Tuesday, 14 January 2025

A very Late T for Tuedsay

Yes! I know. I always get the d and the s in Tuesday wrong!! So! Happy T day, on a Thursday and not a Tuesday....although I think this has been posted on a Tuedsay. I've had so much going on all week that I really don't know what day it is! My boring breakfast with an egg this time, and my normal  kombucha tea drink, plus another fruit drink, are above... Started clearing out cupboards, ready for when they start the kitchen remake...Christmas mugs are nearly re-homed, there's just these ones left...
And I started clearing the side drive, ready for when the meter people come next week. They need to put in a pipe, I need to get the presure-hose out...plus wet suit and googles...
Seeing was completely covered in pot plants, wheelborrow, boxes, dog pushchair, dustbins and rubbish waiting for the trip to the tip...I think I cleared it quite well...just waiting for the hosedown...

Text came through to take my blood pressure twice a day for two weeks....What is a good reading I want to know. And talking of 'pressure'...then the boiler decided to leak! Not as bad as two Christmas ago, but still very distressing! They are coming out Friday...meanwhile, towels and a bowl are doing a great job...And I'm keeping my eye on the gage 24/7! If the black and red dials touch the boiler leaks!

The kitchen man came...my kitchen is too small for an island, I knew that. I want an extention, but I've been talked down on that (and I don't really want to fill in the pond)...it's been suggested that I take my breakfast bar away, where am I going to eat?? Changes are being made to my cooker, fridge, washing machine, dishwasher... When it's all planed out I can go see it on a TV scene....it will be fab. Honest. Can't wait. And yes....I will take pictures.

Time for a Hot Chocolate! Hope you all had an exciting T for Tuesday! Hop over to AlteredBookLover to see more on...food, drink and other things...Thank you for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I saw your post. And I'm not very late visiting, either.

    Your breakfast looks healthy. I love seeing your fruit and of course, your kombucha tea.

    I hope you get the kitchen you truly want. I LOVE those Christmas mugs. You have more than The Spice Merchant.

    That boiler sounds dangerous. I hope they get it fixed soon.

    I've been drinking a lot of hot chocolate lately and I'm sure I will put on several pounds because of it. Yours looks even better than mine! Thanks for joining us for T this Thursday. I'm so thrilled to see you here, even if it's a bit late.


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