Wednesday 4 January 2012

First WOYWW of 2012

Hi Guys and fellow woywwers! Happy New Year! Sorry for not getting round too many of you last week but the start of 2012 so far has been a nightmare! Me still unwell, Mother in Law very ill, moved to a larger hospital but no longer seeing monkeys and after spending Christmas afternoon and Boxing Day with John's sister, her Hubby is now in a different hospital on Life Support! It's just so unreal.
So...there's not a lot of crafting going on at the moment...a lot of sleeping.
My chair in my craft room, (when he's not sitting on me or showing me the mouse he's just caught) is occupied by our visiting cat. We call him Jinksy. Look, first time in years my computer's off!
Because it's warmer in the living room I did start doing some thing with a few Bugaboo images and one of my digi's over the weekend... and that's as far as I got, sort of came to a grinding halt...
The table still looks the same, I think even those cups might still be there! Hopefully you are all having a fantastic start to the new year. Show us your crafty creativeness, pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!! Thank you for stopping by.


  1. hi
    hope you get wel soon so do you mom in law and all the other ppl u just mentioned in ur post.
    at time life really seems hard and depressing, but all we need to do is hand on a little longer with hope and there is always a better n brighter tommorow.
    take care

  2. ah Lyn so very, very sorry to hear of all your woes over there and pray for each of those burdens of your heart esp the illness if your dear ones for mercies in all things, pray you too are soon back to good health - do love the colouring of your bee - so cute. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Love and much prayer, Shaz in Oz. x #24

  3. Hi Lyn,
    I really hope all your poorly people make good speedy recoveries. We seem to have spent a lot of time hospital visiting too so know all too well how stressful it is.
    Biggest hugs,
    A x

  4. Hi lyn, what a horrid start to 2012 Do hope everyone gets better soon, thinking of you lots, so much stress! Stroke the cat, lots and lots, its meant to reduce stress. But don't eat the mouse, he won't thank you for that. hugs to you and yours. heidi x

  5. I do hope everyone gets better soon and that the year gets much better for you and yours.

  6. Oh dear, looks as if you have had a terrible time of it. Always the same, when times get tough and you need to be 100% you have a cold or some other bug.
    Hope both mother in law and brother in law can make an early recovery. It must be a worrying time for you and my heart goes out to your family. I'll put you on my prayer list. You take care of you along the way.
    Love, Neet #1

  7. Oh, Lyn I am sorry to read your post today, it seems to have been a Christmas of downs for lots of WOYWWers. Hope everyone improves soon and you can get back to doing what you do best. Much love, Helen.

  8. Jinksy looks so comfortable. Make sure you spend a lot of time stroking him, that will help with the stress levels. Look after yourselves as well as everyone else. xx Maggie #73

  9. Bless you, what a rotten start to 2012 for you, I hope your poorly's are getting on the mend, Hugs May x x x

  10. Poor hun, what a dreadful time you are having!! hugs and hoping everything resolves nicely soon for you,


    Lou WOYWW

  11. Remember to give yourself a lot of TLC this week as I bet you're rushing here, there and everywhere. Sorry to hear of all the bad news - why do these things always happen together??
    Happy New Year, may it improve after a dodgy start...
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  12. Hope everyone makes a full recovery very soon! The images you have coloured in the living room shot look great! April #82 x

  13. Oh Lyn - what a lot going on with you all. Sending hugs and get well wishes - hope things improve all round. Keep stroking the cat :) Di xx

  14. Sorry to hear about your in-laws and hope that 2012 brings an improvement in their health. When my Dad was in his early 80's he had a couple of heart attacks and was very poorly, he was hallucinating a lot. Told me they had parties in the ward after visiting times and all the other patients were either German or Dutch. It was all to do with dehydration and the effect on his kidneys. He did get better however so hope your M-in- makes better progress.
    Ann B

  15. Ugh, what a terrible start to the year, hope everyone recovers soon and you can all get back to normal again. Hope your get over your cold too, nothing worse when you're trying to look out for everyone else too.

    Brenda 76

  16. Ah pants - Think we'll count that as your 3, onwards and upwards (the rest of us can only go down......). Sleep long, heal well and craft later x

  17. Aw! Bless you! I was hoping to have good news from you this week.
    Sending you hugs! I am sure you will be back at your desk just as soon as you are feeling better!

  18. What a difficult time for you and your family - hope things improve soon (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  19. Oh Lyn, I do hope everything settles down for you, it's not a nice way to start the new year off.

    Hugs to you and your family


  20. Oh dear Lyn, I am sorry to hear all this, and do hope that things improve for your family very soon. Take care of yourself,

  21. Gosh Lyn you are having an awful time. Just hope that everyone of you gets better quickly. Make sure you take care of yourself Thanks for the freebie and a Happy New Year. Anne x

  22. I'm so sorry you and your family is so ill. I do hope your father-in-law (is that right!?) improves. As a nurse, I know how serious this all is for your family. Get well soon.

  23. HUge hugs and best wishes are speeding your way for all your family and friends... that is a terrible way to start the year and I hope that it all starts to get better and more manageable...thinking of you...xx

  24. Ouch, Lyn, bad start gal indeed...wishing you nothing but a speedy recovery and strength to help you and your family through. Xx

  25. I justlove your cute visitor! I am so sorry that everyone (yourself included) are so ill, and am praying for a swift recovery.

  26. Not sure how you had time to post but I expect it gave your brain a brake from worry. I hope you start to feel better and that the other family members improve soon too. Thinking of you both xx

  27. I'm late, so by now, things will have changed,

    I hope for the better,

    see you soon, keep sane,(haha)


  28. Sorry to hear you have it coming and going for sure. I hope you get well soon, along with everyone else. Hello to Jinksy.

  29. Oh dear! I hope you and all your loved ones feel better soon! Sorry you're having a rough time!

    Katie (138)


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