Wednesday 9 February 2011

It Must Be Wednesday!

Oh no, it's WOYWW already! I haven't been blogging, mainly because I've been, (Ummm?? busy!?!) But then my fibs are revealed because, as you can see, my deck isn't much different from last week...we could almost do a spot the difference! (See post above this one) I've just moved things about so I could fit other things in their place. The Christmas Fat Cats you can just see are a freebie. Scroll down to the two posts below this one for the links. The cat ATC's were left over from a swap. For some reason I ended up making twelve...well, eleven one didn't get finished. I never know when to stop! (actually it seems I do!) The paper is part of an old crafty freebie calender I'd just found. (must be able to use those for something) So?? If you are one of the very few who still hasn't come across What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday then click on the link, whiz over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!! Scroll up to the next post for Spot The Difference

Sorry You Missed This Weeks Wednesday Freebie
Watch out for the next one


  1. Thanks for such a cute freebie and for the link to the puss cats,
    Debbie x

  2. Thank you Weva, I'd visit but you haven't started your blog...yet!!


  3. Thank you Debbie...still checking if I have those Pink Petticoat papers!

  4. Awww he's cute, my son wanted a valentine for a new girlfriend, I think I just might use this image, thank you so much

  5. Is it my imagination, or is your craft area clean? It sure looks clean to me. OK, maybe it's an illusion, but it looked cleaner after you moved a few things.

    And I LOVE those cat ATCs. I make more than I need for a swap, too, Only I make more because I'm always afraid I've made a mistake that no one else can see but me. Happy WOYWW from number 7.

  6. Ah yes, saving something just in case - I recognise that syndrome... have a great day!

  7. Hi Lyn,

    I love the "spot the difference" pics. Sounds like loads of fun... It would take forever, you have so much to look

    I love my Spellbinders, there almost as addicting as WOYWW..

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs lucky #2, Marjo

  8. Looks very tidy maybe cause you havent been crafting unless the elfs have visited you
    Thanks for cute freebie just need to find time to use it .Happy Wednesday hugs judex :)16

  9. Hi Lyn

    I am so really happy to finally see your comment for my blog!! I think it is the new blog background?

    Thanks for coming by and Happy WOYWW!

  10. Amazing, isn't where we can find useful paper to incorporate in our work?
    Sue xx 56

  11. Ooo fab mess! I could live with a desk ike that lol! Thanks for the links hugs Rebekah xx

  12. Oooh I love a spot the difference challenge!! Great creative space, thanks for sharing :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #58

  13. Hi hun
    busy desk as always, thank you for the link & the cute freebie, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)

  14. Hiya Lyn

    fab looking desk this week, looks very tidy to me, love looking at all ya stamps

    Joey x

  15. Always nice to see your desk....makes me feel right at home. Thanks for the links to the fat cats...took long time for it to download and finally gave up...just wanted the cats....will try again. I love finding "stuff" I have forgotten about and then suddenly use it.

  16. Thank you--he's a cutie!

  17. Hiya, long time no see, love the little boy thanks, might just use that today on a

  18. That craft calendar paper is incredibly usable, very Springy and pretty! Love all the fat cat tags/atcs too.

    Brenda 89

  19. Love your workdesk - kinda busy - especially love those ginger cats at the back. Thanks for sharing the link.

  20. Thank you for the two versions of this cute little guy!!

  21. Seeing your room makes me want to come and have a rummage!! LOL!! I just love to see what other people do in their rooms. This is such a fun way of being nosey!! LOL!!

    Sam aka Hettie #125

  22. thanks for the snoop and you get some crafting going on soon, on that desk!
    JoZarty x

  23. Oh Danny's cute Lyn! Desk unchanged isn't a bad thing - at least you know where everything is! That frame class I took from Mary Annt at the crop -honestly, it was easy, download her pdf..and try it, it just looks harder than it is because it comes out so well!!

  24. Thanks for the cute image this week Lyn! He is so sweet. Vickie

  25. Thankyou for the no tone but two cute downloads. I shall have fun spotting the differences.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  26. Thanks for the cute little boy.

  27. Thanks, he is really cute. Sorry forgot to leave my blog link last time. I did see your hello but was having computer problems so couldn't respond at the time. ;0)

  28. Ooo, I just adore love and delight in your desk.. so much yummy stash... stamps ah hearts delight! love the cat ones ..are they Garfield? some cute other ones too..hedgehog baby Penny Black I guess thanks for sharing and for popping over,
    Shaz in oz.xx

  29. Oh your desk is like stamp heaven!
    happy woyww!
    thanks for hopping by my blog
    xxx fairy leonie xx #21

  30. I understand the 'move things from one place to another so more can be added' syndrome! I am not sure if I want a cure or not!

    Danny with Daisies is adorable! Thank you for sharing him with us.

  31. I understand 'move things from one place to another to make room for more' syndrome! I am not sure I want a cure though. :)

    Danny is adorable. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  32. Thanks for the freebie! Great stuff on your desk!

  33. Lovely freebie thanks - Even if much has not changed on you desk I love the way the stamps are all within reach thanks for visiting me ~ Nicky no.9

  34. Love those two versions of Danny, and thank you for sharing them with us. I have had a go, over morning coffee, at the Spot the Differences. Great fun.

  35. What a gorgeous, gorgeous desk you have :)..oohh I could just imgaine sitting down and having a good rummage through it :)

  36. Thanks so much lyn! He's adorable! And I spot the! I haven't been blogging too much either as I've been super busy and I actually sadly let WOYWW this week slip right on by me! Have a great weekend and V-Day! :D

    xx Tracey xx

  37. I'm sorry I'm so late in visiting, but what with my new grandson and my new challenge blog and other family commitments the week seems to have flown.
    Thanks for the snoop.
    Chrissie #4

  38. I am sure you will be back crafting again soon - its annoying when life gets in the way of art isnt it!

  39. How do Lyn. Thanks for the visit today. I've been such a bad blogger lately, so I'm now trying to get back into it...bit difficut with this thing called "work" getting in the way all day lol.
    Anyways you take care and I'll catch you later
    Sam x

  40. that freebie calendar is pretty! thanks for visiting me!

  41. Hi Lyn, just popping in to take a peek of your busy desk this week!


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