Friday, 30 April 2010

OSAAT's Sneak Peaky

It's that Sneaky Peaky time again..well actually I'm a bit early, and no, I'm not showing you any more of my DT card for One Stitch at A Time's New Challenge, which starts around about noon on Sunday!! You'll just have to guess! Any Ideas?? Here's a clue...nothing to do with spiders or cars!

TIc Toc FizzZ BanG!!

Just a few or three ATC's for a swap I've just joined over on Paul's blog. But these aren't the originals. My first set, a set of four were soooo much better. (so where are they??) Lost in the jungle of my craft room! I put them somewhere, ready to send off and guess what? Yep, I can't find them. So, first thing this morning I made three more. (6 o'clock! I had to get up, Frog the cat was purring so loudly in my ear I couldn't hear myself sleep) (Hang on only three??) I coloured three, and then for some reason forgot to fill in the fourth.
I think the first ones were better, as my Promakers are running out. I'd forgotten what the sketch looked like (Had a vague image in my mind) Made these atc's then had to hunt out the little memory chip thing to put in the camera to take the pictures. (Camera batteries looking dangerously low!) Once I'd put them all in an envelope I whizzed off to the shop to get stamps, zoomed up to the post box and was just going to post them when I noticed I was posting them to myself!!! Quick change of envelope (ripped it a bit but it was ok, then realised I hadn't put a stamp on the envelope back to me!! So poked it in the side as I didn't think the envelope could stand another rip. Went to work da-de dadedadeda! Came home. Parceled something up for Shirley, whizzed up to the post box again, came back home and one of the things I was supposed to put in the envelope for Shirley was still on the table!! And then, and only then, did I see the unfinished fourth ATC! Just not my day...and what was soooooooooooo stupid, why did I rush up to the post box at 8'oclock this morning when the flippin' post doesn't go til 5 o'clock tonight??? It's all Frog's fault, waking me up at 6! Where is that cat??? Huh...on my side of the bless her!! (I'll just go and poke her!)
Back tomorrow with a sneak peek of my OSAAT Challenge card. I quite like it...hope you do! No sentiment though as the printer won't print!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

It's WOYWW Again!

I really do wonder where the days go. When I was little, minutes were hours, hours were days and days...well, they took ages! Monday morning at school was groanably slow and Friday seemed to be somewhere half way across the other side of the world!
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, has, without a doubt become a cult, it grows every week, it's addictive, so much so, I had to rush into to my crafty room and remove old cups of cold tea, bowls of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, and plates of chocolate bisqwits, then push things back so I could at least see my bench (bench rather than desk as it's made of MDF or is that MFI??)
I'm actually still doing most of my crafting in the living room on the dining table but that (even tho it was tidied away for Sunday lunch) is now even messier than I care to admit to! I can hear myself saying, "Agh! It's got to be tidier than that, I have to take pictures!" Hubby, who has been wondering for some time now, what colour our living room carpet was, thinks it's all very strange as he tunes in to Create and Craft to see what all the fuss is about! So, anyway, here's a few pictures of my crafty space late last night (as this is on timer and I'm most probably wrestling with six chickens, two dogs and a hoover!
1) The first new 'frog' punch and the freebie Laura Ashley calendar I found while tiding up. And my 4th Tesco jar for ribbons! (bargain £1)
2) A new Tilda on the little shelf at the back. Her face is too blotchy , the one that's been there for weeks and weeks is now on a card even tho I wasn't going to use her as her arm had 'bled'
3) Little frogs (the punch is really rubbish and won't last long) The pink Lady ATC was made on My Craft Studio...I've only got the freebie version and all my add ons were freebies too. There's some shaker toppers, as I want to make a shaker ATC .
4) I took a close up of the 3D foam squares because of the price! 69p from Trago Mills. (Cornwall) Here, in Hampshire, I have to pay 99p to £1.20!!(rotters!) for the same thing! Don't look at the mermaid, I don't like her eyes...and her head's too big!! And I had to do her boobs again cos they were all wrong, although hubby thought they were ok! So!!! If you want to join in, take a few pictures of wherever you craft, the floor, the hayloft, the shed, anywhere!! and hop over to Julia's, Stamping Ground blog, or just come for a visit!! It's world wide now you know!!!
Ps. Thank you Julia for 'linking' me last week!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

ATC's Swaps For April. CMPC Forum

Over on the Card Making and Paper Craft forum We had a 'Spyder's April ATC Swap' and seeing it was the first one I'd done, the theme was nice and easy, 'Any Thing Goes' so we had a lovely variety of different makes.These are the ATC's that have arrived throughout April. (Including mine...who can spot them?) I mixed them up a bit and got Frog the Cat to choose who had what! She's getting really good at choosing things, mind you, five minutes later she had a 'Sun Attack' and spent the rest of the day asleep on the sofa.
The ATC's were from:-

Kerrmiya, Caro, Nanty Lornar, Piglett and Gilligogs! (oh and of course me)

We're pretty laid back at what you make really, or if and when you join in, but of course, the more the merrier. You can make One, two, three, four, ATC's (What you send you get back) to be with me by 25th of the month (with a stamped addressed envelope) and with any luck, Mr Postie will bring you your swaps just before the beginning of the next swap. Hopefully!
And the Next Swap will be...Animals and Insects and all things that Fly...
I can't wait to see what everyone makes! I mean, it's an ATC, you can stick wings on any thing!
Frog snoozing...I'm definitely coming back as a cat!!

Mine are...The Bee Crafty Rabbit with a chicken on his head
The Halloween Haunted House
King Tut and Pepper and Friends Pussy cat

Monday, 26 April 2010

Late Easter Competition Card

I know this is awful but I did have a my finger in a splint when I drew it. No excuses, it's pretty bad, all one-sided and floppy eared! But I suppose I should post the bad ones as well as the not so bad ones! It's supposed to be the Easter Bunny, who is eating all the eggs but it looks more like a vampire rabbit to me!! He's a bit ugly, not very cute at all! I did it for a weeee card making competition last month for a local (not very crafty) shop. There were quite a few entries, mostly from children, I grabbed him back today because he was about the only one there that didn't have cut up egg boxes for eyes! He was first seen as a drawing I think, on one of my WOYWW posts. The rabbit is actually stuck on over the back ground so I can peel him off and put another image in later. Yep, I often do that. Some times I don't even stick it, I use blue tac...the white blue -tac.
New Followers!! Welcome ((big wave)) and a Hi to Scrappy Mel, who has some smashing cards and who I 'met' on the Longest Blog hop Ever! Go and join in!! Tmto221 who's picture looks like Shirley's until you click on it but there's no link, (I'll put that in later) I think it's you Tammy (?) Yes, it's Tammy from Tammy's Recreational Corner, where she's had a big clean out and started her blog all over again! and Shirley, from SD Crafts (who I 'know' for WOYWW) Hope the links work as Mr Blogger is being a grumpy old so and so and keeps going to error! So that's it for now, back tomorrow with some ATC's that were in the April Swap of one of the forum's I'm catch you later! (not if we see you first!)

Sunday, 25 April 2010

It's Blooming Time For OSAAT's New Challenge

It's that time again! (and I'm beginning to think there's only two days in a week. Wednesday and Sunday! Where does the week go?

One Stitch At A Time's
has started over on the blog.
Did you guess at my sneaky wolfer's last night?? It was a bit too easy, wasn't it.
The Challenge this week is...


So let's see everything you have with flowers on it. (even granny's tea-cozy, if she knitted it herself and has a blog!) So hop over to the Challenge blog and see who Mr Linky picked...and who were our top three. There were some really amazing cards and you never know it might be you!! If it is, don't forget to grab your blinkies.
I've used one of Lexi's Creations lovely images. Her name is Tessie Turtle if you click the link you'll find where she's hiding in the Stitchy Bear's shop, along with loads of her friends, and I've also used the sketch from Midnight Madness (although you'd never guess!!) Promarkers to colour and all the flowery papers are Pink Petticoat. The flowers are from Daisy Doodles, the pearl studded brads are from my stash and have a sequin behind them. The gems are PaperMania. I did the sentiment on the Computer. (You're The One For Me) The font is a freebie and is called BlackJack, one I've used before but if you missed it you can download it HERE
I'm not here, so this will magically appear some time on or before or even after the stroke of twelve noon!
I'm back, visitors arriving any second and you all know what my dinning table looks like!! I think it's 'shove everything in a very large box and hide it somewhere' time!

Midnight Madness- Sketch
inspiration-avenue-team. - bloom
ourcreativecorner6. - blossoms
crazyamigochallenge - flowers
sentimentalsundays. - blooming gorgeous
dareu2digistamp. - flowers
digitaltuesdaychallenge.- flowers or showers

Crafty C Has Birthday Candy! CLOSED!

Yes, Crafty Claire has some amazing Birthday Candy to celebrate her big 0 birthday! (which one?? I'm not telling!)

2 X MAGNOLIA STAMPS (1 from the new Fairytale collection)
+ a selection of stamped images
WOW!!! Click on the picture to take you over to Crafty C's Crafting Library and find out how you can win! and wish her a happy birthday too!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

A Sneaky Wolfers at OSAAT's Next Challenge

Well, it's nearly midnight so I thought I'd show you a sneaky peek at my next card for the One Stitch at a Time's Challenge starting at noon tomorrow!! (Sunday, just in case you're reading this upside down) You thought I'd forgotten, didn't you? As if! (shhh I won't mention that the glue hasn't dried yet!) This next challenge is going to smash all other challenges we've had so far, we're going to have sooo many entries Mr Linky won't have time to put his pants on! So, did you spot the clue? Easy! I knew you'd guess. (for those of you who didn't, there's an anagram in the title) Y'mean Sneaky is Snakey?? We're doing snakes?? (No! don't be silly!!)
Hi to new follower Sandy, sorry can't link your Blog at the moment Sandy as your link on followers doesn't work, but I'll find you. (or someone will!) Right, that's me done for today, seeing it's now tomorrow!! The challenge post will be on timer so I hope Mr Blogger has his watch on the right way round. Bye bye for now.
oh, p.s., don't forget to join in with the biggest blog hop ever!! See my post here and join in!!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Tilda In Her Garden with Freebie Ginghams

If you looked in on WOYWW on my Wednesday post (HERE) you would have spied on my workdesk (dining table) that I'd been doodling again. The idea is, to make a few of my own digi backgrounds, which could then be used with other digi's or stamped images.
I finished this last night and made it into a card. I've coloured it with ProMarkers and put (Christmas) Party Tilda on the front on her way to a birthday party. The original drawing is a lot bigger than this one. This picture's a little too small for Tilda to stand on the path, because if she did she'd be taller than the tree! (Giant Tilda!! Don't worry she can't eat you, she has no mouth!! as hubby keeps pointing out!) But we won't mention that! My other idea is, if you print the background out twice you can then cut out the tree and make it 3D. I've done this with another one of my back grounds (Here) The happy birthday sentiment on the front of the card was a freebie from a set of clear stamps from a craft magazine, I'd forgotten I had them, so it's being used for the first time, as is the black and white heart brad, which is from Woodware. The black diamond pattern was made by a docrafts xcut punch. First time I've used that too, mainly because it cut the card, where the MS punch didn't. (and it was only about £3.50!) I've also added a smidgen of micro glitter on Tilda's pocket.The black and white gingham paper is a freebie from Activity Village That link will lead you to the 'darks' where you'll find about 16 pages of dark gingham colours. If you change the word 'darks' in the web address to Pastels, you'll get another 16 pages of pastels, and if you change it again to brights, you'll find even more!
The font inside the card is also a freebie (Of course!) and is called Clarence but, if you type it into Google you get a different font , so, I've found it's 'other name' arctic 2 and you can download it HERE
Hi and a very big (((wave))) to two new followers!! Wipso who's a WOYWW fan too, she has an amazing blog where she does fantastic things with fabric and you can learn all about 'dumfing'!! Her tiny handmade 'dumfed bear' and poppy pictures just have to been seen so please go and have a look!!! Big welcome to Jay Freshwater (I stop here and reach for my book, the one with the cats on...that name rings a bell!) It's Purple Hat!! Who I know from TrimCraft Forum, she's a fab crafter and I know I must owe her a trillion RAK's. ( I now feel very guilty coz I haven't been over to TrimCraft in ages!) No link to your blog yet Jay so I'll just Google you are PurpleHats Shed Jay also has a link to Operation Shoe Box, which is 'an oranisation that encourages people to fill shoe boxes with a range of useful and everyday items that mean a great deal to the troops'.
Wow really long post, even tho half of it appears to be missing. Ah!! No, it's there, I've just typed it in black!! (idiot!) Anyway, I'll only do a short post tomorrow...(I'm such a bad fibber!)

Just Magnolia- Anything goes
Stamping Sisters in Christ- flowers (Tiny hand drawn ones!)
Sew Many Challenges-Anything goes
The Creative Cottage Challenge- Going Green
Passion for ProMakers- In The Garden

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Another Sunny Day

That's my stick!
I think spring is definitely here. It's been a lovely sunny day again today and once more the sea was as calm as a mill pond. So I thought I'd show you a picture of the sea, with the Isle of Wight in the distance and the two Labradors I sometimes take for walks a round their (very large) garden. As you can see, they found a stick! Back later on with a Tilda Card...I haven't done one for ages and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!
A view across the Solent, yesterday

Blue Baby Boy Card

Here's a quickie. Papers are freebies from PaperCraft Inspirations (Link on side bar) and the wording is printed out on glossy photo paper are also freebies from Mad About Cards. The little Forever Friends bear is a stamped image that I've coloured using my Promarkers...and yes, I've used this same pattern before and someone liked it so I did it again! And because it's a 'boy' card I can remind you about the Quirky Craft's Challenge going on right now, so get your 'man' cards over there!!
Hi and big wave to new follower Jan from Paper Craft Pleasures, pop over and see Jan's lovely blog, full of lovely ideas!
Cas-tastic Challenges anything (clean and simple)
Stamp Something -something layered
(the frame and the scalloped square)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

What's On Your ...Dining Table? Wednesday.

Bit of a cheat, because I'm not here, and for those of you who have already spotted the Bailey's, these pictures were taken last night, as I'm not here, I'm working. (working...(?) oh, ok...I'm playing ball with some lovely dogs) My craft room is just too messy, so messy in fact that I've been in the living room all week, hubby's been in the kitchen, finding out all about Digi's for me on his computer, because I'm rubbish at understanding all the gobbledygook, (he's actually making me a spiderweb watermark, how cool is that!!) And me? I've been diddling and doodling.
Last week it was the garden shed and this week, I wanted to draw a tree, because there's a tree challenge somewhere, and now I've forgotten where!! (If you know, please tell me!)
My idea is...I've drawn this quite big as you can see in the picture, and then reduced it, so little people like 'Tilda' can come and visit! (well I thought it was a good idea! What do you think?) I'm going to make a bench or a swing or something for the 'sitting Tilda next..
So, if you want to join in What's On Your WorkDesk Wednesday, pop over to Julia's blog and find out what every one's has been up to, take a pic of your 'stuff,' your desk, your shed, your floor, the cupboard under the stairs, your bed, the top of your washing machine or wherever you do your crafting and come and join in!!

A big ((WAVE)) and Hi to four new followers!! Hi to Debs H, sorry no link , but will find one! And Emu up a Gum Tree!! and Kirsti from One Mad Moo...who I found while joining in with the biggest blog hop ever... if you want to know more scroll down to last post and join in!!
Hi and a BIG (((wave))) to New Follower Summer who I also found on the BIGGEST blog hop ever. Summer has some lovely scrap book pages and other makes, so 'hop' over and see!
Scroll down too for the latest Quirky Craft's Challenge and the One Stitch At A Time's latest challenge! and come and join in!!
That's it from me, and as I'm not here, Mr Blogger will do the honours on the timer....I hope.... if he gets up in time! So, back later to correct all the spelling mistakes and come and visit!! Have a Good Day!! phew...I could do will a cuppa...or another Bailey's!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

There's A Blog Hop Going on...

I saw this 'Blog Hop' over on Liverpool Lou's (Anne's Blog) who saw it over on Paula's blog who found it over on.... anyway!! I thought I'd join in too. It's a way of finding all sorts of blogs you may never come across so just add your blog below, then go and copy the code in your next post...
After I Googled it, I found out it's all about Paper Craft's new Magazine: 'Go To Sketches', so when you add your blog to the list below, it will automatically be added to every blog who's blog-hopping! How cool is that!
(Here's were it started).

Tag!! Your Next!!

Just paste and copy this bit below into your next Post!!
Paper Crafts blog hop!
1. Add your blog!

2. Copy the script below and paste it on your blog post while in HTML view
<script src=></script>

(Linkup closed)
Paper Crafts blog hop!
1. Add your blog!

2. Copy the script below and paste it on your blog post while in HTML view.

Little's Monthly Blog Candy!

Hop over to Littles Creative Corner every month and join in the candy give away. This month the prize is a £10 gift voucher sponsored by JOANNA SHEEN.
Ends 1st of May

Monday, 19 April 2010

My Guys Digi Scrap Page

I'm quite pleased with this, even tho it isn't brilliant, but it's only my second try at doing a Digi scrap page. I did it in one of the very first editions of My Craft Studio, which I got free with a Crafty Magazine and most of my additional add-ons I received as free downloads from a Create and Craft email. I did have a bit of a problem changing the file into something I could see in another folder. My Craft Studio, seems to be the only thing it would open in. And...I added some flourishes, which had a clear back ground so you could see through them but once saved in another format (Hubby did it, he had something on his laptop that I didn't! apart for ketchup and coffee stains!) showed up with a white back ground, so they had to come out! I ended up making this in a different programme and loaded it straight onto blogger as easy as throwing mud pies!
Showing the flourishes that had to come out!
And it was a lot smaller too

Originally I did this for the Quirky Challenge, which is anything with a masculine theme to it, and what better than my guys?? John my lovely hubby and my grand son, Mason, who's miles away living in Money Creek, somewhere approx an hours drive from Seattle, USA.
To see a really lovely Scrapbook page, pop over to the Quirky Craft's Challenge Blog. Caro's made a brilliant one!! Scroll down to yesterday's Post to see my Mad Madison DT card...Thanks for stopping by!

Spring Kit CANDY Celebrating 100,000 Blog Hits

Kellie Winnell is offering the 'Spring Swiss Pixies Kit' as a candy, to celebrate over 100,000 blog hits! Click on the link to find out how you can be in with a chance to win this lovely cute candy!!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Trains, Planes and Automobiles, or Something for the boys

The New Challenge has now started over on
It was my turn to chose the winner, which was really hard and I'm thinking we should start a top three or even a top five!! (what d'you think?) So thank you to all those of you who entered, we really did have some fabulous cards and other makes using my sketch, not so many entries, as I know 'sketches' aren't quite so easy, so for this fortnight's Challenge over on Quirky Crafts Anne has chosen...(drum roll please Sid!)

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles
Boys and their Toys (no rude stuff please!)
anything with a masculine theme to it!

We're hoping loads of you will put those thinking caps on and come and join us!!
This is my DT card for the challenge. I've gone with the mad Madison again and a cupcake topped with a racing car! I hope it's made of sugar icing!

Once again the lovely Niki from...
has very kindly agreed to sponsor us for the next Fortnightly Challenge. Pop over and have a look at Niki's 'Limited Runs Digi' images, enter the challenge to be in with a chance to win three digi 's of your choice!
Ok. It's not easy having a girl with an axe and putting her on a card! But I've grown very fond of Madison, one of the Sister's Grim. (Yep, she has sisters!) Usually she's dark and Gothic but she can be sweet and sugary in a sickly sort of way!
I've used Pink Petticoat Papers, my Nesties to cut the scallop circles, couple of Auntie Brenda's Buttons from my button tin and of course, my Promakers to do all the colouring, except the 'skin', where I used my Copic pens (still haven't got any skin Promakers!) Of course all the fonts are freebies. The first one is called CK Alis Hand Official and has a link in the post below thisone (go on, scroll down!) and the 'Happy Birthday' you can see inside the card, (great isn't it!!) is called 'You Wish You Were Shirley" ! Yes, honest...(who thinks up these names!?) and you can download it for free from HEREThe 'boxes' I've used on the card can all be made on your computer, and with a bit of fiddling you can easily get the words to fit inside too!
I've also done a couple of other 'things' with a guy theme. A digi scrapbook page that I did in My Craft Studio, but I'm still trying to work out how to put it into a file that blogger can read! So, if they're not here now, they'll either be here later or on another post during the week to remind you to come and join in with the Challenge!
That's it from me!! I'm not here, so this post should appear by magic! I'll be back later to correct all the smelling mistakes and add any links I've forgotten!! do it all over again!! Bye for now!! Oh, just thought of something!! Quirky Crafts are having a DT call, so come over to the Challenge blog and join in that too!!
Craftycatz weekly challenge- red and green and use a punch
(Promakers and a Woodware punch)
Creative Belli challenge - use die cut shapes

It's The New OSAAT Challenge, Thank you!!

The New Challenge over on One Stitch At A Time has begun!!
Pop over to see who won and who the top three are this week. Some really fabulous makes that will give you all some inspiration!
This week we'd like you to make a...
Thank You Card...
anything crafty, atc, fat page, scrapbookpage, altered art, anything you fancy that will go with the challenge of 'Thank you!' Easy!!
We all need a few Thank You cards tucked away just in case, don't we, so, let's see if we can beat last weeks challenge, which had some really amazing entires. I know I didn't get round to you all, will try harder next time, honest!!
This week I've used Donna's, Lil Diva image called 'A Sign of Spring' I've coloured it using my Promakers and have made my own back ground. It's supposed to be a crook of a tree for the little bird box to nestle in. I also coloured in some more of the flowers , cut them out and added them using 3D pads, not as decoupage, but slight screwiff, to make them look a little longer than they actually are. I then mounted the finished picture onto black card to frame it. The papers are Pink Petticoat. They were supposed to be in a very dark 'Chocolate' but the ink is a little low so it's come out slightly greenish, which doesn't look too bad. Sometimes, running out of ink invents a whole new colour, while other times looks as though you've just run out of ink! The font I used is called CK Alis Hand Official, one of my favourites and you can download it free HERE.
I'm not here, so I hope Mr Blogger's watch is on time. If well, no one'll notice! Catch you all later.
Meljens Designs-3D elements (The flowers)

Man, It's Plainly a Quirky Peak

Here's my Quirky peak for the new challenge that's starts sometime this (Sunday) evening over on Quirky Craft's Challenge. I'm not giving a lot away here as I'm sure, unless you're a mind reader, very clever, a DT member or have bribed someone who does know with chocolate, you'll never guess what the challenge is.
I'm not here, so, by the magic of blog-land, this should suddenly appear in a puff of green smoke... (nah...I'm fibbing, all out of green smoke)

Saturday, 17 April 2010

OSAAT's Sneaky Peak.

The New Challenge starts tomorrow, over on One Stitch At A Time, round about noon and here's a sneaky peak of my DT card. What d'think? Any Ideas? Pop back tomorrow and find out. I won't be here so Mr Blogger will be in charge, so I hope he gets the time right this week!! (I think he needs a new watch!)
Hi and a (((wave))) to new follower, Jenny who has Inky Hands! Hop over to see her lovely cards.

Friday, 16 April 2010

ATC's Easter/Spring/Animal

Friday Freebies from Bugaboo Stamps, don't you just love them! AND!!! The rabbit with the Chicken on his head is from Bee Crafty. A bit late for Easter I know, but that was the swap over on Cardmaking Downloads for April and I know you've seen some of these already, which I think I sent off to Quirky Craft's forum as they too were doing a spring/Easter/animal swap, but I did a few more because you can't have too much of a cute thing! I did the backgrounds again and of course used my Promaker pens, love them sooo much!!
I'm running an April swap as well, over on Cardmaking and Papercraft, which is 'Anything Goes', so a couple of these might be saved for that swap. So far I've received some lovely ATC's for the swap from forum buddies. The idea is, they send them to me, I'll shuffle them all up and send them each back a different ATC. I'll post pictures of all the swaps here at the end of the month, just before the new May swap starts. Anyone who wants to join in can do so!
A big (((wave) and HI!!! to two new followers, I've dragged in off of WOYWW! (Only kidding)
Julia, from Stamp Ground who is WOYWW so if you want to join in every Wednesday, you'll know where to go! And Mummylade, who has a very tidy crafty space, quite unlike mine! Pop over and say hi!
Catch you all tomorrow with sneaky peaks of my DT cards for this weekends new Challenges. Thanks for stopping by!

Passion for ProMaker- use own background
Totally Stampalicious. - Critters
PaperTake Weekly- Cutie Pie

Thursday, 15 April 2010

My Garden Shed

I used to do all sorts in my garden shed, at one time one half used to house the rabbits and guinea pigs. In the past I've written my 'never ending story' in there, (the silent trek back across the darkened lawn at three in the morning, was only shattered by the sound of crunching snail shells!) I've painted gnomes in there, which was fun, but after painting about two hundred red pointy hats the magic suddenly disappears. Of course we all know that lady gnomes have green hats, but that wasn't much better, and of course, I've crafted in there. But the shed's getting old and well, paper and a lot of cold wintry nights and rainy days do not go well together, even though over the years hubby has doubled its size and lined all the inside. It has all mod cons, Computer, printer, scanner, Telly, heater, swivel chair, kettle...but no sink! Well you can't have everything! Anyway, that was then and as you may or may not know, I was promoted to the spare room a few years ago. But the shed still holds fond memories.
I've been playing with my own digi images for a few weeks now, and I'm learning new things every day! If you scroll down, you'll see on my 'What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday' just how this drawing began it's life. I made this card last night, after finding I could cut and stretch individual pictures on the same sheet of paper. So I was well chuffed with myself! The shed doesn't really look too much like this. But it is blue...and as you can see in the's there in the background...smiling!

Passion For Promakers- Do your own background using only Promakers
Crafty Creations Challenges- limited edition challenge
One paper, (Pink Petticoat) One Image (mine) One embellishment (A black spotted bow)
Penny's Challenges-anything goes
Simpledoodles challenge15-inspire-others
I'm hoping this'll inspire others to have a go at doing their own doodlings!
Our Creative Corner-
Hand Full of Stamps- Digi It


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