. yay!

  3. If I was rich I'd pay someone to put up all the Christmas decorations and then pack them all away again afterwards - sounds like you have a system that won't cause injury! Good luck with the new kitchen - this is where you'll be amazed at just how much stuff your kitchen cabinets hold!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #14

  4. Ooh Lyn a new kitchen sounds exciting. Hope the dec packing goes well and no more falls. Looks like the crop will be the 10th as people don't like the idea of travelling at the BH. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW Sarah

  5. yes! So would I! My neighbours I noticed had their young son climbing up the ladder to put the outside ones up....some people can do it all in a few hours, me?? weeks!!

  6. I have pared my decs down a lot over the past three years. I spend all day getting things out and two days putting things back!! At least you have a plan.

    You are getting a new kitchen. How wonderful. I hope you share progress shots.

    You and your family put on quite a spread for Christmas. Looks like there was a HUGE amount of food. I like how many drinks you shared for breakfast. Lots to choose from, but beetroot would NOT be one I would choose.

    Thanks for sharing your Christmas and more with us for T this week, dear Lyn.

  7. I always manage to miss one or two decs that do not reach the cupboard until I suddenly notice them. It has been so hot getting the outside things in has been a problem but we are about sorted now! Ooh a new kitchen - that will be exciting!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #1

  8. Oh a new kitchen! How exciting!
    I have just put all the decorations in their boxes (two large boxes) and now they have to be carried upstairs. I will get help with that soon. I always get down my decorations after Epiphany (three kings).
    That looks like a yummie table of goodies.
    Love your new die-cuts.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. It seems we are all starting the new year organizing our craft spaces. The Hubster says "this is a pointless exercise," and I have no intention of proving him wrong!
    Please send the "new kitchen "vibes my way. Post lots of pictures so I can use them to torture the Hubster! :D) On the serious side, I hope your project goes smoothly and that you realize the kitchen of your dreams!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #17

    1. My real dream was to add an extenstion, so I can have a dining area and possibly an island, something me and hubby had disscussed and even got the 'the man' in to measure up, doubt it will happen now.

  10. A new kitchen! That equals a lot of work, emptying and refilling! We still haven’t got things back to normal after the house being painted! One day when I have energy to spare! Yes I did know that about beetroot.🤣🤣. I am just trying out a vitamin B12 supplement. I have been getting pins and needles in my feet and lower legs. It does seem as bad so I am hopeful. Take care Angela #13

    1. My real dream was to add an extenstion, so I can have a dining area and possibly an island, something me and hubby had disscussed and even got the 'the man' in to measure up, he said he would email the costs....but he never did and hubby decided not to 'remind' him. Anyway...if I want to do that now it would cost sooo much more and, there's a pond and many plants to move...and drains to think about... and it would take quite a bit longer to arrange. I don't think I could do that on my own...unless hubby sends me a sign! I will add kitchen pictures...right from what it looked like when we first moved in until now....and when its done!

  11. Ha! Just did my dies and not super happy with the magnetic sheet I have (from PPD) as they are super thin and not very grip-y. Where did yours come from? The tea looks lovely and yeah, we all seem to want to start off the new year with a tidy space. A new kitchen! Lovely. I can't say how much ours changes life for the better. So much more light, better (but still not enough) storage, we love it. We did NOT love all the shifting of things about to get ready, but it was worth it in the end :)
    Getting back to finish the list!
    Mary Anne (4)

  12. I always drag out putting away the Christmas decorations haha. Good luck with your new storage! I just barely finished putting away the last of my boxes and had our carpets cleaned. The house feels so empty without the tree now!


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