Wednesday 6 July 2011

It's Time For WoYwW Again.

Welcome to WOYWW. And to those who still have no idea what this is, where have you been!?! It's the master mind of Julia and her Stamping Ground, hop over and join in!!
Here's my desk this Wednesday... not as messy as it usually is, as I've taken great care to disguise the clutter!
For those of you who saw my Iceland map the other week, it raised £75 for charity. (Yay!) I now have to make another one, exactly the same, for the people who didn't win it, which is why I'm sorting out some of the doodles I did before.
Also on my desk are a few cards I made for someone who wanted a football card, not my normal style, but nice and quick to make and no thinking involved!! (The card they loved and bought, is here)
A long shot of my other desk...nothing much going on there! (I've hidden the first freebie doodle I did as it looked a bit...odd) **Added just for just for Doon, "it was a Teddy, dressed as a Santa...with a sleigh that looked like a very bent shopping trolley!!")
As usual, I'm not here, so this is on timer, and I will call in and see you as soon as I can!!
I've added this weeks freebie to this post again as I'm very lazy and it's very late!! Hope you like it....Bye for now!!!

This Week's Wednesday Freebie.
Sorry You missed this one...please click on the new side bar Picture for the latest freebie!

I'm rubbish at drawing people ever since my finger bent and stayed bent and has developed a mind of it's own, which you'd think, with my small brain, would be very useful!! I might swap her later in the week for something else! (an old tire, a bad banana)
Please don't share my
digi's send people here to download them.


  1. Your mermaid is adorable! Thank you!

  2. Desk looks busy - very busy. Now why do you have to make a map for the ones who didn't win? Congrats by the way on the total you raised. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #4

  3. I think your mermaid is very pretty, thank you very much for sharing her. I love your football and fishing cards, I always find mens cards so difficult.

  4. Hiya Lyn your desk looks creative and i think mermaid looks fab!
    Have fab weednesday hugs Judex 15

  5. Well done raising that much! Hope you get your new map done.

  6. 'disguise the clutter'? hehehe I imagine you have piles of it just out of camera shot now or do you dress it up to look like something else? :-)
    A x

  7. Lovely mermaid, thank you. All looks very busy on your desk(s), the Iceland map sounds intriguing, I might have to search for more info on that one.
    Helen S

  8. Have you done what I do ? Someone asks for a card and I end up making 3 or 4 so they can choose..and I NEVER use the others!!
    Your desk looks great to me, love that you've cunningly disguised some of it!

  9. Hi hun
    lovely creative desk as always, well done on your iceland map, lovely mermaid thanks much hun,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  10. I'm so pleased your map made so much for charity! although it's not a suprise as it was fantastic! lots going on on your desk this week.... is that a bottle of Babycham I spy??!! drinking and crafting eh?? :o) The mermaid looks lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Bravo! Good work for raising all that money! I love your messy desks - always so much to see and please don't remove the Mermaid because I think she is lovely! Thank you!

  12. Hi Lyn,

    you could do two things for me if you wanted to,

    show me the ODD I LOVE odd


    try sketching upside down with the hand you habitually do not use,

    be patient do it two three times for half an hour, see what happens

    retrain your brain without stressing - it's amazing

    or you could come to Derby (the worlds leading hand surgery center _ Pulvertaft Centre) and have the thing straightened and tendons repaired...


  13. Mia is lovely, your desk is ready for you to begin. And I was laughing at your comment about flexibility....I use my toes to do the switch under my desk, I know,sounds lazy, but at my age, I am no athelete LOL
    Keep smiling and creating

  14. Hmmmm you so have me thinking about water, oceans, beaches....i think i need a vacation...thanks so

  15. WOW!! YOUR CREATive space is AWESOME!! Would love to come and CREATE at your CREATive desk.. Looks like you have lots of goodies. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Looks like lots going on on your desk Lyn, it will be waiting for you when you get back so you can start crafting right away

    Hope you are ok
    Hugs Jackie x

  17. I love her, she is so cute, thanks for giving her to us to use.


  18. She looks great!! You do an awesome job at your drawings!! Thank you!! Have a SWEET day!!

  19. Well done on raising that dosh for your map!!
    Lots of activity going on there while you are not there... are you hoping pixies might do a spot of crafting for you?

  20. Oh, please leave the mermaid up! She's delightful!

    Bekka @ Tidbits Trinkets

  21. Are they going to pay £75 for it ...otherwise the winner maybe miffed. I think the mermaid is cute.

  22. Oooh loving Mia! Fab desk this week, I love popping in here! Looks like your set to go hun :)
    *hugs* Sal x

  23. fabulous mermaid Lyn and a bent finger could be something to be proud of and to be as lucky as to have a matching brain... well! i only have the bent brain;-) here's hoping the finger joins it soon

    Lisa aka 3peaches


  24. looking busy and creative today... and great news about the map! Fab stuff.
    Thanks for sharing, enjoy the desk hopping!

    Sarah at 2

  25. Lovely mermaid. Thanks so much!

  26. She is cute! Thanks so much!!

  27. Hey Lyn...go check out #113! Too funny!

  28. How wonderful that you were able to sell your map at the charity auction! Well done! You are so talented! Patsy from

  29. Vielen Dank für die tolle Zeichnung.
    Liebe Grüße

  30. She's very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Wow, busy desk! As I'm new to this, why did you have a map of Iceland? I went there a few years back, fantastic place which has four dominant colours - blue sky, deepest black lava, white snow and vivid green moss. That's what I remember most! Well done for raising £75! xx

  32. Hi Lyn wow I see the mess is still on your desk, but what the heck Im sure you happy and you know what they say. Thanks so much for the freebie, shes so cute you are one talented lady. Sorry Ive not been around much, I have been trying to cope with my DT work and new pup so at least I will be free once the grandsons come to stay for a week in 2 weeks time. hugs Shirleyxx

  33. Thanks Lyn for the kind words about my I'm Ready card. Thanks also for the mermaid...sorry to hear about the finger problem...I hope it all straightens out....;o)

  34. She is very cute, Lyn. Thank you. I am following you now.

    I hope you will visit me at my blog, Tickell Expressions. Currently I am creating cards featuring images from digital artists from A-Z, with links back to their sites. It's my way of saying thanks to the artists who so often offer their images for free.

  35. Ahhh... proof that there are other creative souls that love having everything they own surrounding them... you'd only need an aerial view of my entire room to see that is true. Loved the view and that cup in the top right looks to have something yummy in it!
    Thx for visiting.

  36. Lots of inspiration on your desk. :)The mermaid is wonderful! THanks for sharing. :)

  37. Wow! Glad that the map did so well for charity! That is awesome! Love seeing what all are doing using the WOYWW portal! Thanks-Amanda

  38. Cute mermaid - I made a mermaid tail for a friend once - I think there is a pic on my blog of me wearing it -lol!

  39. WOW! Talk about a busy desk! Love it. Glad to hear the Iceland project brought such a handsome price. I am sure more than one person was wishing they had won it. The football card is very nice. I remember looking for one when my daughter played soccer. Thanks for the mermaid image. Vickie #43

  40. What an adorable mermaid! Thank you so much. I love how cute she is.

  41. Hi there Lyn, wow love the mermaid and if can find the mermaid hair and shells and crow was sent a s a freebie once and never know how to use I know what I shall do with them!! ah the crafter nightmare finding stash! Your desk looks very busy there love the footie card..Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW and thanks for popping over Shaz in Oz.x

  42. Yay! Congrats on your lovely map making so much dosh... oops to having to make another one... I am no good at repeats so I would fail immediately!!

  43. Busy desk as usual Lyn and congrats on the amount raised for your map of Iceland. I'm with voodoo vixen on repeat work - wouldn't want to do it at all. Football is not my favourite theme either but with lots of footie daft grandsons I just have to bite the bullet and your card is lovely. Elizabeth x #72

  44. Lyn I actually love your mermaid, and it has the same name as my niece. Just got some freebie papers with one of the scrapbooking mags which has waves on it so I'm thinking this will go perfectly. Now to find mum's printer.... lol!
    thanks for popping by earlier
    caroline #55

  45. *waves*

    I know what you mean about football cards - I'm dreading which one to do next. Which reminds me, a certain young lady turns 11 in two weeks! Eek...

    In answer to your question, the upper set of drawers contains my brad and eyelet collection (lol) and the lower set contain an assortment of bits and bobs - bottle caps, charms in silver and brass, blank inchies and twinchies, paper beads I've made, spare eye and head pins, you name it, it's probably in there. LOL Thanks for stopping by!


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